Pupil E-Safety Survey 2017 Summary
In the Spring Term2017, an E-safety survey was given to all Key Stage 2 pupils as part of the school’s Safer Internet Day activities.
The purpose of the E-safety survey was to:
- Assess the effectiveness of our E-safety education
- Assess the safety of our IT infrastructure and policies
- Gain a picture of pupil use of technology out of school
- Ask pupils for their opinions and suggestions
- Promote awareness of E-safety
Questions were chosen to be appropriate to the age of the children and to provide an overview of attitudes and practices.
The collected survey data for Key Stage 2 are presented here along with analysis ofkey questions. The focus of this report is on cyberbullying, parental conversation, time spent online and pupils’ opinions of the school’s E-safety provision.
Key Stage 2 E-Safety Survey Results
KS2 / Q2 / Q4 / Q5 / Q6 / Q7 / Q8 / Q9A / Q9B / Q10 / Q11 / Q12 / Q13 / Q14ADo you use the Internet at home? / Do you know how to use the privacy and security settings on your devices? / During the week how long do you spend on the Internet each day? / At the weekend how long do you spend on the Internet each day? / Does your Mum or Dad talk to you about E-safety? / Does your Mum or Dad set rules for your Internet use? / Do you go on social networks at home? Yes/No / Do you go on social networks at home? Which ones? / Do you know how to use the privacy and security settings on these services? / Do you know how to block and report on these services? / Do you play online games? / Do you play games meant for people older than you are? / Do you know what to do or who to talk to... at home?
Yes / 166 / 98 / 93 / 93 / 155 / 65 / 77 / 135 / 97 / 146
No / 5 / 71 / 70 / 71 / 16 / 39 / 48 / 34 / 74 / 22
Some of them / 50 / 34
0 / 10 / 13
1 / 43 / 21
2 / 26 / 26
3 / 28 / 25
4 / 11 / 20
>4 / 51 / 60
DB Primary / 80
Facebook / 13
Twitter / 9
Instagram / 41
Snapchat / 56
WhatsApp / 38
Skype/Facetime / 92
Email / 41
Text / 98
KS2 / Q14B / Q15 / Q16A / Q16B / Q17
Do you know what to do or who to talk to… at school? / Have you ever been bullied online? / Have you ever reported cyberbullying or anything else bad online? Yes/No / Have you ever reported cyberbullying or anything else bad online? Who did you tell? / How good do you think the school is at keeping you safe?
Yes / 139 / 22 / 49
No / 24 / 148 / 101
Friend / 18
Adult at home / 31
Adult at school / 8
DB Primary whistle / 13
Social network report / 7
Online game report / 19
CEOP / 3
Not very good / 7
OK / 65
Very good / 93
Have you ever been bullied online?% Yes / % No
Year 3 / 5 / 95
Year 4 / 11 / 89
Year 5 / 13 / 87
Year 6 / 24 / 76
Total / 13 / 87
Parent Conversation about E-safety
Do your parents talk about E-safety with you?% No / % Yes
Year 3 / 71 / 29
Year 4 / 30 / 70
Year 5 / 40 / 60
Year 6 / 41 / 69
Total / 43 / 57
Time Spent on the Internet
How many hours do you spend each day on the Internet?Hours / Week Days / Weekends
0 / 6 / 8
1 / 25 / 13
2 / 15 / 16
3 / 17 / 15
4 / 7 / 12
>4 / 30 / 36
Pupil Opinion
How good is the school at keeping you safe?% Not Very Good / % OK / % Very Good
Year 3 / 0 / 30 / 70
Year 4 / 12 / 26 / 62
Year 5 / 0 / 49 / 51
Year 6 / 6 / 56 / 38
Total / 4 / 39 / 57
Pupil Suggestions
What else could the school do to keep you safe online in school AND at home?
Year 3
Talk about being safe on the Internet more often.
Don't go on YouTube.
Keep blocking websites.
Make the teacher talk to you more about it.
Keep blocking some of the things.
To be next to you in case something happened.
So they [teachers] can read our messages.
Keep blocking mean things.
I think the school should log off [block] websites that aren't appropriate.
Stop you going online.
Have a safety lock.
To block the websites.
Logging of/off websites.
Put a lock on things so we can't go on things that aren't nice.
Have a teacher with you.
Don't let the pupils on YouTube.
Tell the children how to use the Internet.
Search all online services.
They could give you a safety book.
Tell you not to go online.
If you delete a photo it will go offline.
To block other websites with passwords.
Stop playing online.
Year 4
I think school could keep us safe by teaching us more.
They could have more security settings so that other people could not see pupils' passwords and other private things.
Add firewalls.
Teach us more for home.
You should do more at home.
Use more computers.
They could stop you chatting online.
To tell us which [apps and websites] are not good for us.
Tell us not to talk with a stranger on the computer or outside or at home.
Get rid of the app.
Do not put bad people on DB Primary.
Tell parents what to do if you get bullied please.
Keep an eye on you.
Year 5
Check more on people and don't say ignore them.
Say you are not allowed online at break, dinner etc.
Make sure everyone is going on appropriate things.
Talk about it more and tell us something new because we know the old information.
Not allow some games.
Stop online games.
Tell an adult what game you're on.
Maybe look at things appropriate for your age and year.
I think in assembly you [should] go on social media and show people how to block.
Watch us do whatever online.
Do more lessons on online bullying.
Have a 3 strike system and more buddies out.
On websites you could like give us more buttons to click on when you're in danger or getting bullied.
Year 6
Tell us how to block on particular web sites and apps.
Putting something on app store so people stop downloading things too old for them.
Have sessions showing us what to do step by step.
Making safer games.
I think they could tell us to tell them what we go on and maybe if anything is happening and if so get us in a room and sort it all out.
Could teach us more about E-safety.