Activity 1: Overviewing a Textbook (Pg. 113-114)

1.The textbook is about critical reading and thinking.

2.The authors are Pirozzi, Starks-Martin, and Dziewisz.


4.Pearson Education


6.Brief and Detailed Table of Contents

7.There are nine chapters.

8.Glossary; Credits; Index

9.The purpose is to provide students with critical reading and thinking opportunities. This can be found in the preface.

10.The major features are for each chapter are the following:

  • Chapter Outline and Outcomes
  • Think About It!
  • Looking Back…Looking Forward
  • Web-Site Investigation
  • Think Again!
  • Listening Springboard Inquiry
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Mastery Tests

11.In the index, there are two entries under skimming.

12.Cornell method, SQ4R, concept mapping, and KWL

13.A value word is a word that emphasizes a value, judgment, feeling, or tone that an individual has toward a subject. They are also called clue words. [from the glossary]

14.Unbiased means evenhanded, objective, impartial, or without prejudice; factual. [from the glossary]

15. A prefix is a word part added in the front of a root word to change meaning or create a new word; a suffix is a word part added after a root word. [from the glossary]

16.An antonym is a word that has an opposite meaning from the target word. [from the glossary]

17.Filling their Minds with Violence [from the credits]

18.Essentials of Economics [from the credits] or image credits [from the credits] 20 [from the index]

Activity 5: Question and Answer; Underlining and Highlighting

  1. How is marriage an exercise in self-interest? Economists observe that spouses show consideration for their marriage partners in the hope or expectation that the favor will be returned. Also spouses show their commitment to each other by staying faithful, which establishes trust for financial decisions as well. By pooling their resources, both marriage partners can make themselves better off than they would be alone.
  2. What are the legal rights of women in Saudi Arabia? Women cannot have legal identity cards, so they cannot travel, purchase property, or enroll in college without permission from a male relative. They must be stay-at-home mothers and cover themselves in public. They cannot study law or become pilots, vote, or drive cars. They are now allowed to stay in a hotel alone, and the ban on driving might be lifted soon.
  3. How do proteins contribute to cell growth, repair, and maintenance? Proteins are constantly being broken down, repaired, and replaced. Even mature adults go through this process to maintain health. The constant turnover comes from our diet.
  4. Why do we sleep? One likely function of sleep is to provide a "time out" period, so that the body can restore depleted reserves of energy, eliminate waste products from muscles, repair cells, strengthen the immune system, or recover physical abilities lost during the day. Many researchers believe that sleep must have as much to do with brain function as with bodily restoration.
  5. What is deviance? There are at least three factors involved in determining what deviance is: time, place, and public consensus or power. First, what constitutes deviance varies from one historical period to another. Second, the definition of deviance varies from one place to another. Third, whether a given act is deviant depends on public consensus. In view of those three determinants of deviant behavior, we may more precisely define deviance as an act considered by public consensus or by the powerful at a given time and place to be a violation of some social rule.

MASTERY TEST 3-1: Chapter Concepts










10.bibliography or credits page




14.Captions, legends






20.who, when, what, where, how, why