The pupils enjoyed taking part in their sport day events and thank you to parents and carers for your support. I’m sure you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did!

Please check the dates overleaf as we have a very busy month ahead.

Just a reminder that the summer fair is on Sat 2nd July from 12.00-3.00pm. Look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes

Miss Smithson

Class Changes in September

Some time ago, we did tell you in a newsletter that we had hoped to move to 2 x Y5 and 2 x Y6 classes in September this year. Unfortunately due to budget cuts and lower pupil numbers than predicted, we will have to delay this change until September 2017. In between times, some of our staff have achieved promotions to new schools, and we have recruited others ready to start in September. Therefore, I am very pleased to tell you that the teaching staff for September 2016 will be as follows:

Y5/6 Mrs Giff (Phase leader) with Miss Shaw and Mrs Thorpe (3 classes)

Y3 and Y4 Mrs Taylor (Phase leader) with Mr Scott, Miss Cullimore and Mr James (4 classes)

Y1 and Y2 Miss Brown (Phase leader) with Miss Sproats, Miss Ferguson and Mr Horton/Miss Cheetham (4 classes)

EYFS Mrs Harrison (Phase leader) with Miss Johnson and Mrs Harden (2 Reception classes plus Nursery)

We are currently working out which children will be in which class, and placing our support staff accordingly.

Our school council were very effective in being involved with recruitment, and we took their opinions as being very important in the selection process. We are all looking forward to working with our new team in September!

Miss Smithson

Head Lice information - if any children have head lice, parentscan take a head lice on a piece of paper to their nearestpharmacy and get free treatment of lotion or shampoo. Thank you.

Ice Cream Sale – Ice cream will be sold on the Fuel for School stall on Thursday 7th July. They will be priced at 50p each.

Summer Fair – Sat 2nd July 12.00-3.00pm – This year the classes in Nursery, Reception, Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 (years 3 and 4) have their own stalls selling items that they have made in class. Don’t forget to come along and take a look! As it’s an Olympic year, this year’s fair has a sporty theme so there will lots of activities to take part in.

School Lunch Payments – Please ensure you send dinner money into school in a named envelope on Monday mornings for the week ahead. This is to ensure we adhere to the banking arrangements set by Leeds City Council.

Next academic year dinner money will be £2.20 per day for years 3-6 and Nursery will go down to £2.00 per day.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Recorder Club – From 9th September 2016 Recorder Club will be moved to Friday mornings at 8.15am in the Extended Services room). Thank you. Mrs Sayles.

Coffee Mornings – 9.15-10.00am on Monday mornings, in the Extended Services Room (to the left in the foyer of the main entrance). This is an ideal opportunity to chat to other parents and raise any concerns with the Learning Mentors.

Hope to see you there!

Uniform – Please can we ask for donations of uniform, particularly for younger children. Please hand into the office.

Small Toy Cars – Any donations of small toy cars (e.g. Matchbox) would be greatly appreciated. Please hand in to the office.

Thank you.

Miss Ritson/Mrs Holtby/Miss McCrum

Free Coffee Grounds – ‘Starbucks’ are giving away free coffee grounds for gardens. We would be grateful if you could pick up apacket forReceptiongardening. Thank you. Mrs Sayles.

Medical Appointments – Important information - When your child is absent from school due to any medical/dental appointment you will need to provide evidence or the absence will be unauthorised. This can be in form of an appointment card/letter or you may show an appointment text to a member of the office staff.

Thank you for your cooperation. Miss Smithson/Miss Ritson.

Parking – Polite Reminder: Please remember to park respectfully around school avoiding gates, driveways and grassed areas. Thank you for your cooperation. Miss Smithson.

Leeds 10k - Sunday 10th July, is the LEEDS 10K! We now have 43 people who are now part of our "Oulton Primary School’ team! We would be very grateful for donations to the Jane Tomlinson Appeal. Please visit Thank you.

Leeds Free Mini & Junior Run – Saturday 9th July – 10am, Leeds Dock – The mini run is 1.5km for ages 3-8 years and the junior run is 2.5km for ages 9-14 years. Parents/carers can register on-line at

Thank you for your support.

Mr Westmoreland


School End of Year Target / 96.0%
Whole School Figure to Date / 96.1%

Your child's attendance in school is extremely important; regular absences can have a huge impact on a child’s progress.

Contacting School – If your child is absent due to illness it is extremely important that you contact school before 9.30am on the day of absence. It is a legal requirement for parent/carers to inform school of any absence. If no communication is received, school will try to make contact via phone, text, e-mail or a visit to the family home. The reporting of any absences must be communicated to the office and not the class teacher. Also please ensure that contact details are kept up to date.

Holidays/Timekeeping - If you are required to take your child out of school during term time, you must complete a leave of absence request form, available from the school office. Although holidays during term time WILL NOT be authorised, a form must still be submitted. REMEMBER if you take your child out of school for a holiday you will run the risk of receiving a fixed penalty notice for the family.

REMINDER - School starts at 8.50am and we expect all children to be on the playground (KS2) or outside the classroom (KS1 & Reception) before this time. Lessons start promptly and when arriving late children are missing valuable minutes of their education. For children who are persistently late, parents will be invited into school to discuss further.Our school target is 96% this year. We can only achieve this with the support of our children and families. If you have any questions regarding your child’s attendance, please don’t hesitate to contact school..

Congratulations to the following classes:-

HT5 Attendance Champions Sea Horses – Reception – Mrs Harrison/Mr Horton

HT4 Silver Award – Jellyfish – Reception – Miss Kent

HT4 Bronze Award – Starfish – Year 5/6 – Mrs Taylor

Ms M Ritson (Learning Mentor)

1st July / Y6 Rodillian – Last day in School
2nd July / Summer Fair
6th/ 7th July / Royds Open Evenings
8th July / Reports Out to Parents/Carers (NOT Y6)
11th July / Y5/6 Dress Rehearsal
11th July / KS1 Parents’ Transition Meeting (After School)
11th July / Reception New-Starters Parents’ Meeting (5.30pm)
12th July / Y5/6 Production (Afternoon)
12th July / Early Years Parents’ Transition Meeting (After School)
13th July / Y5/6 Production (Evening)
14th July / Y6 Leaver’s Party (6.30-8.30pm)
15th July / Y6 Royds – Last day in School
19th July / Y5 Parents’ Transition Meeting (After School)
21st July / Transition Day 1 (Whole School)
22nd July / Transition Day 2 (Whole School)
25th July / Back to Usual Classes (Not Transition)
27th July / School Closes to Pupils at 1.30pm