Regular Meeting Minutes June 21, 2013

I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Public Comment:


III. Advisory Committee Updates:

1. Update on the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC)

Ms. BJ Taylor gave updates for CSAC. The Committee had the following discussions and updates at their June 12th, 2013 meeting;

1) Pet Ridership Policy

2) Social Media Placards

3) Dadnab update

4) Technology update

5) Hack-a thon

6) Website is more user friendly

7) Survey on the Proposed August 2013 Service Changes (Route 300)

2. Update on the Access Advisory Committee (AAC)

Mr. Boone Blocker gave updates for AAC. At the AAC meeting held on June 5, 2013, the following discussions and updates were given;

1) Reform on Access-A-Ride program

2) Procedures Metro Access Appeals whenever a member is absent

3) Keeping track of priority seating on Rail

4) Bus Stop Accessibility/ facilities and amenities

4) Interview Lead Time Action Plan

4) Interactive Voice Response System

5) FY2014 Budget

6) Fare Study

One committee member has resigned; the AAC hopes to get a replacement soon.

Board Member Frank Fernandez wanted to know the status of the customer survey. President Watson stated that the survey will take place next year.

IV. Executive Session of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code:


V. Board Committee Updates:

1. Operations and Planning Committee;

Chair Riley gave updates for the Operation and Planning Committee. There were six action items, the committee recommended all to be placed on the consent agenda at the Board of Directors meeting. The committee passed along without a recommendation the approval of MetroRapid Route 2 construction contract. Also the committee recommended the Project Connect Regional Plan be placed on the Board of Directors agenda as a Discussion Item.

2. CAMPO Update

Board Member David Siebold presented the update for CAMPO which included the following information; Mayor Lee Leffingwell is now Vice Chair for CAMPO and the criteria for the Centers and potential Centers is being reviewed.

VI. Reports:

1. Planning/Development

Todd Hemingson, Vice President, Strategic Planning and Development, gave updates on Project Connect.

Long Range Planning Director has been hired. He will be working with us and the City of Austin on planning.

Board Member John Langmore questioned how the numbers for Ridership be up 5.1 % YTD and up 3.3% in April, but is down 2.3% in April for fixed route. Todd responded that the UT routes are not included in the fixed route. UT numbers are included in the category "Other".

Board Member Norm Chafetz wanted to know more about the MetroRapid schedule and when will schedules be available for the public. Todd stated every 10 minutes in peak hours otherwise every 15 minutes. Schedules will be published in the fall.

Board Member Chris Riley wanted to know more about the UT ridership is up. Todd stated yes, it is up 11% YTD. Board Member Riley, it seemed as if ACC ridership is down 7.6%. Todd stated that the ACC enrollment was down significantly this semester. Board Member Langmore stated that UT is captured in Other, this is the reason that the system varied in the fixed routes numbers. Board Member Langmore suggested that staff add the note to show or confirm the trends for UT. Board Member Ann Stafford invited Board members to ride the UT shuttles, the buses are quite full.

2. Operations

Dottie Watkins, Vice President, Bus and Paratransit gave the Operations Report. Numbers are somewhat lower because of the rain in the month of April may have caused an unusual number of accidents and delays. Operators that have had accidents receiving additional one on one training. With added staff the eligibility appointments are now meeting the criteria of an average of 14 days to get the appointment. Chair Martinez congratulated Dottie and the staff for doing a great job in meeting the goals.

3. Finance

Frank Ordaz, Director of Financial Planning, gave the Finance Report. The revenue is up for the year of 2013. Vice Chair Langmore, we will get an update of the $50-$60 million in the unspent capital project budget and what it represents. He wants to know if the projects are on time. President Watson stated that the information will be in the next quarterly meeting. Chair Langmore wants to be sure that there was an explanation on the whether the money was spent this year and how it was used.

4. President's Report

Linda Watson, President and CEO gave the President's Report. President presented the following information and updates;

1) MetroRapid the 60-foot vehicles, 10 of the vehicles have arrived from the manufacturer;

2) Public Input Opportunities for Project Connect and Fare Structure

3) Ted Ward won first place in the 2013 National Community Transportation Roadeo, and he is the Otis Reed, Jr. Driver of the Year award. This award goes to the participant who wins their division by the greatest margin. Capital Metro is the only transportation agency that has four national Roadeo champions in both fixed-route and paratransit competitions.

VII. Consent Items

1. Resolution-CMTA-2013-43 Approval of the board minutes for May 13, 2013 public hearings regarding Title VI and August Service Changes; May 13, 2013 Operations and Planning Committee meeting; May 14, 2013 Finance, Audit and Administration Committee meeting; and May 20, 2013 Board Meeting.

2. Resolution-CMTA-2013-44 Approval of a resolution reappointing Ann Nelson to the Access Advisory Committee.

3. Resolution-CMTA-2013-45 Approval of a resolution authorizing the president/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Bunting Graphics, Inc., to provide approximately 200 Urban Bus Stop Signage Assemblies in an amount not to exceed $468,047.

4. Resolution-CMTA-2013-46 Approval of a resolution authorizing the president/CEO, or her designee, to amend an existing contract with HDR Engineering for Real Estate Advisory Services to increase the allowable aggregate amount for the five-year term to a not-to-exceed amount of $750,000.

5. Resolution-CMTA-2013-47 Approval of a resolution approving and adopting an updated Charter Statement for the Operations, Planning and Safety Committee.

6. Resolution-CMTA-2013-48 Approval of a resolution authorizing the president/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Round Rock authorizing Round Rock to be a direct recipient of a portion of Capital Metro’s FY2013 and 2014 Federal Section 5307 Program funds.

VIII. Action Items:

1. Resolution-CMTA-2013-49 Approval of a resolution of support for the Project Connect High Capacity Transit System Plan

Todd Hemingson, Vice President, Strategic Planning and Development, presented this item. The Transit Working Group (TWG) supports and recommends resolutions to CAMPO. The following entities presented resolutions; Austin Chamber; RECA; DANA; DAA; Movability Austin and CNU-CTX. Todd also presented the next steps which included Project Connect Plan by summer; public education; complete North Corridor study; complete Central Corridor -Urban Rail Study; incorporate into CAMPO 2040 plan, and implement the plan.

Board Member Riley wanted to know more about the Redline in downtown-west. Todd stated that the potential is there put that plan is still open to be determined.

Vice Chair Langmore, thanked Todd and staff for working on the Project Connect. The mayor has formed a task force for Central Corridor downtown; the committee members have agreed to serve but they have not met yet. Many of the details for the Urban Rail routing will be discussed by that committee. The Mayor wants some phase of Urban Rail to be on the ballot in May or in November. Moving into the budget discussion that Capital Metro will contribute to some of the cost of operating Urban Rail.


MOVER: John Langmore, Vice Chair

SECONDER: Frank Fernandez, Secretary

AYES: Chafetz, Silas, Langmore, Fernandez, Stafford, Siebold, Martinez, Riley

2. Resolution-CMTA-2013-50 Approval of a resolution authorizing the president/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Muniz Concrete & Contracting, Inc. for $2,436,172 to construct 34 MetroRapid stations and related infrastructures over a 270 calendar-day period, with a 10% contingency amount of $243,617, for a total amount not to exceed $2,679,789.

Ken Cartwright, Vice President, Capital Construction and Engineering, noted that Muniz Concrete and Contracting, Inc., received the winning bid.

Construction of the second route of the MetroRapid Route which goes from the Domain down Burnet Road, through the downtown area to South Lamar and terminates at the West Gate Shopping Center. The DBE goal was met and staff recommends the Board to award this contract to Muniz. Board Member Chafetz asked about the $2.6 million. Ken stated that Muniz was within the project estimate. Board Member Riley wanted to know if there were any areas for collaboration. Ken stated that they had collaborated with the City of Austin to minimize the impact of detours while in construction. Board Member Riley wanted to know if there were any drainage issues on South Lamar. Ken responded that there are none that we know are aware of as we have worked with the City of Austin.

Board Member Riley also questioned the 300 block of Lavaca the bike racks had been removed. Does this contract include the bike racks. Ken clarified that each location will have a bike section, and we are close to adding the shelter and then the bike racks will be replaced.


MOVER: Beverly Silas, Board Member

SECONDER: Ann Stafford, Board Member

AYES: Chafetz, Silas, Langmore, Fernandez, Stafford, Siebold, Martinez, Riley

IX. Presentations:

1. Presentation-(ID # 2527) State and Federal Legislative Update

Christy Willhite, Government Relations Manager, provided a wrap up to the Board on the 83rd Legislature’s Regular Session, providing the outcome of bills like SB 276, HB 1545, and HB 2148, all signed by the Governor. Christy, went on to give a federal update, discussing the Transportation Appropriation process and President Watson’s recent successful visit with Capital Metro’s congressional delegation about funding and Positive Train Control.

X. Adjournment

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez, chairperson; John Langmore, vice chair; Frank Fernandez , board secretary; Council Member Chris Riley; Council Member David Siebold; Beverly S. Silas; Ann M. Stafford and Norm Chafetz. Board Liaison: Gina Estrada (512)389-7458, email if you need more information.

The Board of Directors may go into closed session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney for any legal issues, under Section 551.072 for real property issues; under Section 551.074 for personnel matters, or under Section 551.076, for deliberation regarding the deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices; arising regarding any item listed on this agenda.


Gloria E. Barnes Date

Support Specialist II


Board of Directors Page 2 Printed 9/18/2013