Sunday May 20, 2007 / New Orleans (HPLS)


Dennis deLeon Latino Commission on AIDS New York, NY

Guillermo Chacon Latino Commission on AIDS New York, NY

Marcy Lopez Latino Commission on AIDS New York, NY

Noel Zuniga BIENESTAR Los Angeles, CA

Victor Martin BIENESTAR Los Angeles, CA

Raul Romaguera CDC/DHAP Atlanta, GA

Jasmin Minaya CDC/DHAP/CBB Atlanta, GA

JoAna M Stallworth CDC/DHAP/CBB Atlanta, GA

Nelson Colon Cartagena CDC/DHAP/CBB Atlanta, GA

Angel Ortiz Ricard CDC/DHAP/PPB Atlanta, GA

Gustavo Aquino CDC/DHAP/PPB Atlanta, GA

Maria Alvarez CDC/DHAP/PPB Atlanta, GA

Jose Davila Bronx AIDS Services Bronx, NY

Martin J Gonzalez CALOR Chicago, IL

Miguel Chacon USMBHA El Paso, TX

Gilda Roman-Nay-Torres PNT& Assoc. DW Group, Inc Florida

Manuel Rodriguez Broward County Health Dept Fort Lauderdale, FL

Beverly Mitchell Kentucky Public Health Frankfort, KY

Patricia Canessa Salud Latina/Latino Health Illinois

Luis Lopez Latino Coalition against AIDS/ AltaMed Health Services Los Angeles, CA

Alberto Santana Florida Dept of Health Miami, FL

Evelyn Ullah Miami Dade County Health Department Miami, FL

Oscar Salinas FACES New Orleans, LA

Rosa Bustamente-Forest Louisiana Latino Health Coalition New Orleans, LA

Liliana Ranon Latino Commission on AIDS / NLAAD New York, NY

Tim Frasca Latino Commission on AIDS / Deep South Project New York, NY

Carlos Hernandez Proceed, INC. New York, NY

Carlos Velez Z-Tech Corporation Rockville, MD

Jose J. Mulinelli COAI, Inc San Juan, PR

Elliot Rodriguez Puerto Rico Department of Health San Juan, PR

Luis Segundo Puerto Rico Department of Health San Juan, PR

Juan Ortega American Red Cross St Thomas U.S., VI

Ronald Johnson AIDS Action Council Washington, DC

Miguel Velez Farmworker Justice Washington, DC

Catalina Sol La Clinica del Pueblo Washington, DC

Federico Guiterrez NASTAD Washington, DC

James Albino NMAC Washington, DC


We must work to develop three documents:

1) National Latino AIDS Action Agenda

The agenda will represent our definition of what the underlying problems are and to suggest and prioritize the changes that we see as necessary to reverse this epidemic of indifference.

2) Call to Action (~1-2pgs)

Targets elected officials, the philanthropic communities, media, civic leaders, and the community-at-large to respond to the crisis of the HIV/AIDS impact on our communities.

3) Action Plan

Important document that guides our activities to make our priority issues into a reality.


a.  Working Groups – Each topic was discussed and led by its assigned facilitator. All attendants of the meeting collectively identified what was missing and needed to be added to the draft workgroup document.

  1. Prevention

Facilitator – Alberto Santana (FL)

Members - Danny Rodriguez (FL), Victor Martinez (CA), a CDC point person

  1. Access to Care

Facilitator – Federico Gutierrez (DC)

Members – Dennis deLeon (NY), Catalina De La Sol (DC), Ronald Johnson (DC), James Albino (DC), a CDC point person

  1. Immigration

Facilitator – Catalina De La Sol (DC) & Guillermo Chacon (NY)

Members – Guillermo Chacón (NY), Oscar de la O (CA), a CDC point person

  1. Epidemiology

Facilitator – Noe Zuniga (CA)

Members – Federico Gutierrez (DC), Gilda Roman-Nay-Torres (FL), a CDC point person

  1. Funding & Resources

Facilitator - Dennis deLeon (NY)

Members – James Albino (DC), Evelyn Ullah (FL), a CDC Point Person

  1. Research

Facilitator – Patricia Canessa (NY)

Members – Dennis de Leon (NY), Oscar de la O (NY), Eliot Rodriguez (PR), Carlos Hernandez (NY), Jose Joaquin Mulinelli (PR), a CDC point person

  1. Leadership

Facilitator – Guillermo Chacon (NY) & Marcy López (NY)

Members – Guillermo Chacon (NY), Alberto Santana (FL), Gilda Roman-Nay-Torres (FL), Manny Rodriguez (FL), Eliot Rodriguez (PR), James Albino (DC), Ronald Johnson (DC), Luis Segundo (PR), Carlos Hernandez (NY), a CDC point person


Workgroups will have separate conference calls led by its respective facilitator. The workgroups are responsible for finalizing the content of the workgroup topic that will become the content of the action agenda.

We recommend that individual workgroups process feedback and create a finalized draft between May and August.

Below are the proposed guidelines for each workgroup:


·  Identify/Introduce facilitator and note taker

·  Role of facilitator:

To introduce topic to the working group

To encourage dialogue and brainstorming of content for the agenda from all participants

To compile all notes from note taker and submit electronically to Marcy at and Mario at


Provide Feedback of the “Workgroups for Latino AIDS Action Agenda Process” document.

a.  Work as a group:

  1. What is missing?
  2. What are the priorities?
  3. Are additional resources and data needed?
  4. Identify top 4 priorities
  5. Identify 2 immediate, 2 mid term and 2 long term goals

b.  Next Steps needed

c.  Schedule next conference call; date and time



·  Face-to-face meeting at HPLS - 5/20/07

·  General Planning Conference Call - 5/30/07


·  Production & Feedback for Workgroups of Action Agenda

·  General Planning Conference Call - 6/26/07


·  Production & Feedback for Workgroups of Action Agenda

·  General Planning Conference Call - 7/24/07


·  Draft of National Call to Action Completed

·  General Planning Conference Call - 8/28/07


·  Present National Call to Action – meet/visits with government agencies – mobilization effort begins

·  Galvanize press – marketing / press effort begins / key national meetings

·  General Planning Conference Call - 9/25/07


·  Congress Adjourns

·  General Planning Conference Call - 10/30/07


·  Draft Document of National Latino AIDS Action Agenda completed

·  Second face-to-face meeting to review draft agenda – United States Conference on AIDS, Nov 7-10th Palm Springs, CA

·  General Planning Conference Call - 11/28/07


·  Workgroups Review and finalize sections

·  General Planning Conference Call - 12/19/07


·  Congress reconvenes

·  National Latino Agenda Summit January 15th and 16th 2008 in Washington, DC

Utilize National Latino AIDS Awareness Day 2007 as a way to raise the issue and bring attention to the production on the National Latino AIDS Action Agenda.

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