NAME:______DUE DATE:______

C LEVEL (350 Points): Each assignment on the C Level is worth up to 100 points. All assignments must be checked off in class with Mr. Arnold on the day they are due. NO C, B OR A LEVEL ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE TURNED IN LATE FOR FULL CREDIT. ASSIGNMENTS TURNED IN 1-3 DAYS LATE WILL IMMEDIATELY BE DOCKED 50% OF THE POINT VALUE. NO C, B OR A LEVELS WILL BE ACCEPTED 4 DAYS AFTER THE DUE DATES. Also, whatever points you have earned at the time of the due date will be the final points you will receive for the C Level.In other words, all C Level assignments must be turned in together at the same time.

  1. Study Guide Notes completed from the PowerPoint information given in-class.
  1. Complete the historical biographical sketch (found on the blog) for each of the following 10 people from with WWI: Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, FDR, Josef Mengele, Winston Churchill, Hideki Tojo, Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Douglas MacArthur, and General George Patton. List the 3 most important accomplishments or data of historical importance for this individual related to the Civil Rights movement (Why did this person make the history book?). All information must be written in your own words. No “cutting and pasting” or plagiarism will be tolerated.
  1. MAP:

A) Properly color code and label the following items on a map of Europe: All European countries controlled by the Axis powers from 1942-44; Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Ocean, and the English Channel; The following Nazi Germany Extermination camps: Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Ausschwitz, Majdanek, Chelmo, Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.

B) Properly label the following items on a map of Asia: Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia, Soviet Union, the Philippines, and all other Asian lands and Pacific Islands conquered by Japan from 1942-45; South China Sea, Sea of Japan, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean.

  1. Complete the Holocaust Scavenger Hunt. This assignment will be posted to the blog so you can easily access the webpages needed to complete this assignment. ALL ANSWERS MUST BE TYPED.
  1. 5 Minute Oral Presentation: Research any event from WWII and prepare a five-minute oral presentation that will be presented to the class. The information about your chosen event must come from a source outside of your textbook. The presentation must be detailed and accurate; however it must also be short, sweet and to the point. Also, you MUST include some type of visual display (powerpoints must only be 1 slide in length and be brought on a flash drive or e-mailed to me). You may use notes to help you, but do not read the presentation. It will be much more interesting when you tell the story accurately in your own words and you’ll earn more points. Stories about relatives who served in the war are highly encouraged! A grading rubric will be provided so you can properly prepare your presentation.

WWII C LevelName:______

Assignments / Points Possible / Points Acquired
  1. STUDY GUIDE NOTES: completed from the PowerPoint information given in-class.
/ 70Points
  1. 10 PEOPLE:Complete the historical biographical sketch (found on the blog) for each of the following 10 people fromwith WWI: Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, FDR, Josef Mengele, Winston Churchill, Hideki Tojo, Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Douglas MacArthur, and General George Patton.List the 3 most important accomplishments or data of historical importance for this individual related to the Civil Rights movement (Why did this person make the history book?). All information must be written in your own words. No “cutting and pasting” or plagiarism will be tolerated.
/ 70Points
  1. MAP:
A) Properly color code and label the following items on a map of Europe: All European countries controlled by the Axis powers from 1942-44; Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Ocean, and the English Channel; The following Nazi Germany Extermination camps: Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Ausschwitz, Majdanek, Chelmo, Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.
B) Properly label the following items on a map of Asia: Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia, Soviet Union, the Philippines, and all other Asian lands and Pacific Islands conquered by Japan from 1942-45; South China Sea, Sea of Japan, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. / 50Points
  1. SCAVENGER HUNT:Complete the Holocaust Scavenger Hunt. This assignment will be posted to the blog so you can easily access the webpages needed to complete this assignment. ALL ANSWERS MUST BE TYPED.
/ 60Points
  1. 5 MINUTE ORAL PRESENTATION: Research any event from WWII and prepare a five-minute oral presentation that will be presented to the class. The information about your chosen event must come from a source outside of your textbook. The presentation must be detailed and accurate; however it must also be short, sweet and to the point. Also, you MUST include some type of visual display (PowerPoints must only be 1 slide in length and be brought on a flash drive or e-mailed to me). You may use notes to help you, but do not read the presentation. It will be much more interesting when you tell the story accurately in your own words and you’ll earn more points. Stories about relatives who served in the war are highly encouraged! A grading rubric will be provided so you can properly prepare your presentation.
/ 100Points
Total Points Acquired:

Instructions: All assignments must be put into a three ring binder and be in order exactly how they are listed above. Also, your name must be printed on every assignment. You will keep the assignments after they have been checked off with Mr. Arnold. NO C, B OR A LEVEL ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ALLOWED TO BE TURNED IN LATE FOR FULL CREDIT. ASSIGNMENTS TURNED IN 1-3 DAYS LATE WILL IMMEDIATELY BE DOCKED 50% OF THE POINT VALUE. NO C, B OR A LEVELS WILL BE ACCEPTED 4 DAYS AFTER THE DUE DATES.


NAME:______DUE DATE:______

B Level: Complete just oneassignment from the choices below in order to receive a “B” grade for this unit. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully in completing the assignment. ALL reports must be written in your own words!!

  1. Build a diorama of the D-Day invasion at Normandy. Accompany this with a 500 word typed paper that describes this operation.
  2. Find the Johnny Cash song, The Ballad of Ira Hayes. Listen to the song and then research the life of Ira Hayes. Type a 250 word paper on the Battle of Iwo Jima and the role played by Ira Hayes.
  3. Design a patriotic poster for the United States during WWII. Use the Internet or pages 568 and 591 of your textbook as examples.
  4. Provide a picture and a brief description of the capabilities of each of the following aircraft: B-29 Superfortress, Spitfire, P-38, B-17, Zero Fighter, Stuka, Messerschmitt, and P-51. (Must do all 8 aircraft.)
  5. Using the Internet, research The Tuskegee Airmen. Write a one page typed paper that describes the obstacles these African-American servicemen had to overcome to defend their country.
  6. Find and print a map of Japanese-American Internment Camps located in the U.S. Then write a 250 word paper outlining the treatment and discrimination against these American citizens. Be sure to include information on the 1944 Supreme Court case Korematsu vs. United States, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), and the Civil Liberties Act of 1988.
  7. Watch any of the WWII videos found on the document on my blog and complete the video assignment also found on my blog.
  8. Build a memorial in any manner of your choosing to honor the holocaust victims. The memorial must consist of at least 10 pictures and each picture must have a brief but detailed summary.
  9. Create a poster of 10 different types of weapons used in WWII. Each picture must include the name of the weapon and which country used them.
  10. Have you ever been to any WWII sites or the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC? Type a minimum 250 word report on the site and your personal experience at the location.
  11. Research and type a minimum 250 word report on one of the attempted assassinations of Hitler.
  12. Create a collage using at least 10 pictures that represents the role women played in WWII in the U.S. that answers the following questions: What did women do during WWII? Did men, women and children at home have to make sacrifices during the war?
  13. Build a PowerPoint that teaches about the WWII Enemy Alien Control Program. The PowerPoint must have at least 10 slides, each slide needs a picture that represents the information found on the slide. Print the PowerPoint as a handout OR e-mail the PowerPoint to Mr. Arnold.
  14. Create a pictorial essay (all pictures) that displays the power and effect of the two atomic bombs used on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You need to have 1 page for Hiroshima and 1 page for Nagasaki and each page must contain at least 10 pictures. The following website will be a big help to you:
  15. Complete assignment #6 on the A level unit sheet to count as both an A and B assignment (150 points).


NAME:______DUE DATE:______

A level: Choose one of the following assignments to achieve an “A” grade for this unit. The completed assignment must be a minimum of 500 total words typed. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions and do your own work. NO CUTTING AND PASTING WILL BE TOLERATED!

  1. Journal Entry:Create a journal entry from the viewpoint and perspective of each of the following 2 individuals: A) A military survivor stationed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942. B) A New York City citizen who witnessed 9/11. Includeaccurate historical facts and emotionsin your journal entries.
  1. Speech: Create a speech to present to the United Nations about the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948 from the viewpoint and perspective of each of the following individuals: A) A recent displaced Jew. B) A Palestinian. Include historical facts and emotionsin your speeches.
  1. Poem: Write a poem (4 total; one for each letter) that describes the purpose and the conditions of the camps for each of the following individuals: A) Japanese-American internment camps. B) Jewish concentration camps. C) American POW’s (Prisoners of War) in the Philippines after the Bataan Death March. D) The possibility of Arab-Americans being put into internment camps immediately following 9/11.Include historical facts and emotionsin your poems.
  1. Victory Speech and Letter to President Truman:A) Write a WWII victory speech for President Truman to present to the American people immediately following the surrender of Japan. In the speech include the justifications of dropping two atomic bombs on Japan. B) Write a letter to President Truman from the viewpoint and perspective of a Japanese atomic bomb survivor. Include historical facts and emotionsin your speech and your letter.
  1. Newspaper: Create a newspaper with 3 sections written in any manner of your choosing using 3 DIFFERENT methods (Examples: editorials, cartoons, news articles, advertisements, interviews, etc.). The three sections should include information about A) U.S. war mobilization. B) Conservation of fuel and goods. C) Roles of women, African-Americans and Navajo Indians during WWII.
  1. Children’s Book:This assignment will count as an A level and a B level!! Create a children’s book titled “I Wonder Why WWII Was Fought and Other Questions About WWII.” The book must be 10 pages in length and include a cover with the title and a picture. Each page must include the following: A) 3 questions relating to the subject. B) a brief, accurate and detailed answer to the question written in your own words. C) a picture next to each question. Pictures may be hand drawn only if you are artistically gifted. Otherwise all pictures need to be printed pictures. Create your book on unlined white paper and bind it with a plastic slide sleeve. Important Note: remember your audience when you write this book. Also, all work must be original. Do not cut and paste information off the Internet. Have fun with this and be creative. I have 2 examples of books if you want to examine them before getting started on your project.