Villas at Giants Ridge
HOA Board of Directors
Saturday, May 20, 2017 @ 8:00 a.m.
A meeting of the Villas at Giants Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors was called to order at 8:00 a.m. on SaturdayMay 20, 2017via conference call.
Present:Cindy Jindra, Chuck Squires, Judi Glasner,Roger Koppendrayer, Doug Lovett,andLarry Hanson
Absent:Ron Reich
Guest Services, Inc.:After much discussion, Doug Lovett stated that he will continue to have conversations with Guest Services, Inc. about how we can work together for the betterment of Giants Ridge. He will report the progress at our next scheduled meeting.
Hardwire Telephones:Cindy Jindra reported that the Fire Marshall says there is no law stating we must have hardwire phones in our units. It is up to the individual owners as to whether they keep or close the hardwire telephones in their units.
Maintenance:Cindy Jindra reported that maintenance has requested that we need to look for a new or used ranger. After some discussion, Roger Koppendrayer volunteered to see what is available and make recommendations at our next scheduled meeting.
Monthly Assessments:There was much discussion regarding the possibility of raising the monthly assessment to accommodate the funding of the reserves. Doug Lovett stated that he will put the numbers together and report back at our next scheduled meeting.
Timeshare units:Cindy Jindra reported that Leisure will complete inspections in all timeshare units to see what upgrades are recommended in each timeshare unit. We will begin the process of upgrading some items in each unit every year.
Next Meeting:The next scheduled meeting of the Villas at Ridge HOA Board of Directors will be Saturday, June 3, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. via conference call.
Adjournment:A motion was made byLarry Hanson, seconded byChuck Squiresto adjourn the meeting at 8:45a.m. It was unanimously carried.