*2014 AT A GLANCE*
January2014 /
/ LD plan write up is in full swing with the writing group meeting every few weeks from now on until June 2014.
We gather loads of Hampshire local people’s pictures for the LD plan. This goes on for months.
We also talk about Switch Hampshire and energy bills in the LIGs as well as transformation too
Jess Hutchinson’s first Partnership Board meeting
February / / We talked about good support in the LIGs and we talk about the LD plan.
Loads of ideas still coming.
March /
/ Start of the LD framework talks in the LIGs
4th March - Ian joins us at co-chair of the Blue LIG
April / / The “Local offer” talks in the LIGs
“My day” is a big topic in the LIGs. Loads of discussions
2nd April – LIG reps meeting
May / / Hampshire Learning Disability Network - Facebook page created
21st May “My Day” is the topic of our Partnership Board
June /
/ We talk about people with complex needs in the LIGs. This is very important for some our carers reps.
11th June - Partnership Board workshop
Loads of talks and ideas for the launch of the LD plan which are then followed by loads of meetings.
21st June – Brian gets married!
July / / 16th July 2014 – launch of the LD plan at Ashburton Hall, Winchester. Over 110 people came. Steve Taylor came too.
Do you remember the cakes that were made by the LIGs? Do you remember the balloons?
23rd July – LIG reps meeting
August / / HOLIDAY!
September / / Discussions - Care Act 2014
10th September 2014 - Partnership Board report “What I have achieved since becoming a Rep”
October /
/ 4th October – Andrea gets married
22nd October: LIG reps meeting
Video of the LD plan launch goes live on 28th October
November / / We start talking about the action plan for the LD plan in the LIGs.
Loads of ideas for our December Partnership Board meeting
2014 /
/ Our last Partnership Board for the year with the right support as a topic and how to keep the promise to make sure we get good support
We decide to hold LIG reps elections in April 2015 and the Partnership Co-chair elections in June 2015.
Our first Christmas party in the Green LIG.
Loads of mince pies eaten in each LIG.
And things quieten a little bit in time for Christmas….