Unit Curriculum Map for: American Literature (11)
Cook County Schools
Unit: 1 (A Gathering of Voices ) # of Days: 12Key Concept(s)
The beginning literature explores the perspectives and encounters of Native Americans (NA), Europeans, and African Americans.
ELA11W1b-g, 2 h-k, 4 a-f (reflective comp.) ELA11C1 a-c, 2 a-d; ELA11LSV1 a-h, ELA11LSV2 a, b, d;
ELAALRL1 a-e; NF a-c; ELAALRL2 a-d; ELAALRL3 a; ELAALRL4 a-c; ELAALRL5 a-c.
Unit Essential Questions
What happens when different cultures meet? What is theme?
What common themes are revealed in the cultural—NA, European/colonial, African—works?
What is the author’s point of view?
How does the author show bias to reach his or her objective?
What are the characteristics of an (origin) myth, narrative, and/or a journal?
What is involved in the writing process? What is an essay?
How do I use the writing process to create a persuasive essay?
1. Subject matter: NA works, slave narrative, Puritan sermon, Colonial writings
2. Key Content: literary terminology and characteristics, early American historical background,
Key Terms/Vocabulary – “Language of the Standard/Elements”
Genre, theme, speaker, tone, (sensory) imagery, author’s purpose, myth, origin myth, oral traditions, cardinal points, vault, alight, conjurer, underworld, medicine, paradox, point of view, allusion, Middle Passage, loathsomeness, pestilential, avarice, “necessary tubs,” scruple, nominal, foreboding, wigwam, serene, diligent, constitution, simile, metaphor, agitated, forbear, vindicate, reiterated, wrath
· Read, analyze, and reflect on the characteristics of various fiction and nonfiction works created during the beginning stages of American literature.
· Compare and contrast different types of works from this period
· Recognize that different types of writing require different formats.
· Learn and uses new vocabulary terms
· Practice standard rules of grammar, punctuation, and usage in daily oral and written language practice activities (DOL sentences, journals, essays and essay response items).
· Create & share aloud original poetry focusing on nature
Teacher observations and feedback
Written and oral quizzes
Benchmark Exams
Peer & Self assessment
Performance tasks: Expository & Persuasive compositions, Oral presentation