EOSA Executive Committee Minutes
April 9, 2013
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April 9, 2013
Conference Call
10:00 a.m. (EDT)
Representatives of the Executive Committee (Committee) of the Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Association, Inc. (EOSA) participated in a conference call on April 9, 2013. Members participating on the call included: Jonathan Bull, Kathy Hoffman, Chris Klosen, David Ludwig, Dale Stucker, Fenil Sutaria, and Randy Viscomi. Jake Vandevort participated on behalf of B&C Consortia Management, L.L.C. (BCCM).
1.0Administrative Issues
1.1Welcome and Introductions -- Viscomi welcomed everyone and called the conference call to order at approximately 10:05 a.m. (EDT).
1.2Antitrust Reminder -- Vandevort provided the antitrust reminder.
1.3Approval of March 12, 2013, Conference Call Minutes -- The March 12, 2013, conference call minutes were approved as distributed. Vandevort will prepare the minutes in final but will not redistribute them to the group.
1.4Next Conference Call -- The next conference call is scheduled for May 14, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. (EDT).
2.0U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) -- The IRIS Track website indicates the public comment period for the ethylene oxide (EO) IRIS assessment will occur during the fourth quarter of the fiscal year (July - September). Recent discussions with EPA suggest the assessment is likely to be delayed further. Vandevort will contact Bill Gulledge regarding his recent communications with EPA and the path forward.
3.0International Issues
3.1Germany -- Hoffman reported no new developments regarding the proposed regulation of a 0.1 ppm occupation exposure limit (OEL) in Germany. An update and discussion on dermal exposure issues in Germany will be added to the agenda for the general membership meeting.
3.2Canada -- No new developments were reported.
3.3European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) -- Vandevort reminded members that EO was to be evaluated by Austria in 2012. According to ECHA, the evaluation is ongoing and no documentation has been published. Hoffman will coordinate with her colleagues to obtain an update and additional information.
4.0General Membership Meetings
4.1May 20, 2013
4.1.1Status Update -- Leah Kegler, Vice President of Government Affairs for the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), has been confirmed as the guest speaker for the general membership meeting. Sutaria will inform Bela Jancsik of the decision. Vandevort will contact Jancsik to determine his interest and availability to present at the October meeting.
4.1.2Presentations -- Vandevort will prepare a template for each discussion topic. Members will provide input on additional points to be discussed during the membership meeting. Executive Committee members agreed to lead the following discussions during the meeting:
Regulatory Issues -- Hoffman;
Website and Outreach -- Klosen;
Webinars and Seminars -- Viscomi;
Challenges to EO and Competing Technologies -- Bull; and
Membership -- Sutaria.
4.1.3Logistics -- The reception will begin at 5:00 p.m. (EDT) followed by the dinner meeting at 6:00 p.m. (EDT). Registration fees will be $150 for members and $200 for non-members and those who register the day of the meeting.
4.2October 14, 2013 -- The fall meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2013. Opulus will provide the feature presentation. Elections will be held for the offices of Secretary and Vice President. The Executive Committee will consider forming a nominating committee following the May 20, 2013, membership meeting.
5.0Summary of Action Items --Action items are identified below:
5.1Vandevort will prepare the March 12, 2013, minutes in final but will not redistribute them to the group.
5.2Vandevort will contact Gulledge regarding his recent communications with EPA and the path forward on the IRIS assessment.
5.3Hoffman will provide updates on Germany issues during the general membership meeting.
5.4Hoffman will coordinate with her European colleagues on matters regarding the ECHA CoRAP evaluation for EO.
5.5Vandevort will contact Jancsik to determine his interest and availability to present at the October meeting
5.6Vandevort will prepare a template for each discussion topic scheduled for the May 20, 2013, general membership meeting.
6.0Adjourn -- There being no further business, the conference call adjourned at approximately 10:45 a.m. (EDT).
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