GLOBAL ART: Images of Caring

Language and Level: Spanish 4th year FLEXElementary or Middle School

Unit Title: GLOBAL ART: Images of Caring

Language and Level: Spanish 4th year FLEXElementary or Middle School


The purpose of this global art project is to provide the opportunity for children/youth in schools and communities around the world to exchange artwork images and writing on the theme of “Caring.” It is based on the iEARN project:

Project Description:

Students at Coe the American school and their partner school in Mexico create artwork that shows what they care about and how they care for one another and other living things in their schools, families, communities and the world. Each student also writes an essay or poem on his/her ideas on caring. The artwork and writing is are shared with other participants in the project by doing one or more of the following:

·  Putting digital images of their artwork and writing on a website and posting the webpage address on the Global Art Images of Caring iEARN Forum

·  Sending some of their artwork or copies of their artwork by regular mail to each of the other participating schools/communities

·  Sending a CD with images of their artwork and their writing documents to the other participating schools/communities

·  Sending images (small file size) of their artwork and writing by email to the other participating schools/communities

Teachers Involved (Winter, 2006)

Nelly Zambrano 1st grade

Angelica Camargo 3rd grade

Lessons in This Unit

·  Lesson 1 – Tuesday, January 3, 2006

·  Lesson 2 – Thursday, January 5, 2006

·  Lesson 3 – Tuesday, January 9, 2006

·  Lesson 4 – Thursday, January 11, 2006

World Language Standards Addressed



Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Progress Indicator / Students ask and answer questions about such things as family, school events, and celebrations in person or via letters, e-mail, or audio and video tapes.
Students will converse with each other and the teacher (and assistants) to provide and obtain information about their art projects; they'll express feelings and emotions about the sense of caring shown in their artwork; and they'll exchange opinions about how the artwork reflects the sense of caring. They will communicate by email with students in Mexico via iEARN.
Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Progress Indicator / Students comprehend the main idea of developmentally appropriate oral narratives such as personal anecdotes, familiar fairy tales, and other narratives based on familiar themes.
Students will listen and understand spoken Spanish in class and read (with teacher’s help as needed) and understand messages written to them by students in the iEARN project. The topics will vary according to the many ways that students will have to express a sense of caring. They will read personal anecdotes from the students they correspond with.
Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Progress Indicator / Students prepare illustrated stories about activities or events in their environment and share with an audience such as the class.
Students will present their artwork and accompanying text to each other in the classrooms (listeners) and to their partners in the iEARN project (readers).



Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Students will have an opportunity to see and read (with help of teacher) about things that convey a sense of caring to a group of children in a Spanish-speaking country. This will give them a much deeper sense of the culture than simply studying the stereotypical characteristics of the culture. It is likely that many of the pictures that convey a sense of caring will show practices in the culture (a mother cooking dinner or tending a baby, for example).
Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
Some things that convey a sense of caring may be objects in the culture (for example, religious or spiritual symbols). Students will have a chance to see the relationship between these cultural products and the perspectives they represent.



Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
Students will reinforce their knowledge of art and various media for communicating about art in Spanish both by what they create and what they experience with their iEARN partners.
Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
The combination of art and expressions of caring will offer ample opportunities for expressing distinctive viewpoints using Spanish.



Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Students may compare the way that caring is expressed in English versus Spanish. While not a formal grammar lesson, it should allow the students to gain insight into language structures and how they compare within the two languages (for example, how you express "I like you.")
Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
The students will be communicating first in English from their own cultural perspectives, then translating their work into Spanish and reading the original Spanish work from their iEARN partners. This will give them an unusual opportunity to make cultural comparisons that are meaningful and not limited to stereotypes.


Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Connecting with students in another country through iEARN necessarily takes them outside the immediate school setting. Perhaps the students will want to explore further or share their art projects with other Spanish-speaking students (at SBOC, for example).
Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
By tapping into their authentic feelings of caring, the students can experience using the language to enrich their own sense of self and to better understand their iEARN team members. This should intensify their enjoyment of the class and make the learning relevant and valued.

Lesson 1: Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Primera clase (el 10 de enero)

Ageography lessonthrough which we will teach the students aboutMexico, and specifically about your area of Monterrey.We will highlight cultural information.

Language Area / Goals
Vocabulary / Learn new Spanish words related to geography
Functions / Learn to ask questions related to places (where is, what is to the north of, what types of work do people do, etc.)
Culture / Learn about the culture of Mexico and the area of Monterrey
Before / To Do / Aids
·  Prepare materials on geography (done – ppt)
·  Create vocabulary list for geography
·  Gather maps and pictures of the Yucatan area
·  Prepare new Personal Dictionaries for students / Maps
Personal Dictionaries
During / Time / Activity / Aids
10 / Part I: Welcome to the new Session – 3rd Grade
·  Angelica (new teacher) introduces herself, classroom procedures, Spanish classroom management terms – have students write them down and practice
·  Debrief from previous session? (their feelings about iEARN project?), and give overview of new session – Global Art Exchange
Part I: Welcome to the new Session – 1st Grade
·  Nelly gives overview of new session – Global Art Exchange – Meeting new friends in Mexico, exhanging ideas about what is important to us, etc.
30 / Part II: Mexico, Yucatan peninsula
·  PowerPoint presentation
·  Have the students describe what they see (English is OK) –- perhaps on handout sheet with space for each slide. Get them to talk about what they think the Yucatan is like…
·  Collect their descriptions / PowerPoint
15 / Part III: Review Geography info from ppt and Vocabulary
·  Start building vocab for talking about geography.. see suggested vocabulary list separate..
·  Note their questions or words and phrases on white board
·  Add new words to Personal Dictionaries / Personal dictionaries
After / To Do
·  Put materials away
·  Update Master Dictionary on Geography with words/phrases students identified
·  Create game with Yucatan pictures and the descriptions students generated (translate them into Spanish) – bring back for review next time
·  Start preparing iEARN connection??

Lesson 2: Thursday, January 12, 2006

Segunda clase (el 12 de enero)

We will review geography vocabulary and information about the Mexico and the Yucatan which we learned in lesson one. We will work with the studentson expressing in Spanish what is important to them, whatdo they care about.How do wetake care of the things we care about. We will beginour first art project toexpress this.

Language Area / Goals
Vocabulary / Reinforce geography terms and vocabulary related to information we learned about Mexico/Yucatan
Learn new Spanish words to express caring
Functions / Learn to ask questions and make statements about things that are important to you or another person (X important to me, I care about X, etc.)
Culture / Learn how art can be a medium for expressing caring
Before / To Do / Aids
·  Complete Yucatan picture game created after last lesson for review (use printed ppt frames)
·  Prepare materials on art
·  Create vocabulary/phrase list for expressing caring / Print out ppt frames for game
Art materials
-El conejito Andarin
-Un gato y un perro
-Bread is for Eating
During / Time / Activity / Aids
10 / Part I: Review Geography
·  Play a game of matching geographical descriptions with the pictures of Yucatan viewed during the last lesson / Matching Game
20 / Part II: Expressing Caring through Art
·  Show pictures of art and read books that reflect caring
·  Generate from students ideas about how these pictures evoke a sense of caring (what do the images show, how do the colors make you feel, what shapes evoke certain feelings, etc.)
·  Keep running list of caring related vocabulary. / Art examples
Easel paper
-El conejito Andarin
-Un gato y un perro
-Bread is for Eating
25 / Part III: Create Your Own Art
·  Students generate own art work to reflect something they care about / Drawing paper
5 / Part IV: Vocabulary
·  Add new words to Personal Dictionaries. / Personal Dictionaries
After / To Do
·  Update Master Dictionary on Caring with words/phrases students identified
·  Start preparing iEARN connection – rubric for our messages to them


Coe ElementarySample World Languages Curriculum: Spanish

developed 12/2005