Comhairle Baile Atha Throim
Trim Town Council Meeting Minutes
April 2010 Trim Town Council
Minutes of April Monthly Meeting of Trim Town Council held 13th April 2010 at 7.00p.m. in the Council Chamber, at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath.
In Attendance: Cllr Ray Butler, (Cathaoirleach),
Cllrs McKenna, McHugh, O’Shea, Golden, Cantwell & Cllr. Reilly.
Apology; Cllr. Fay & Cllr. O’Brien
Officials Present:
Kevin Stewart: Town Manager
Brian Murphy: Town Clerk
Vincent Collins Town Engineer
Larry Whelan: Senior Executive Officer
Brendan McGrath: Director of Services Housing & Environment.
Áine Brennan: Clerical Officer.
1.1 Confirmation of Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 9th March 2010
Proposed by Cllr. Cantwell and seconded by Cllr. McHugh.
It was unanimously agreed to bring Item 6.0 forward.
6.1 To receive an update on housing issues from Larry Whelan , Senior Executive Officer and Brendan McGrath, Director of Services for Housing & Environment.
Larry Whelan and Brendan McGrath circulated a detailed report to the members highlighting some of the various housing issues in the Trim Area. (report attached)
The following issues were raised:
· It was requested that the exact location of the temporary Halt site be confirmed.
· Residents of all surrounding estates want to be ensured that the temporary site will be tidied up after works are completed.
· Asked if fencing at Mornington Heights could be included in the proposed works to be carried out.
· A meeting with the Maudlin Vale residents was requested.
· It was stated that the existing halt site was in very poor condition and that they as members were informed 10 years ago that the halting site would be well maintained. The new halting site should be kept in an orderly state.
· It was queried as to whether or not there would be a 24 hour caretaker on the halt site.
· Who is responsible for the temporary site?
· It was stated that affordable housing was going on the open market.
· Is Meath County Council still part of the Affordable Housing Partnership?
· What is the “haircut” reduction on Part V housing?
· It was suggested that vacant Part V houses be used for social housing.
· Asked if a business could be run from an affordable house.
· It was stated that Anti Social Behaviour should not be tolerated.
· Asked if the report in relation to Anti Social Behaviour had commenced.
· There are some Anti Social Behaviour issues that need to be investigated with a particular family.
· Does the tenancy agreement deal with Anti social behaviour?
· How long of a turn over is there when social housing becomes vacant?
· There were 6 houses boarded up at Christmas.
· It was asked if social houses could be inspected on a regular basis.
· The revenue collector used to be the eyes and ears for the council.
· The homeless issue in Navan is a serious issue and the shelter needs to be pushed.
· It was asked when the various grant scheme applications would become available and how many remain on the list from the previous term.
Larry Whelan and Brendan McGrath replied as follows:
· The halting site will be a huge improvement on what is currently there.
· There have been discussions with the Gardai in relation to the anti social behaviour on the halting site. If anti social behaviour can be proved the tenant will be in breech of the tenancy agreement and action can be taken.
· There are various issues to be addressed regarding the new halt site.
· It will be made clear that anti social behaviour will not be accepted in the new structure.
· There will be a full time caretaker in conjunction with a voluntary housing body.
· There will be no temporary vehicles permitted in the area and arrangements will be made to remove same.
· Meath County Council are responsible for the temporary site. It will be closed and returned to a green field area when all moves have been completed. This a condition in the contract.
· The Council will try to get a quick turnaround in relation to vacant social houses but it is not always possible for a house to be allocated quickly for various reasons such as vandalism, abandonment and the need of major repairs that have to comply with new legislation. Therefore it takes time for the house to be made available for allocation as a process has to be followed.
· Garda clearance is required for each new tenant.
· All vacant houses are to be addressed when funding becomes available.
· Houses are not inspected regularly due to staff shortage.
· The anti social behaviour report had not commenced to date as a change in legislation had to be taken into account. When it is being prepared it will be open for submission.
· The homeless shelter in Navan is a priority and the housing department are anxious to proceed with it as soon as possible.
2.0 Matters arising from the Minutes
Cllr. Golden: Stated that he was disappointed that there was no response from Super Valu in relation to the rotation of the entrance/exit.
Asked if there was any update in relation to the pedestrian crossing and if there was any possibility of incorporating a drop off area.
Town Clerk: Stated that Super Valu would need planning permission for any alterations to be made and that no response had been received from correspondence issued.
Cllr. Butler: Informed the members that provisions have been made for a zebra crossing to be put in place during the summer months at the Boyne Community School.
Town Engineer: Stated that he would look into reducing the footpath at the Boyne Community School.
Cllr. McHugh: Asked if there was any update from ESB.
Town Engineer: Stated that he is to meet with someone from ESB next week to discuss undergrounding of wires and that he would mention the pole on the Summerhill Road.
Cllr. Cantwell: Asked if a study had taken place on the impact that the New Town Centre would have on the existing business in the town.
He also asked if there was a date for the presentation on CCTV in the town.
Town Manager: Stated that no report had been carried out but the Chamber of Commerce had attended a Town Council meeting and had informed the Council that they supported the proposals for the New Town Centre.
Cllr. McKenna: Asked if the path in the Porchfields had been repaired.
Town Engineer: Stated that part of it had been repaired on Friday.
Cllr. O’Shea: Asked if the plaque from the old swimming pool had been located.
Asked if the residents of Griffin Park had met with the Town Engineer to discuss the traffic issues.
Town Clerk: Stated that the plaque is not in the old swimming pool and the Town Foreman s trying to locate same.
Town Engineer: Stated that no meeting had taken place with the Griffin Park residents.
3.0 Presentations
4.0 Expressions of congratulations and sympathy
A vote of sympathy was passed for:
· A minutes silence was held in memory of former Councillor & Cathaoirleach Danny O’Brien.
· The polish president
· Maura Lawler, Cllr. Butler’s Aunt.
Cllr. McKenna: Stated that the Balloon Fiesta was a fantastic event.
Cllr. Reilly: Thanked everybody who was involved for all their help and to Scoil Mhuire for the use of their car park.
Town Manager: Added congratulations and stated that it was a stunning event for both the County and the town. It was a pity that it was so windy. He said that Trim is on the map for the Fiesta along with other festivals that take place in the town during the year. Well done to all concerned.
Cllr. Cantwell: Congratulated Cllr. Butler on the success of the St. Patricks Day Parade.
Cllr. Golden: Congratulated the Canoe Club on the Daft Raft race on St. Patricks Day and the Trim Minor Hurling team.
9.0 Engineer’s Report
Cllr. Butler: Stated that a child had fallen into the stream at the rear of St. Patricks Park after trees had been removed and requested that fencing be erected to prevent any further accidents.
Town Engineer: Stated that a fence is to be erected.
10.0 Schedule of Manager’s Orders
Cllr. Golden: Stated that he was delighted to see that planning permission had been granted to the County Meath VEC.
The Managers Orders were noted and accepted.
11.0 Matters raised with the consent of the Cathaoirleach.
Cllr. O’Shea raised the following:
· Requested a meeting with Griffin Park residents to discuss traffic issues.
· Public lights out of order on Navangate.
· Suggested that the Superintendant be invited to a meeting in committee to discuss the anti-social behaviour issues.
Cllr. Golden raised the following:
· Footpath out the Dunderry Road to business park.
· Asked if the outdoor staff levels in the town had changed.
· Stated that there were previous plans in place for pedestrian crossings on High Street/Haggard Street/Loman Street and asked that this be looked into again.
· Stated that there are loose bricks on Castle Street footpath.
Town Manager: Stated that there had been no loss of staff except for one due to a temporary contract.
Cllr. McKenna raised the following issues:
· Manholes are rattling on Loman Street again.
· There are difficulties at the turning area at the school on Loman Street if there is a car parked at Lynch’s.
· Stated that dog fouling in the town is worsening and that we need to look at Bye-Laws and increase signage around the town.
· Suggested issuing fines in order to fund the clearing up of dog fouling around the town.
· Stated that there are still no bags at the Porchfields.
Town Engineer & Town Clerk replied as follows:
· Stated that he had investigated the issue at Loman Street school and did not see a problem but that he would investigate the matter once again.
· Dog fouling is an enforcement issue and the council can not do anything about it unless it is reported.
· If an incident is reported a fine for €150 will issue and if the fine is not paid court proceedings will follow.
· Bags to be replaced in the Porchfields.
Cllr. Reilly raised the following issues:
· Stated that there are a lot of weeds around the town.
· Asked if there were any particular hours for the work to rule.
· Stated that the trip to New York was a fantastic opportunity and stated that all councillors should get an opportunity to go.
Town Clerk replied as follows:
· He is to meet with the Tidy Towns Committee in the coming weeks..
· Informed him that there is no schedule for the work to rule. The union informs its members on the day that action is to take place.
Cllr Cantwell raised the following issues:
· Asked when the presentation in relation to CCTV is to take place.
· Asked what the situation was with the undergrounding of cables.
· Stated that the sweeper is not picking up loose grit.
· Asked what the situation was with the Policing Committee.
· Stated that the box at the ring road was faded.
· Head shops
Town Engineer and Town Clerk replied as follows:
· Engineer is meeting with ESB next week.
· We are currently waiting for a response from the commissioner in relation to the Policing Committee.
Cllr. McHugh raised the following:
· Asked if Planning Permission was required to set up a business in a private dwelling.
· Stated that it took a week before a pothole at Laracor was filled after it was reported.
· Stated that the public sector should not receive any further pay cuts.
Town Clerk: Stated that planning permission is required to operate a business from a private dwelling
Meeting Concluded @ 21.15
Signed: ______Cathaoirleach
Date: ______