JLTAWA Walk the Talk

JLTAWA invites all members to a one-day Walk the Talk Japanese Language Specific Professional Learning eventdesigned to:

Share resources that support the implementation of the Year 3 and Year 4 Western Australian Curriculum: Languages- Japanese.

Further knowledge and understanding of the WAC Languages for Japanese

Focus on resources and program templates

Assist with support for deciding on specific Japanese language content

Discuss the Achievement Standards, and support for implementing assessment tasks and reporting for Japanese


DATE:Saturday 4November 2017

VENUE:Yuluma PrimarySchool

21 Ambrose Street, Innaloo, WA 6018

TIME:8.30am – 3.30pm

COST:$100 for JLTAWA members(must be a JLTAWA Member to attend)

Morning tea and lunch provided

If you are not a JLTAWA member please go to

PAYMENT:EFT–full payment should be made to JLTAWA.

Bank: Westpac BSB number: 036 037Account number: 221 987

(Please include your surname and school as the reference.)

Then send payment confirmation with your registration form to

CHEQUE –Please includea cheque for $100 made out to JLTAWA with your registration form. CREDIT CARD – There are NO credit card facilities available at present.

For tax purposes, this flyer becomes an official invoice on payment.

RSVP:Please send registration and payment confirmation/cheque by Friday 27Octoberto:

JLTAWA Walk the Talk 2017ANDby email:

PO BOX 1103


WA 6904


SATURDAY 4 November – YULUMA PS 8:30am – 3.30pm

Morning TEA and LUNCH provided

This is a repeat of the recent DoE Walk the Talk PL - preparation for the implementation of WA Curriculum Languages in 2018 (focus is on Years 3/4 however anyone can attend). Any DoE teachers who did not manage to attend can catch up now with the same presenters and materials. It is open to any JLTAWA teacher from any sector. The PL was written by the MLTAWA under contract to the DoE and specifically targets teachers of Years 3 and 4, however the PL would be of high value to all teachers in implementing the new WA Curriculum as it rolls out over the next few years.

Contact Phone Number:

Please select one of the following Obentos for lunch:

Katsu ChickenChicken Teriyaki

Beef TeriyakiVegetarian Obento

(if you have other dietary restrictions and require a special meal, please detail below)

I have dietary restrictions:YES*NO

*Please explain (e.g. allergies/gluten free)


Signature: ______

Date: ______

RSVP: Please send registration and payment confirmation/cheque by Friday 27 October to:

JLTAWA Walk the Talk 2017andby email:

PO BOX 1103