Call for applications for the award of a temporary job contract

for supporting research activities in the ARCES Research Center

(English translation of the call for applications in Italian issued by Director’s decree n. 18/2017,

for legal purposes please refer to the Italian version)

Article 1

Purpose of the contract

The job concerns “Advanced studies on the creative thinking process”, and it will be carried out in cooperation with the Marconi Institute for Creativity in the following fields:

Virtual and augmented reality: impact on creativity;

Multiple perspective taking techniques;

Cultural and sociological approaches to creativity.

The appointee will perform the job at its premises, in coordination with the principal investigator for the research activities, Prof. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza.

Article 2

Duration of the contract

The contract has a duration of 12 months for an estimated effort of 400 hours.

The selection is open both to permanent employees of the University of Bologna and to external candidates.

The external candidate awarded will be invited to sign a self-employment contract.

The evaluation of the external candidates will take place only if there are no applications by permanent employees of the University or if the permanent employees applying are evaluated as non-eligible.

Article 3

Employees of the University.

Omitted (see Art. 3 “Dipendenti dell’Ateneo” of the Italian version)

Article 4

Requirements for candidatures.

The selection is open to candidates in possession of the following qualification:

·  Master of Arts/Science Degree or equivalent in Psychology

·  Research experience in the field of “Creativity Studies”, documented by the scientific and professional curriculum vitae

·  No previous criminal convictions and no pending criminal proceedings (in case of pending proceedings, provide relevant information).

The selection is not open to any persons who are related by blood or by marriage up to the fourth degree, to a professor working in the department or structure for which the call is issued, or to the Rector, Director General or a member of the Board of Governors of the University.

Candidates must possess the above requirements by the deadline for submission of applications defined in this call.

Failure to meet the admission requirements or failure to declare them entails immediate exclusion of the candidate from the selection.

The excluded candidate will be informed by e-mail.

Article 5

Application submission.

The application for selection, adherent to the form attached to this call (Annex 1), addressed as indicated below, and enclosing all requested documents, shall be received no later than Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:30, without exception.

This call for applications will be published on the University of Bologna website, as well as the ARCES website.

The application may be presented in person or sent by mail addressed to: Segreteria Amministrativa del Centro di Ricerca ARCES dell’Università di Bologna, via Vincenzo Toffano 2/2, 40125 Bologna (BO) – Italy, or presented by certified email (PEC in Italy) to (an email containing the participation application and any other requested document in PDF format, together with a copy of a valid ID document, can be sent from personal certified email address only).

The opening hours for the presentation in person are: from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:30.

The date of receipt of the application is:

- in case of presentation in person, the date indicated in the receipt signed by the staff in charge of receiving the applications.

- in case of shipping by mail, the date of the stamp and receipt issued by the ARCES administrative office to prove receipt.

- in case of presentation by certified email, by the acceptance receipt and delivery receipt of the email.

The ARCES administration shall assume no liability for the failed delivery of correspondence which is not the result of errors made by its own staff.

Any applications received beyond the above-indicated deadline will not be accepted.

In their duly signed application the candidates, under their own responsibility, must certify the possession of the requirements listed in art. 4 of this call.

Annex 1 is the application form to fill in.

A copy of a valid ID document must be enclosed to the application.

Candidates must enclose their scientific and professional curriculum vitae with their applications, duly signed and listing all the professional experiences, activities and projects carried out, and the name of the institution /company where the candidate works or has worked. The list of scientific publications must also be enclosed.

Permanent employees of the University must refer to the Italian version of the call for the application.

Candidates with certified disabilities pursuant to art.3 of Italian Law no. 104 of 05.12.1992 may in their application request the benefits laid down in art.20 of the same Law, enclosing the original or an authenticated copy of the certification relative to the specific disability issued by the competent territorial medical board.

All certificates and declarations issued by Italian public administrations must be self-certified or submitted in an unstamped photocopy, as provided for in art. 15 of Italian law no. 183/2011, by way of a simple declaration of certification and/or affidavit (as per the attached form) pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of Italian Presidential Decree (DPR) 445/2000.

Article 6

Admission, selection and communication to candidates

The candidates will be assessed comparatively by an Evaluation Board appointed by the Board of the Research Center, and formed by at least three members.

The selection procedure focuses on the examination of the requirements listed in art. 4 and any additional titles, resulting from the curriculum and all other documents enclosed in the application.

The Evaluation Board will follow these criteria:

-  Specific competences (see art.4) resulting from the curriculum vitae, up to 20 points;

-  Scientific publications and additional titles (for instance: PhD, awards, etc), up to 20 points.

Candidates with at least 25 points out of 40 will be eligible for the temporary job contract. In case several candidates are eligible, the Evaluation Board will produce a ranking, which must be approved by a decree of the Director of ARCES.

External candidates will be considered only if there are no eligible permanent employees of the University of Bologna.

Articolo 7

Amount and implementing rules of the contract for external candidates.

The gross amount of the contract is € 10.688,00 (euro ten thousand six hundred eighty-eight//00), including withholding taxes and all statutory social security charges the contractor is subject to under Italian laws.

Payments will be bimonthly and are subject to a performance approval issued by the principal investigator for research activities, Prof. Giovanni Emanuele Corazza.

The contract must be performed in person by the awarded candidate in full autonomy, without any subordination. The contractor is obliged to achieve the goals of the contract and will be responsible of errors and negligence with respect to the result of its activity.

Articolo 8

Award of the contract.

The ARCES Administration reserves the right not to enter into a contract for reasons of public interest or in the event that all the candidates are considered non-eligible by the Administration's unquestionable judgment.

The ARCES Administration will invite the winning candidate to sign a self-employment contract, after verifying the authenticity of the declarations submitted.

For further information, please contact:

phone: 051 2095420 (from Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 12:30) e-mail:

Articolo 9

Privacy policy

The personal data provided by the candidates in their applications, pursuant Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30.06.03, shall be processed by ARCES for the purposes of managing the selection procedure and the contract.

Bologna – June 23, 2017

The Director of ARCES Research Center


To the Director

of the Advanced Research Center for Electronic Systems

of the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

I the undersigned ______


for admission to the selection procedure laid down in the call for applications for the temporary job contract about:______

For such purpose, and aware of the civil and penal responsibilities in the event of false declarations, hereby declare the following to be true:

(it) /

Criminal record or pending criminal proceedings (if so, state which)

/ NO
YES / WHICH: ______


Ø  Master of Arts/Science Degree (or equivalent) in:


School: ______

University: ______Country: ______

Degree date: / Final grade:

I am not related by blood or by marriage up to the fourth degree, to any professor working in the department or structure for which the call is issued, nor with the Rector, Director General or a member of the Board of Governors of the University.

I have qualified professional experience accrued by public bodies or private organizations coherent with the requested profile (as documented in the curriculum vitae);

I the undersigned enclose the following documents with this application:

-  CV with the list all titles that I want to be evaluated;

-  ______;

-  ______;

I am registered as disabled and require the following support: ______

I furthermore request that all correspondence concerning this selection procedure be sent to the following address and undertake to notify of any variations:


I the undersigned express my agreement that the personal data provided may be processed in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 for the fulfillment of this procedure.

Date, Signature

Being aware that, pursuant to articles 75 and 76 of DPR no, 445 of 28 December 2000, in the event of false declarations, statements or the use of false documents I shall incur the criminal sanctions referred to therein, I declare that all the statements in my CV are true.



(enclose a photocopy of an ID document if the declaration is not signed in the presence of the receiving person