Lesson Plans

Unit: Communities—Costa Rica Lesson 26

Targeted Language Progress Indicators

Students acquire limited formal commands.

Students use city vocabulary to give simple directions.

Students acquire prepositional phrases.

Targeted Wyoming Content Strands for Other Disciplines


CULTURE/ CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Through the study of western Hemisphere, students demonstrate an understanding of different cultures and how these cultures have contributed and continue to contribute to the world in which they live.

5.1 Students use charts, maps and graphs to answer questions dealing with people, places, or environments.

5.2 Students apply themes of geography to topics being studied.

5.3 Students demonstrate an ability to organize and process spatial information.

Language Structures to
Cerca de-near/close to
Al lado de-beside
Lejos de-far from
Enfrente de-across from
Detrás de-behind
Formal commands:
Ir: vaya (go)
Manejar: maneja (drive) / Culture to Teach/Review
Products, practices, and perspectives associated with Latin American communities.
Focus Vocabulary for This Lesson
Review vocabulary from previous lessons.
Derecho-straight ahead
A la izquierda-to the left
A la derecha-to the right

Materials Needed for This Lesson

Milk carton “buildings”

Butcher paper city plan

Overhead/ computer with projector/ flash cards of sample sentences (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson26-PPT)

Toy automobiles such as “Micro-machines” or Tonka-toy cars…

Lesson Steps

Warm-up: Students use the traditional way to greet people in Spanish-speaking countries. Tell students to greet 2-3 other people with a handshake.

Activity 1: Students continue to work on their city plans and constructing buildings for their city. While the students are working on their cities display the following sentences:

La biblioteca está lejos del museo.

El supermercado está cerca de la panadería.

La carnicería está enfrente de la zapatería.

El parque está detrás de la estación de autobús.

La peluquería está al lado de la panadería.

The teacher models the sentences and then asks students to create new ones orally in their groups using their own communities and stating what is located where, etc. Students practice orally with group members by taking turns discussing location of buildings in their community and commanding one another to one place from another.

Vaya a la heladería desde el museo.

Maneja a la pastelería desde la farmacia….

Activity 2: Students each write three sentences they have created. Call on volunteers to read one or more sentences. Tell students to save the sentences along with their city plans for Lesson 27.

Closure: Clean up.

Notes to the Teacher: As the students begin to complete their buildings and their cities, call out the names of buildings and have the students point to or touch the building.

Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit2.Lesson26

Unit: Communities—Costa Rica