List of indicators for mhGAP monitoring and evaluation

Indicators / Data Collection
Development of policy, plans and strategies for care of people with MNS disorders / Input / Output / Outcome / mhGAP focal Point report / Training evaluation M and E forms / Facility monthly M and E form / Supervision checklist / Additional forms
A1. Establishment of an advisory committee for mhGAP planning and implementation
A2. Availability of a situational analysis to inform mhGAP planning and implementation
A3. Collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the mhGAP planning and implementation process
A4. Development of an mhGAP action plan and budget
A5. Mental health policy up-to-date / recently updated
A6. Mental health legislation up-to-date / recently updated
A7. Number of regions/districts with a plan for mhGAP implementation
Capacity building of health care providers / Input / Output / Outcome / mhGAP focal Point report / Training evaluation M and E forms / Facility monthly M and E form / Supervision checklist / Additional forms
B1. Adaptation of mhGAP materials and tools for capacity building and implementation of MNS services
B2. Number of mhGAP training workshops held for non-specialist health care providers
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B4. Number of non-specialist health care providers trained in mhGAP
B5. Number of health care providers trained in the mhGAP ‘Training of Trainers and Supervisors’ workshops
B6. Number of medical education programmes that have incorporated mhGAP-IG into the course curriculum
B7. Knowledge, attitudes and practices among recipients of mhGAP training
Delivery of care for MNS disorders in non-specialized health settings / Input / Output / Outcome / mhGAP focal Point report / Training evaluation M and E forms / Facility monthly M and E form / Supervision checklist / Additional forms
C1. Number of health facilities using mhGAP-IG to assess and manage person with MNS disorders
C2. Number of health facilities with reporting and information system for tracking care inputs and caseloads
C3. Number of health facilities with an uninterrupted supply of essential psychotropic medicines
C4. Number of support and supervision visits to each health facility implementing mhGAP
C5. Number of people with MNS disorders seen in each health facility implementing mhGAP
C6. Number of people with MNS disorders on follow-up in each health facility implementing mhGAP
C7. Number of referrals to specialist care made for people with MNS disorders in each health facility implementing mhGAP
C8. Satisfaction ratings of persons with MNS disorders seen in each health facility implementing mhGAP
Raising awareness and understanding of MNS disorders in the community / Input / Output / Outcome / mhGAP focal Point report / Training evaluation M and E forms / Facility monthly M and E form / Supervision checklist / Additional forms
D1. Development of public education and promotional materials for different target audiences
D2. Number of awareness raising programmes / activities
D3. Number of mental health service user/consumer and carer associations
D4. Perceptions, knowledge and attitudes about MNS disorders in the general community