World of Awards Conference 2016
Standards of Practice, Management, and Marketing
Sponsored by the International Congress of Distinguished Awards in affiliation with Open Water, Inc., Washington, DC
21-23 June 2016 Full program at: WorldofAwards.getopenwater.com
Conference Sessions will be held at "1776 Crystal City" (2231 Crystal City #1000; near Crystal City Blue/Yellow Line Station)
Conference Goal:
The 2016 ICDA World of Awards Conference is specifically designed to provide both experienced and new awards directors, administrators, and aficionados with an intensive introduction to achieving excellence in the three basic realms of awards development and management:
1. the principles, standards, and accepted practices in the world of awards;
2. sound methods of strategic planning and management for awards programs; and
3. innovative methods of marketing awards in a digital world
A day of the conference will be devoted to each of these foundational topics.
Leaders: A faculty consisting of experienced awards leaders & directors across the world
Dr. Larry E. Tise, PhD, Historian & founding President of the International Congress of Distinguished Awards, Philadelphia, PA
Kathleen DeLuca, CMP, CSEP, President, Events Plus, Inc., and co-founder of ICDA
Deborah M. Young, CAE, Awards Administrator, National Academy of Engineering
The International Congress of Distinguished Awards was established in 1994 as a not-for-profit corporation in Philadelphia, PA, to serve as an educational, membership, and data collection organization for the international world of awards. It has organized and sponsored world of awards conferences on a periodic basis since its inception.
Day 1: 21 June, Tuesday
Standards and Practices in the World of Awards
9:30 Registration
10 am Eye on the Prize 1: A Concise History, Minor Upheavals, and a Current Profile of the World of Awards—Larry Tise
10:30 Establishing Goals for participants: A Panoply of Possibilities
11 am Roundtable Discussions among participants
11:40 Reporting Discussion Outcomes from Roundtables
12 noon Lunch Break
2 pm Eye on the Prize 2: Accepted methods, practices, and standards in presenting awards—the Awards Praxis"--Dr. Tise
2:30 Establishing Priorities for participants: Most Critical Methodologies & Standards
2:45 Roundtable Discussions
3:15 Reporting Discussion Outcomes
3:30 Break
4 pm Eye on the Prize 3: The Profession of Managing Awards: Certification--Ms. DeLuca
4:40 The First Test: Creating a Tool Kit for Strategic Planning
5 pm Sessions conclude
Day 2: 22 June, Wednesday
Managing Awards Programs: Principles & Practices
9 am Eye on the Prize 4: "Award Programs Don't Manage Themselves--Some Pitfalls"--Larry E. Tise
9:15 Elements of preparing a Strategic Plan for an Awards Program: A Case Study—Deborah M. Young, CAE, Awards Administrator, National Academy of Engineering
10 am Case Studies of Strategic Plans:
American Chemical Society Awards: Felicia F. Dixon, Manager of ACS National Awards Office, Washington, DC
Enrico Fermi Award: Dr. James Glownia, Senior Science Advisor, US Department of Energy
National Medals of Science and Technology Awards: Andrew Rathmann-Noonan, National Science & Technology Medals Foundation
11 am Break
11:15 Case Study: "Making Money for Awards from Awards": Beth Scheraga, Director of Awards, The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia
11:45 Formulating a Management Plan
12:30 Lunch break
2 pm Eye on the Prize 5: "The Best Kept Secret in the World of Awards: What does it Cost to Run an Awards Program?"--Dr. Tise
3 pm Break
3:30 Eye on the Prize 6: Establishing Awards for the Ages--Nobel, Pulitzer, and Peter Gruber--Dr. Tise
3:45 Case Study: "Guaranteeing Succession & Continuity for the Gruber Awards in Cosmology, Genetics, Neuroscience, Justice, & Women's Rights"--Patricia Gruber & Sarah Hreha, Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation, St. Thomas & Yale University
4:30 Open Discussions on Managing Awards & Award Programs
5 pm Sessions conclude
Day 3: 23 June, Thursday
Marketing Awards in a Digital World:
9 am Eye on the Prize 7: “The Art of the ‘Call for Entry’” – Timothy Spell
9:30 Case Studies on various Call for Entries:
Stevie Awards: Michael Gallagher
Association of Military Comptrollers: Jennifer Sizemore
National Association of Broadcasters: Melek Demir
10:30 Break
10:45 am Session: Effective Communication for Awards--20 Years of Growing an Association Awards Program--Jennifer Sizemore, American Society of Military Comptrollers
11:15 am Eye on the Prize 8: “Modern marketing techniques for awards. Internet advertising and social media” – Timothy Spell
11:30 am Case Studies on various marketing techniques
Hanley Wood: Nickie Denick
Stevie Awards: Michael Gallagher
National Association of Broadcasters: Melek Demir
12:30 Lunch Break
2 pm Session: Social Marketing Through the Power of Award Recipients--Nickie Denick, Hanley Wood
2:30 pm Eye on the Prize 9: "The Master Awards Plan--Articulating the Program," Timothy Spell
2:45 Conference Participant Reports
3: 15 Break
3:30 Open Discussions: The Power & Promise of Awards | The Responsibilities of Awards
4:30 Conclusions & Adjournment: Observations and future, Dr. Tise