Subject / National Curriculum links / Outcomes/focus
Science / Pupils should be taught to:
  • Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties
  • Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock
  • Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.
  • can test ideas using evidence from systematic observations and measurements
  • can predict what they think might happen and the best way of recording the results
  • can make a fair text make a fair test
  • can use a wide range of methods to communicate their findings
  • can make comparisons and identify simple patterns
  • Begin to use their scientific knowledge to explain observations and conclusions
  • can compare rocks and soils according to their properties
  • can describe the characteristics of different rocks and soils
  • can group rocks and soils according to their characteristics, including appearance, texture and permeability
  • know how to separate solid particles of different sizes by sieving

History / Understanding the passage of time between living creature to fossil.
Geography /
  • Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the physical and human featuresin the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies.

Create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas.
Music / NO MUSIC
ICT / Digital photography
Image editing /
  • I can be discerning in evaluating digital content
  • I can use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
  • I can select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices.
  • I can design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
(creating a photomontage)


Lesson / Subject / LO / Success Criteria / Activity (including differentiation)
Trip / Trip to the warren – children to look at the different landscape and rocks the warren. Search for fossils like Mary (in literacy story- Stone Girl, Bone Girl)
Record findings using photographs and collect fossil and rock examples.
1 / Science / To share what I know and ask questions. / *shown knowledge
*ask questions / Ch to have two rocks on each table. Questions on the board to prompt prior knowledge plus 3 more of their own to find out answers for though the topic.
Observe and asks q on sugar paper.
KWL Grid.
Plenary – use sorting cards to establish existing knowledge of the class at beginning of the topic and review at end of topic.
2 / Science / To describe, compare and sort rocks on their characteristics. / I can make comparisons between objects.
I can name properties of materials. / Rock hunt – ch to work in groups to collect 3 rock samples from around the school. Add these to given samples in a sand pit and sort using these questions. (use hand lenses)
Which of your items are rocks?
How do you know?
How many different ways could you sort them?
Photograph of sorted rocks with labels of the criteria on WB.
Ch to write a sentence explaining what they have discovered about rocks using vocabulary. Write a definition of a rock.
Plenary – Share definitions, add to WW. Ask q what is it used for? – show granite clip.
3 / Science
Geography / To find out how rocks are made. / I can describe how rocks are made.
Use scientific and geographical language.
Understand changes of state. / T to teach 3 different rocks and how they are made (sedimentary, Igneous and metamorphic) Using clips on BBC Clips.
Ch to make note in busy books.
As a class create a definition for each type of rock – write as a pie Corbett washing line.
Discuss – how are fossils made?
4 / Science / TBAT describe rocks and classify.
* texture
*strength / I can make comparisons between objects.
I can name properties of materials.
I can use scientific vocab. / Ch to have a desk with pots of different rocks – Granite, Marble, Basalt, Slate, Limestone, Chalk and Sandstone. Ch to discuss the rocks in a group.
Ch to complete rock files (name, texture, appearance) on each rock – key words available to assist LA.
As a class create a fact file of rocks – discuss uses – add to class fact file.
5 / Art / TBAT record from first hand experience / Look at fossils closely
Make representations of fossils / Children to explore fossils, look closely at them using hand lenses etc.
Model drawing fossil, use a range of media e.g., pastels, charcoal, pencils, line and wash (felt tip and a wet brush) in sketch books.
6 / Science / TBAT investigate properties of rocks. / I can make a prediction.
Carry out a fair test
Record results
Scientific knowledge / Discuss further tests we could do to describe rocks – hardness and permeability.
Group 1 - Ppt- Which rock is the hardest? Do all rocks have the same hardness? How could we find out?
Begin by comparing the hardness of interlocking grains (granite) and cemented grains (sandstone).Ask the pupils to compare the two rocks by scraping them with a metal spoon on to a piece of paper.(The difference is usually very clear – rocks crumble if the cement between the grains is not verystrong (e.g. the pupil’s sample of sandstone), whilst having interlocking crystals makes rocksstrong (e.g. granite).What happened? Why do you think this happened? Explain observations and conclusions.
Group 2 – Which rock is the most permeable? Do all rocks have the same permeability? How could we find out?
Ch to carry out experiment- weigh rock before hand – submerge and weigh after- how could we record this? Ch to create their own results table and then complete conclusion.
7 / Science / TASC investigation – separating soil. / TBAT plan and carry out an experiment.
TBAT communicate the findings. / Begin by talking about how soil is made. How could we separate our soil to see what it is made up from?
TASC wheel investigation – soil
Gather – identify – generate – decide
Children to work in groups to share what they already know and generate ideas. Share ideas as a class and then each group to plan the investigation (link to literacy – instructions).
Implement – ch to carry out experiment in groups - recording findings using photographs and notes.
Evaluate and Communicate – share findings by creating a video/presentation to send to Archie and his team.
8 / Art
ICT / TBAT use digital equipment to collect images / TBAT change/improve images using effects
I can add details to images
I can evaluate my own and others work / iPad
Share drawings in sketch books, use visualiser. What images do we like? Why? Model taking photos of fossils AND drawings in sketch books.
Explore with photo editing app- changing colours etc. print out a range of photos, share ideas. What works well?
Edit by hand photos e.g. emphasise features of fossils e.g. using pastels, pencils, pen picking out certain details.
9 / Art / TBAT use a range of artistic materials and processes. / TBAT combine materials and processes and match them to the montage
TBAT compare their ideas and approaches to others, saying what they think about them and adapting their work where necessary.
TBAT work collaboratively / Share image so far, what works well? In pairs children to create a photo montage using drawn and digital images.
Model this, allow ch time to explore drawings and images. Select certain shapes from the fossils, enlarge using photocopier, iPad camera app. Print out and combine images to make a montage. Explore effects using coloured paper, textured paper, and camera effects.
Show children different ways to improve their photos using digital equipment and hand drawn ideas, e.g. adding string, texture and tone to their images
10 / Art / TBAT compare ideas and approaches to others, saying what they think about them and adapting their work where necessary. / Art gallery, children to finish their final pieces and display so others can appreciate their work.
Discuss images and art work they like and explain why. What would they do to make it better?