DATE October 23, 2013

PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street 3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, MD 21202

PRESENT: Diane Cho, Chair

Stephen Parker

Gary Ey

Paul Edmeades

Magda Westerhout

ABSENT: Gary Bowden

William Parham

OTHERS PRESENT: Pamela J. Edwards, Executive Director

Terry A White, Administrative Secretary

Milena Trust, Assistant Attorney General

John Corkill, Jr. AIAMD

Janet Morgan, Outreach Coordinator


Diane Cho, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


Motion(I) was made by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Ey and unanimously carried to approve the September 25, 2013 meeting minutes as submitted.


The Complaint Committee reported on the status of the following complaints:

14-AR-04 - Closed; Complied

14-AR-05 - Open; No response received, send follow-up letter

14-AR-06 - Closed; Signed consent order, paid fine

Maryland Board of Architects

October 23, 2013

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Motion (II) was made by Mr. Edmeades, seconded by Mr. Ey and unanimously carried to accept the report of the Complaint Committee.


The Board approved the following applications for reciprocal licensing:

Christian J. Arnold 17509 Jerry L. Beattie 17510

David A. Burriss 17511 John C. Carhart 17512

Patrick J. Duffy 17513 Michael T. Gibson 17514

Ashley O. Hernandez 17515 Marc O. Lindvig 17516

Nelson P Lobo 17517 Darryl K. McDonald 17518

Justin A. Mihalik 17519 Mark D. Mucci 17520

Brian H. Neely 17521 Jack D. Patton 17522

Perry M. petrillo 17523 Joseph G. Tattoni 17524

Arvind Tikku 17525 Alan R. Tucker 17526

Daniela H. Voith 17527 Richard S Walker 17528

Charles H. Weiss 17529


The Board approved the following applications for the Architectural Registration Examination:

Andrew Bowers Brian T. Dunn

Cory J. Garcell Mark S. Humbert

Joseph J. Kelly Kathleen S. Puls

Katelyn R. Renner Melanie K. Stern

Amanda J. Zellers


The Board approved the following applications for the Certificate of Authorization:

McKinley & Associates, Inc. 17504

RS&H Maryland, Inc. 17506

Crary Architects LLC 17530

Design Architive LLC 17531

LK Design Group, Inc. 17532

The Design Collaborative, P.C. 17533 HMD Group PA 17534

Design In vivo, LLC 17535

Maryland Board of Architects

October 23, 2013

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The Board unanimously approved 13 applications for reinstatement.


Motion (III) was made by Mr. Edmeades, seconded by Ms. Westerhout and unanimously carried to deny one application for incompleteness.


The Board received a request for an advisory opinion from Blair Storzer, Esquire, from Washington DC. Ms Storzer represents the members of a limited liability company that provides architectural services, and asked the Board to opine on an issue of interest (financial) transfer.

The subject architect wishes, as part of his general estate planning, to transfer his interest in the LLC to a trust that would become the sole member of the LLC. The architect and his wife are the ole trustees and the architect is currently the sole manager of the LLC.

Ms. Storzer asked the Boards opinion as to whether the transfer of the interest would negate the qualifications of the firm to provide services, according to the Business Occupations & Professions Article § 3-404.

After a brief discussion, the consensus was that the transfer would disqualify the firm from providing services. The architect's spouse is not a licensed architect, engineer or landscape architect, thus would not fulfill statutory requirements for an architectural permit for a firm. Ms. Trust will provide the response to Ms Storzer.


New IDP Guidelines

The Board received a Memo dated October 14, 2013 from NCARB denoting the final changes and tweaks to the IDP program.

The Board received the memo for informational purposes only.

Maryland Board of Architects

October 23, 2013

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Mutual Recognition Agreement

The consensus of a majority of the Board is that the terms of the Mutual Recognition Agreement with the Canadian architectural community is not categorically equivalent, but the post-licensing requirements seems to level out the education/experience requirements. It was noted that a Canadian architect seeking reciprocity most have an NCARB Council record. Maryland's regulations say that Maryland can accept an NCARB council record.

Motion (IV) was made by Mr. Edmeades, seconded by Mr. Edmeades and carries by a majority of the Board to accept the NCARB Mutual Recognition Agreement with Canada, with one Board member voting against.


The Board conducted a hearing to solicit the public opinion regarding the proposed amendment to the licensing fees regulations. The new regulation will raise the fee for the individual license by twelve and one half percent (12.5%) to seventy-six dollar and fifty cents ($76.50).

Although the Board received written comments, both supporting and opposing the change, no one came to speak in person. The unofficial feedback from the AIAMD is the fees are acceptable. The Chair decided to close the hearing at 11:15 am. Final action on the proposed amendment will be taken at the December meeting.


There being no further business, motion (V) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Parker and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 a.m.

______With Amendments

______With Corrections


Diane Cho, Chair

