
Biology EOC Review


1.  What are the major elements found in living things?

2.  What is the function of carbohydrates?

3.  What is the function of proteins?

4.  What are the building blocks of proteins?

5.  What are the functions of fats?

6.  What are the 2 nucleic acids in the body and what are their functions?

7.  What are enzymes, and what do they do?

8.  Draw the pH scale. Label acids, bases and neutral and give an example of each.

9.  What are some of the properties of water?

10.  If something is polar, what does this that mean?

11.  Which on the following is true of enzymes?

a.  They act on nonspecific, randomly chosen substrates.

b.  After a reaction, they cannot be reused.

c.  They speed up metabolic processes in the body.

d.  They cannot change shape.

12.  Which of the following substances is found in every living cell?


a.  chlorophyll

b.  blood

c.  cellulose

d.  amino acids


Cells and Their Components

1.  What are the 3 parts of the Cell Theory ?

2.  What are the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Describe each.

3.  What is the major function of each of the following organelles?

a.  Cell Wall:

b.  Cell Membrane:

c.  Nucleus:

d.  Mitochondria:

e.  Ribosome:

f.  Chloroplast:

g.  Endoplasmic Reticulum:

h.  Golgi Bodies (Golgi Apparatus):

i.  Vacuole:

4.  How do plants cells differ from animal cells?

5.  What is diffusion, and why is it so important to life?

6.  What three factors affect the rate of diffusion?

7.  How does active transport differ from diffusion?

8.  What is osmosis?

9.  Describe the following types of solutions

a.  Hypotonic solution:

b.  Hypertonic solution:

c.  Isotonic solution :

10.  What is cancer, and why is it harmful to us?

11.  How does temperature affect the rate of diffusion ?

a.  An increase in temperature causes faster diffusion by increasing the speed of molecular movement.

b.  An increase in temperature causes faster diffusion by decreasing the speed of molecular movement.

c.  An increase in temperature causes slower diffusion by eliminating Brownian movement.

d.  An increase in temperature has no effect on the rate of diffusion.

12.  An environmental toxin is discovered that interferes with certain cellular functions. When affected cells are examined, it is observed that proteins that are normally found on the plasma membrane are instead found in the cytoplasm. Other proteins are located improperly as well. Which of the following structures is most likely affected by the toxin?


a.  lysosome

b.  mitochondria

c.  cell wall

d.  golgi apparatus


13.  Which of the following organelles is involved in the digestion of outer worn-out organelles?


a.  lysosome

b.  endosome

c.  rough endoplasmic reticulum

d.  golgi apparatus


14.  If a cell contains a nucleus, it could be a –


a.  bacterial cell

b.  plant cell

c.  virus

d.  prokaryotic cell


15.  You are conducting osmosis experiments with a test tube of human cells in solution. You add a teaspoon of table salt to the test tube. According to the principles of osmosis, what can you predict will happen to the cells?


a.  they will swell and burst

b.  they will not be affected.

c.  They will shrink and shrivel

d.  They will undergo rapid mitosis


16.  The SOLUTION in question 15 is –


a.  hypertonic

b.  isotonic

c.  hypotonic

d.  passive


Cell Energy EOC Review

1.  What essential things do plants need from animals in order to survive and live?

2.  What essential things do animals need from plants in order to survive and live?

3.  What is the equation for photosynthesis?

4.  What is the equation for aerobic respiration?

5. How do photosynthesis and cellular respiration relate to each other (see equations above!)?

6.  What is ATP, and what is its function ?

7.  What is the relationship between ATP and ADP?

8.  Aerobic respiration produces how many ATP ?

9.  Anaerobic respiration produces how many ATP?

10.  When does the body undergo anaerobic respiration ?

11.  ATP stores energy for use in several cellular functions. Which of the following does NOT require the breakdown of ATP?


a.  bioluminescence

b.  enzyme production

c.  flagella movement

d.  diffusion


12.  Which of the following is a product of photosynthesis?


a.  ATP

b.  Glucose

c.  Water

d.  Carbon dioxide


13.  Which of the following processes is anaerobic?-no oxygen


a.  glycolysis

b.  citric acid cycle

c.  electron transport chain

d.  all of the above


Mitosis/Meiosis EOC Review

1.  What is mitosis and what does it accomplish ?

2.  List the stages of mitosis and a brief-description of what is happening in each stage. Remember PMAT!! On the top of this page, make a simple drawing of the chromosomes in each stage.

3.  In what types of cells does mitosis occur?

4.  If a cell starts out with 24 chromosomes and undergoes mitosis, how many chromosomes will the daughter cell have?

5.  What occurs in interphase?

6.  What is meiosis and why is it essential for sexual reproduction ?

7.  In what type cells does meiosis occur?

8.  What is crossing over?

9.  When does crossing over occur?

10.  What are the benefits of crossing over?

11.  If a cell starts out with 24 chromosomes and undergoes meiosis, how many chromosomes will daughter cells have?

12.  If a mutation occurs in mitosis, which cells will be affected ?

13.  What is nondisjunction ? When does it occur?

DNA Protein Synthesis

1.  What is the function of DNA?

2.  Draw & describe the structure of DNA.

3.  What is the function of RNA?

4.  Draw & describe the structure of RNA.

5.  What are 3 differences between RNA and DNA?

6.  What are the building blocks of nucleic acids ?

7.  What 3 things make up nucleotides? Draw a picture of a nucleotide.

8.  What are the 5 steps of DNA replication?

9.  What do we (your cells) make during transcription?

10.  What is created in translation?


Use above sequence for questions 11-13

11.  What would be the sequence on the replicated (complimentary) DNA strand?

12. What would the mRNA strand be from the oringinal strand?

13. What would the amino acid sequence be ? Use the mRNA à Amino Acids handout.

14.  Describe the following types of mutations.

a.  Point mutation

b.  frame shift

c.  inversion

d.  translocation

15.  Who are/were Watson and Crick?

16.  The process of cell division requires the parent cell to synthesize more DNA molecules. These molecules are produced by which of the following mechanisms?


a.  translation

b.  replication

c.  transcription

d.  mitosis


17.  Which of the following do DNA and RNA have in common?


a.  both are double stranded

b.  both contain ribose molecules

c.  both contain phosphate groups

d.  both contain thymine


18.  Translation is the process of synthesizing protein from RNA. Which of the following molecules transports amino acids from the cytoplasm to the ribosome for translation?


a.  mRNA

b.  rRNA

c.  tRNA

d.  All of the above


19.  Some mutations are more harmful than others are. Which of the following types of mutations is usually less severe?


a.  frame shift mutation

b.  point mutation

c.  chromosomal mutation

d.  deletion


20.  Some mutagens, such as the sun’s UV radiation, cause mutations in body cells such as skin cells. Which of the following is NOT likely to occur as a result of such a mutation?

a.  Skin cancer may develop in the exposed individual

b.  Skin cancer may develop in the offspring of the exposed individual

c.  Exposed skin cells may function improperly .

d.  All of the above consequences are likely.

21.  What is the complementary mRNA sequence to the DNA sequence of A-T-T-G-C-A?


a.  T-A-A-C-G-T

b.  U-A-A-C-G-T

c.  U-A-A-C-G-T

d.  T-A-A-G-C-U



Part 1: Use these word to complete the following statements

Mendel homozygote heterozygous

Phenotype dominant genotype

Gamete alleles fertilization


1.  The gene combination of an organism is called ______(an example would be Tt).

2.  ______traits are the observed traits of an organism. They mask other traits .

3.  Another name for a sex cell is a ______.

4.  ______was the monk who studied inheritance in pea plants.

5.  The term for having two alleles that are the same, such as TT is ______.

6.  When the sperm and egg cell unite it is called ______.

7.  ______traits seem to skip a generation and are masked by other traits.

8.  The different forms of a gene (such as tall or short) are called ______.

9.  The way an organism looks or behaves is its ______.

10.  The term for having two alleles that are different is ______.

Part 2 : Problems

11.  In pea plants, tall (T) is dominant to short (t). Mendel crossed two heterozygous tall plants (Ex: Tt x Tt). Create a Punnett square and answer the questions below.

a.  What percentage of the offspring will be tall?

b.  What percentage of the offspring will be short?

12.  In some cases albinism (albino) inherited as a simple recessive trait. A homozygous normal man marries an albino woman. Show the cross in your own punnett square .

a.  What is the probability that their offspring will have normal colored skin?

b.  What is probability that their offspring will have albino skin?

c.  What are the possible genotypes of their offspring?

13.  A heterozygous normal man marries a woman who is albino. Show the cross.

a.  What is the probability that their offspring will have normal colored skin?

b.  What is the probability that their offspring will have albino skin?

c.  What are the possible genotypes of their offspring ?

14.  If a homozygous man marries a woman who is a carrier for albinism, what would their possible gametes be?

15.  If two plants were crossed whose gametes were TtYy and TtYy, what would be all their possible gametes?

16.  There are 4 different blood types. A,B,O and AB. What are all of the possible genotypes for each blood type.

17.  A woman that is heterozygous for A blood maries someone with O blood. Show the cross of their offspring.

a.  What is the phenotypic ratio?

b.  What is the genotypic ratio?

c.  What are all the possible genotypes for their offspring?

18.  A woman that is homozygous for A blood marries a man that is heterozygous for B blood . Show the cross for their offspring.

a.  What is the genotypic ratio?

b.  What is the phenotypic ratio?

c.  What are all the possible genotypes of their offspring ?

19.  If a woman has A blood and a man has B blood is it possible for them to have a child with O blood? How?


1.  List the basic characteristics of the five kingdoms below. Provide an example for each.

a.  Monera:

b.  Protista:

c.  Fungi:

d.  Plantae:

e.  Animalia:

2.  What is a phylogenic tree? What does it show? Draw an example.

3.  List the three types of Protists and the basic characteristics of each.

4.  List the seven taxa (classification). Which is most specific? Which is most general?

5.  Antibiotics can be used to control which of the following ?

a.  Fungal infections c. viruses

b.  Bacterial infections d. both c and d

6.  Who developed today’s modern method of classification (binomial nomenclature)?

7.  Describe the general characteristics of a virus.

8.  Explain the differences between the lytic and lysogenic viral reproduction cycles.

9.  What is a saprophyte? Give an example.

10.  a. What processes do plants undergo to produce their own food?

b. What pigment is required for this process ?

c. In what organelle does this process occur ?

11.  What are gymnosperms ?

12.  What are angiosperms?

13.  List the differences between monocots and dicots. Provide an example of each.

14.  List and explain 3 types of tropisms experienced by planced (what causes plants to grow or move in certain directions?).

15.  Label the parts of a complete flower. (stigma, style, ovary,anther,stamen, filament, pistil, sepal, petals)

16.  Label the parts of the leaf below.(cuticle, spongy mesophyll, vascular bundle (xylem/phloem), palisade mesophyll, stoma , guard cell)

17.  What is the function of the following ?

a.  xylem-

b.  phloem-

c.  stomata-

d.  cuticle-

e.  anther-

18.  In which area of the leaf would most of the chloroplasts be found?

19.  Which part of the plant functions like the circulatory system in the body?

a. cuticle c. spongy mesophyll

b. stomata d. vascular bundle (a.k.a. vein)


1.  Who was the father of evolution?

2.  Define natural selection

3.  There are 5 basic principles of natural selection. Describe each.

a.  variation:

b.  inheritance:

c.  overproduction:

d.  competition

e.  survival of the fittest:

4.  What are the homologous structures and do they support evolutionary theory? Give examples.

5.  What are analogous structures? Give examples.

6.  What is a vestigial structure? Give examples.

7.  How can isolation create new species?

8.  What role can an environment play in natural selection?

9.  What is speciation?

10.  How are mutations related to evolution?

11.  What are the benefits of sexual reproduction versus asexual reproduction?

12.  Which group evolved first? (plants, fungi, monera, animals?)

13.  What kinds of evidence support evolutionary theory?

14.  What is a hominid?


1.  What is carrying capacity?

2.  What is a limiting factor? Give some examples.

3.  Describe each of the following relationships:

a.  Predation

b.  parasitism

c.  commensalisms

d.  mutualism

e.  succession

4.  What is the difference between a habitat and a niche?

5.  Explain how an energy pyramid illustrates the use of energy in an ecosystem.