What’s Happening at McKendree?

Good Things!

February 3, 2015

Our Mission – Glorifying God by making disciples

of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Kelly Breniser – benign brain tumor, prayers for discernment

Ruth Baggett – breast cancer, starting chemo this week

Paul Cadwalder – at home, home health care

Phil Gowan – liver cancer

Charles Greer – Heather Marshall’s uncle, recovering from a stroke

Jerry Humphrey – pancreatic cancer, chemotherapy

Joanne Knorr – recovering from cellulitis

Ronda Powell – cancer

Willodeen Spain – NHC Cool Springs, recovering from surgery for broken hip

Nell Spencer – lung cancer



THIS SUNDAY, February 8th

United Methodist Scout Sunday!


A catered luncheon will follow the service and

there will be a short program.

We are celebrating Troop 219 being 10 years old!

Everyone is invited!

SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE THIS WEEK is at 10am. Our February worship series is “Choices: God’s Got Your Back!” We have so many choices to make each day, and it is easy to make decisions too quickly and without much concern for others. During this series, we will focus our attention on understanding how to make better choices so that we honor God and help our neighbor. Everyone is invited to worship with us!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ADULT BIBLE STUDY CLASS meets at 5:45pm in Room 209. We are in the third part of our Covenant Series, “Trusting the Covenant.” Our study on February 4 will be in the books of Jeremiah, Lamentations and Ezekiel, “Crisis and Starting Over.” The study for February 11 will be from Isaiah 40-66, “Exile and Renewal.” Everyone is welcome to join us.

FREED UP FINANCIAL CLASS Are you interested in learning more about dealing with finances? This class explores what the Bible says about our financial life, and teaches how to implement biblical principles on finance into our daily lives. If you are interested in attending, or would like more information, please contact the church office at 615-271-2600 or .

Date and times for the class have not been set.

LIFE GROUP MEETING The McKendree Savvy Savers will meet in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 22, following the 9am worship service. The focus of the meeting will be shopping at Kroger.

OUR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY IS GROWING AND WE NEED YOUR HELP! On any given Sunday, we have a minimum of 15 children in our Children's Church/Sunday School. This is more children than McKendree has seen in many, many years!! Due to this wonderful development, we are expanding our program and adding a new classroom to our Children's Ministry. In order to do this, WE NEED YOUR HELP! We will be gathering on Saturday, February 21st beginning at 9am to set up, clean up, and re-organize our department. We are inviting the church to come help us as we grow! Lunch will be provided for any who are able to volunteer. Childcare will also be provided. If you can't make it that day, please know there are plenty of other opportunities to support you're Children's Ministry!! You can volunteer in our Sundaymorning programming or donate monetarily to supplies/furnishings in our new classroom. Thank you!

NOAH Public Meeting with Mayoral Candidates

NOAH stand for “Nashville Organized for Action and Hope” and is made up of 35 congregations, labor unions and other organizations, all working for major changes in issues that are important to their members. A Public Meeting with the Mayoral Candidates will be held on Sunday, February 22 at 3pm at Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Church (1203 9th Avenue North). NOAH will have 1000 people at this meeting to get commitments from the candidates on issues determined by these Task Forces: Gentrification and Housing Task Force, Criminal Justice Task Force and Economic Equity and Jobs.

FINANCIAL GIFTS Your financial gifts and donations are always appreciated. Online giving is available at

PASTOR’S SERMON You may hear Pastor Handy’s latest sermon by going to

As always, remember God’s will for us is good, we must do the rest!

Pastor Stephen

McKendree United Methodist Church

523 Church Street Nashville TN 37219
