Algebra 1B Syllabus

West Greene High School
Algebra I 2016-2017 Syllabus
Contact Info:
Teacher: Lisa Coffey
Room: 108B
Availability: Before and after school. My conference time is during 1st Block (8:00 – 9:15 am).
Course Description:
The purpose of this class is to develop a foundation for abstract mathematics and methods for modeling real world problems. Topics include: Foundations for Functions, Solving Equations, Linear Functions, Systems of Equations, Polynomial Arithmetic and Quadratic Functions. Algebra 1 will not only be used in future math classes, but science classes as well. Upon successful completion of this course, the next course in the content area sequence is Geometry. If your student likes Algebra 1, they may also enjoy classes such as engineering and computer programming.
Class Beliefs:
Ø Instructional time is SACRED.
Ø The more you DO, the more you LEARN.
Ø Learning is FUN.
Class Expectations:
Ø We will work BELL to BELL every day.
Ø You will MASTER every concept (at least 85%).
Ø We will learn TOGETHER by helping each other and asking questions.
Class Rules:
Ø Be on TIME.
Classroom Consequences:
Ø Warning
Ø Lunch Detention
Ø After School Detention
Ø Office Referral
Success Strategies:
Ø Follow all rules and procedures.
Ø Come to class prepared and expecting to LEARN!
Ø Participate in class discussions and ask questions.
Ø Always complete the assignments!
Ø STUDY for tests and quizzes!
Grading Policy:
Ø Major grades: Tests/Exams/Projects: 60%
Ø Minor Grades: Homework/Quizzes: 40%
Minor Grades Policy:
Homework/Classwork will be assigned and is expected to be completed and form completed DAILY. All work for the unit must be completed by the scheduled unit test day.
*Classroom calculators may not leave the classroom. You may RENT a calculator, ask for the form.
Retest Policy:
Students have the opportunity to retake any quiz or test within 5 days of the original assessment upon request. *Due to grade reporting deadlines, cumulative assessments such as mid-term, final exams, and projects are exceptions to this practice.”
Academic Integrity Policy:
Students who engage in academic dishonesty, participate in cheating or copying, plagiarism, or unauthorized communication between students during an assignment or examination, shall be subject to disciplinary action. A student may not be academically penalized, but shall be required to complete an alternate assignment/assessment with parallel learning objectives. Students will be required to demonstrate mastery of content and skills.