Introduction to Theatre 2015-2016
Miss Kelly Jo Scott- TH/SPEECH Room
(940) 592-1416
Course Description:
Students in Intro to Theatre will learn the basics to the subject necessary to fulfill a Fine Arts credit or to advance within the Iowa Park High School theatre program. This includes but is not limited to: Staging, Characterization, Beginning Acting, Improvisational skills, and Theatre History.
1)Identify beginningtheatre terminology and techniques
2)Apply standard knowledge in basic performances
3)Develop knowledge of various eras of theatre history and demonstrate comprehension
4)Enhance natural skill and incorporate instructional aspects of theatre
5)Demonstrate understanding of all focused concepts
Classroom Rules:
1)Give respect to everyone
2)Be responsible for care of classroom and safe usage of all school/teacher property
3)Keep discussions classroom appropriate
4)All IPHS Policies will be adhered to
5)Cell phone usage is prohibited*
*See specific cell phone guidelines below
1)Verbal warning
2)Student/Teacher Conference and D-Hall assignment
3)Parental Contact and D-Hall assignment
4)Office Referral
5)All major infractions as specified by the Iowa Park Student Handbook will be sent directly to the office
Grading Policy:
Students will be graded based on the following categories:
-Daily work10%
-Lab work20%
- As the vast majority of work will be done in class, late work will not be accepted unless approved by the teacher. Unexcused absences during performance dates may be rescheduled if situation permits. Absences due to UIL or extracurricular activities, field trips, etc. isnot considered an absence and all work must be turned in beforehand.
Conference Period:
My conference period is 5th(12:15pm-12:55pm). I will also be available before school (7:40am-8:00am) and after school (3:30pm-4:00pm) for tutorials.
Three-ring binder, notebook, pencil, and highlighter. These supplies may be kept in the Theatre classroom for easy access during lessons.
Cell Phone Policy:
In order to enter the Theatre classroom, cell phones MUST be placed in a secured location at the front of the class. This is a phone holder that is securely fastened to the wall with individually labeled slots assigned to each student. The phones will always be in the student’s view so there is no danger of theft and it is safely engineered to protect the phone from damage. Students are not allowed to keep phones in pockets or backpacks inside the classroom but may contain them in their lockers if preferred over the phone holder. If this option is chosen, however, students will not be released to retrieve phones if needed for a lesson.This policy is in place to ensure appropriate usage of class time. If violations occur, consequence is immediate office referral. If there is a question or concern regarding this, or if a student does not own a cell phone, the parent/guardian must contact Miss Scott directly. By signing the contract below, the parent/guardian acknowledges and agrees to the terms and will expect the student to comply each day during class time.
Please cut and return below portion to Miss Scott by Friday, August 28th
I have read and understand the information regarding the Intro to Theatre class. I understand that I will be required to adhere to classroom rules and all policies listed in the IPHS Handbook. I also agree to be respectful of my learning environment and will maintain all school/teacher property and classroom equipment. Any damage or misplacement of such items will result in financial responsibility on the part of the student.
Printed name of studentStudent SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Parent Phone Number:______
Parent Email:______
Student Email:______