November 2, 2005
Members Present:
Rosa Carlson, Louise Culver, Larry Dutto, Pamela Faller, Gina Haycock, Alec Hurtado, Joni Jordan, Greg Keen, Stephanie Logan, Dale Norton, Milli Owens, Irv Pankey, Mike Shuman, Frank Tebeau, Robert Urtecho, Jan Woodall.
Members Absent:
Tim Lynch, Ron McGriff, Allyson Sullivan
Joni Jordan called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. Minutes of the October 5th meeting were approved as submitted-M/S/C.
Curriculum Discussion/Action
1. AJ 145, (F27), Terrorism and Freedom – 3 units – NEW: Returned to division-M/S/C. Questions were asked about where this course fits into the mission of the college? . Certificates will change to reflect the new direction for public safety and Homeland Security. Larry Dutto has discussed this with the course author about the direction of this course. If a new certificate program is planned, it would be helpful to get the outlines at the same time to see the whole certificate. Committee members requested that the need for the course be more clearly identified.
2. CHEM 12, (F61), Organic Chemistry 1 – 3 units – MODIFIED: Approved-M/S/C. Joni Jordan read the rationale submitted by Dan Shelly. Robert Urtecho more fully explained the reasoning for making this change in the Chemistry chemistry outlines, one of which is to offer more flexibility for students. This is an innovative way to deal with the problems of this course. The motion to approve all chemistry courses on the agenda was passed. This change will be effective in the Fall 2006 semester. In fact, the Committee decided that anything approved by the end of the Fall 2005 semester will go into effect the Fall of 2006. A question arose about the 2-year catalog; will there be an addendum showing revisions and additions of curriculum? Greg Keen stated that many institutions print a supplement at the one year point to include the changes and additions to curriculum.
3. CHEM 12L, (F62), Organic Chemistry Lab – 2 units – MODIFIED: Approved-M/S/C.
4. CHEM 13, (F57), Organic Chemistry 2 – 3 units – MODIFIED: Approved-M/S/C.
5. AG Skill Certificate, (F82), Ag Enterprise – Row Crop – 5-11 units – NEW: Approved-M/S/C.
6. AG Skill Certificate, (F83), Ag Enterprise – Forage Crops – 5-11 units – NEW: Approved-M/S/C.
7. Nursing Achievement Certificate, Peripheral IV Skills Certificate – 0.05 unit – NEW: This certificate accompanied the Nursing 155 course. Approved-M/S/C.
8. FASH/BUS 265, Retail Career Preparation – DELETION: Approved-M/S/C.
9. OH 299, (F74), Residential Landscape Design – 2 units – NEW: Approved-M/S/C.
10. PSY 1, (F62), General Psychology – 3 units – MODIFIED: Approved-M/S/C.
Old Business
CurricuNet Update: A team will be visiting campuses that are using CurricuNet to get information about the program. The team members are Lee McDonald, Gail Robinson, Greg Keen, Joni Jordan and Rod Frese. They will visit San Joaquin Delta College and North Orange County College District. Delta has been using CurricuNet for 1 ½ years; Joni will be meeting with the Curriculum Chairperson from Delta soon to gather more information. The team is hoping to make the visits before the end of November. There is about a 10-month installation and training process, and there is still a question on the annual maintenance fee. More discussion followed on this subject.
Transfer Degree Program: Joni reported that several questions were raised about this program and the Senate was uneasy about approving it. The Senate wants to make sure that the courses listed were representative samples. Greg Keen will attend the next Senate meeting to explain why this is needed. Joni will gather more background information from Dale and Greg prior to the next Senate meeting.
New Business
399 Courses: Gail Robinson had a question concerning the variable units for the recently approved 399 courses. Joni read Gail’s email. It was explained that Gail’s question in about the generic outline – not the specific outlines that were just approved. A motion was made and seconded to create a line of .5 to 12 units for the variable units on the Special Topics template because of vocational programs such as Fire Technology and Automotive; the motion was approved-M/S/C. Joni will inform Gail Robinson of the decision.
Sociology 2 Course Outline: Joni brought a question to the Committee that this outline is on the 1997 course outline format. The division wants to add a distance learning addendum but because the course was approved in 2002, they do not want to put it on the new course outline template. Officially, they are two templates behind. A motion was made to put the course on the new form when submitting the distance learning addendum; the motion was approved-M/S/C with one abstention.