Sigma Chi stands above every other fraternity on campus because of the nature and depth of our Ritual. I-week is an intense experience that will stay with each Brother throughout their entire life. The deep sense of bonding defines Brotherhood at its best. While we love Sigma Chi Ritual and everything that it means, one of Zeta Iota's favorite Pledge Preparation practices is the Unity Fire, conducted with Pledge Pops and their Pledge Sons.

In brief, the Unity Fire starts with each Pledge carving a piece of wax in such a way as to define what Sigma Chi means to him. One at a time each Pledge puts his individual creation into metal cross that is suspended over a small fire. Following is a complete script for this inspirational event.

UNITY FIRE as conducted by the Zeta Iota Chapter


"Pledge brothers, once again you stand before a fire, a fire that is symbolic of the eternal flame of brotherhood that burns within the hearts of all Sigma Chis. Again you can feel its warmth, yet you still can not enjoy the beauty of its glow nor fully understand why it continues to burn. Do not feel discouraged, for only a Sigma Chi can truly know the meaning behind the flame.

The journey you took would have been an extremely difficult one without my guidance as a friend who has traveled the path before. As you walked, you had to lean on the shoulder of a pledge brother so that you would not loose your way. Although you may have stumbled along the path, the support that he gave you helped you reach your destination. You could have not seen where you were going, but as long as you held tight and gave him your trust, you were not lost.

Remove your blindfolds and gaze into the fire before you. Tonight you take another step in your journey towards Sigma Chi. Hold you carving in your right hand. The carving that you hold represents yourselves as an individual. Only you fully appreciate the meaning of your carving.

Your coming together as a pledge class exemplifies one of the most important Sigma Chi beliefs.

(Read "The Spirit of Sigma Chi")

When I place my hand upon your shoulder, put your carving into the cross.

(Brothers sing "The Cross Song")

Individually your carvings represented yourself, but blended together they now form a White Cross.

Its beautiful and symbolic supremacy would be diminished if even one carving were missing.

Pledge brothers, your unity as a pledge class is of vital importance. For only as a unit can you reach your goal of Initiation. Remember that a chain can only be as strong as its weakest link. Your Chain of Friendship must be strong enough to hold up even under the greatest of pressure. Always remember... the whole is greater that the sum total of its parts.

(Read "I Am The Cross")

Pledge brothers replace your blindfolds.