Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

Altar Server Instructions

General Instructions:

-- If you cannot serve Mass for which you are scheduled, you need to find your own Substitute.

-- Be in the sacristy at least 15 minutes before Mass starts and check in on the sign in list

-- Light all the candles on and around the Altar and the Tabernacle

-- Remember that the priest is in persona Christi (in the person of Christ) before you turn away from him you must bow towards him, and then you may do your next task.

-- Do not walk away until action is complete

-- Candles are to be lit 10 minutes before Mass starts.


-- Sit and stand together

Mass Instructions:

-- Wait for Father’s cue to process down the aisle, walk slowly but not a death march.

-- Please reverence the altar before moving onto the predella. If carrying anything, do not bow.

-- The cross will be placed just inside the credence area on the left (facing the altar). At 10:00 Mass, the candles will be replaced into their holders on either side of the altar. Put the cross or candles in their appropriate place and go directly to your seat.

-- Servers will be sitting and using the credence area on the right side (facing the altar).

-- Keep hands in prayer position at all times. Except when sitting down.

-- Wait for Father to say “let us pray”, then take the Sacramentary over to him. Bring the Sacramentary back to the table from which it was setting.(For now, the Sacramentary will sit on the sedella)

-- If the Lector has used the extra stand when doing the reading, one server will need to put it back up before Father comes to read the Gospel. The Lector will let you know before Mass if he/she will be using the stand.

-- For the preparation of the altar bring the Sacramentary and pillow over to the altar and set it on the left side of the altar.

-- Bring the Chalice, cups, and cruet of water to the altar and set them on the side.

-- When you see Father bow to the altar and walk to the front of the predella to receive the gifts, you are to follow him. Each server will stand on each side of father. The right side will receive the wine, the left side will receive the bread. If you are handed the collection basket place it in front of the altar. Remain there until Father turns to go back to the Altar.

-- All items are to be placed on Father’s right. Always cross behind Father and assist him on his right.

-- Server that receives the flagon of wine is to take it to the altar and remain there until father is done with the flagon and the cruet of water.Bow deeply; don’t just nod. Bring items back to the credence area.

-- When father bows and turns towards you bring over the bowl and pitcher, the other server brings the towel. Remain there until action is complete.Bow deeply and return items to credence area.

-- Wait for Father to extend his hands over the gifts (epiclesis) lightly ring the bells.

-- Wait for the elevation of the precious body of Christ, ring bells three times.

-- Wait for the elevation of the precious blood of Christ, ring bells three times.

-- At the sign of peace Father will move the book to the side of the altar. Go up to the altar, bow, remove Sacramentary, and place it back on the table.

-- Servers remain standing during the Communion prayer. Please be reverent with hands in prayer position throughout the prayer.

-- After communion, Father will come back to the altar. Server will need to take the cruet of water to pour into the paten and the cups.Stand to Father’s right. Wait for Father to slightly raise the paten to indicate there is enough water. After Father is done with the water, bow deeply andtake the water back to the credence area. Immediately return to the altar and wait for Father to hand you the chalice. Bow deeply and take it to the Eucharistic minister waiting in the credence area.

-- You may now sit down and wait for Father to say “let us pray”, take him the Sacramentary. Set it back on the sedella when you return to your seat.

-- Father will close Mass with the final blessing. When the choir starts the final hymn, go and pick up the cross and the candles (10:00 Mass) and start down the aisle to wait for Father. He will then reverence the altar with a kiss and join you in the aisle.

After Mass:

-- Extinguish candles before removing your alb.

-- Place alb back on hanger, snap it at the neck, and place it neatly in the appropriate section.