Dear Grant Applicant:
The following application is for 2017 funds from the Jefferson County Drug-Free Communities Fund for services and programs to address problems related to substance abuse in Jefferson County. This fund is comprised of alcohol and drug offender fees collected in Jefferson County.
The grants are on a one time only basis with no future funding implied or guaranteed. Programsmust be targeted to serve Jefferson County residents. Proposals receiving amounts less than requested may be required to submit a revised budget.
The grant review committee will be reviewing the proposals and making recommendations for funding to the Jefferson County Justice, Treatment and Prevention. The approved recommendations will then be forwarded to the County Council, County Commissioners, and the Governor’s Commission for a Drug Free Indiana for final approval.
Proposals for grants must address at least one of the recommended actions contained in the attachment to the application packet. Grants will be allotted to projects in each of three areas; Prevention/Education, Treatment/Intervention, and Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement. Collaboration with other providers/organizations and an indication of other funding sources is strongly encouraged.
An original and six (6) copies of the application must be postmarked by October 31, 2017to:
Jefferson County Justice, Treatment and Prevention
c/o Jasmine Mardello
100 East Second Street, Suite E
Madison, IN 47250
We look forward to reviewing your ideas and partnering with you to address the effects of substance abuse in Jefferson County. Should you have any questions, please contact Jasmine Mardello at 812.599.9147.
Jasmine F. Mardello
JCJTAP Coordinator
ANY FORMS, OR FORMATS, OTHER THAN WHAT IS SUPPLIED WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Submit signed original, plus six (6) copies to:
Jasmine F. Mardello
100 East Second Street Suite, E
Madison, IN 47250
Name of Organization______
Project Location:______
Federal Employer ID#______Fax:______
President or Chair of Governing Board______
Title of Project:______
Briefly describe your proposed project/program:
Total Project Cost: $______
Amount of Grant Requested: $______
Attach Project Budget. Present a realistic line-item estimate of project costs and revenues.
Please complete the following questions. Attach additional pages if needed.
- Purpose: Describe the goals and objectives of this project.
- Timetable: Describe how long the project will take, from beginning to completion. List calendar of events for implementation and completion of the project.
- Evaluation: Explain how you will determine whether the objectives of your project are accomplished.
- Fund Raising Plan: If you have applied for funding for this project from other parties, please list them and the date funds will be available.
- Future Funds: If this project will continue in the future, explain how it will be funded.
- Need: List issues or needs which this project will address.
- Groups and Individuals Served By This Project: Describe who and how many persons will be served by this project. Describe how it will benefit them, and what difference it will make in their lives.
- Community Interaction: Name others in the community who may be working on this issue, and whether you have discussed this project with them. Describe how your proposed project coordinates with them or what you propose to do better than or differently from existing programs.
III. Organization Management
Organization: Briefly describe the history and purpose of your organization, including your organization’s official mission statement.
Implementation: Give indication of your organization’s ability to implement this project effectively. Describe what will happen to this project if you are granted less that the amount requested
IV. Other
Provide anything else you would like the Jefferson County Justice, Treatment and Prevention to know about this proposed project.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, statements in this grant application are true and correct; the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant/organization will comply with applicable laws, regulations, terms and conditions in effect at the time of grant.
I understand that JCJTAP, in evaluating this grant application, may, if it deems appropriate, review any and all of the information submitted as part of this request with advisors of the JCJTAP’s choosing. I agree to submit JCJTAP’s bi-annual reports on all grant activities and present an overview of the project at a JCJTAP meeting. I agree to attend at least half of all JCJTAP meetings as part of a grantee, and I understand if I fail to do so then I will not be eligible for a grant the following year.
Signature of President or Executive Director Date
Submit completed application postmarked byOctober 31, 2017.
Jefferson County Justice, Treatment and Prevention
c/o Jasmine Mardello
100 East Second Street Suite E
Madison, IN 47250
Applications for funding of programs that meet needs identified in the problem statements of the Jefferson County Justice, Treatment and Prevention Comprehensive Plan will be given the highest priority.
Following is a summary of the Goal Statements that were identified in the Comprehensive Plan.
JCJTAP has identified three primary problems, as suggested in the sample comprehensive plan provided by the Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana.
These three problems are seen as the basis for planning activities to improve community health and safety. The problems are as follows:
Problem Statement 1: Community norms support casual, accepting and enabling attitudes toward misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. There is a general lack of awareness of the drug problem and /or problems caused by drugs within the community.
Problem Statement 2: The Youth in Jefferson County are abusing alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Problem Statement 3: Adults in Jefferson County are abusing alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Please direct questions to:
Jasmine Mardello
Revised 08/2017