ICDS Systems Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP)

[Credit 5150-IN]

Procurement Plan

(Revised and Updated)

State Project Management Unit

Directorate of Integrated Child Development Services

Government of Uttar Pradesh

January 2015

ICDS Systems Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP)

[Credit 5150-IN]

Procurement Plan for State of Uttar Pradesh


a)Bank’s/GoI’s approval date of the procurement plan: Jan 2015

b)Date of General Procurement Notice: UNDB issue # 799 dated May 31, 2011

c)Period covered by this procurement plan: Jan-Dec 2015

d)Implementing Agency : Directorate of ICDS, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh

II. GOODS & NON-Consulting Services

  1. Procurement Methods and Thresholds:

Method of Procurement / Threshold (US$ Equivalent) for Goods
International Competitive Bidding (ICB) / > 3,000,000
National Competitive Bidding (NCB) / >100,000 and up to 3,000,000
Shopping / Up to 100,000
Direct Contracting (DC) / As per paragraph 3.7 of Guidelines
  1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 of Procurement Guidelines will be:

Goods: All NCB contracts from CPMU and each participating state with estimated value more than US$ 1,000,000 or equivalent. Any contract more than US$ 50,000 or more following Direct Contracting procedure.

All other contracts shall be post reviewed.

  1. Pre-qualification: Not Applicable

4. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements:

a)The procurement will be carried out as per agreed timeline in the Procurement Activity Schedule/Procurement Manual.

b)Goods estimated to cost less than $1,000,000 or equivalent per contract may be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of National Competitive Bidding procedures as per paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 of the Procurement Guidelines and the following additional provisions shall apply:

  • Only the Model Bidding Document for procurement of works/goods or non-consulting services through NCB agreed with the Bank (and as amended for time to time) shall be used for bidding;
  • Invitations to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely circulated national daily newspaper (or on a widely used website or electronic portal with free national and international access along with an abridged version of the said advertisement published in a widely circulated national daily inter-alia giving the website/electronic portal details from which the details of the invitation to bid can be downloaded), at least 30 days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids. No special preference will be accorded to any bidder either for price or for other terms and conditions when competing with foreign bidder, State-owned enterprises, small scale enterprises or enterprises from any given State;
  • Except with the prior concurrence of the Bank, there shall be no negotiation of price with the bidders, even with the lowest evaluated bidder;
  • Extension of bid validity shall not be allowed with reference to Contracts subject to Bank prior review without the prior concurrence of the Bank (i) for the first request for extension if it is longer than four weeks; and (ii) for all subsequent requests for extension irrespective of the period (such concurrence will be considered by Bank only in cases of Force Majeure and circumstances beyond the control of the Purchaser/ Employer). Re-bidding shall not be carried out with reference to Contracts subject to Bank prior review without the prior concurrence of the Bank
  • The system of rejecting bids outside a pre-determined margin or “bracket” of prices shall not be used in the project;
  • Rate contracts entered into by Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals will not be acceptable as a substitute for NCB procedures unless agreed with the Bank on case to case basis. Such contracts will be acceptable however for any procurement under the Shopping procedures. Two or three envelope system will not be used (except when using e-Procurement system assessed and agreed by the Bank).

III. Selection of Consultants

1a) Selection Methods and Thresholds

Method of Procurement / Threshold (US$ Equivalent)
Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) / No threshold
Quality Based Selection (QBS) / No threshold
Selection Made Under a Fixed Budget (FBS) / No threshold
Least Cost Selection (LCS) / No threshold
Selection Based on Consultant’s Qualifications (CQS) / < 300,000
Single Source Selection / As per Consultant Guidelines
Para 3.8 – 3.11
Selection of Individual Consultants (IC) / No threshold

1b) Prior Review Threshold

Consultancy Services: All consultancy contracts from CPMU and each participating state with estimated value more than US$ 500,000 equivalent for firms; and > US$ 200,000 equivalent for individuals.

All Single Source Selections of more than US$ 50,000.

In case of contract to individuals, the qualifications, experience, terms of reference and terms of employment shall be subject to prior review.

2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants:

Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $ 500,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.

IV. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements

The selection will be carried out as per agreed timeline in the Procurement Activity Schedule/Procurement Manual.

V. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule

Attached for Goods (Annex A), Consulting Services (Annex B) & Non-consulting services (Annex C).

ICDS Systems Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP)

[Credit 5150-IN]

Procurement Plan for State of Uttar Pradesh till Dec’15

In order to strengthen the programme systems, e.g. training, monitoring, roll-out of interventions under ISSNIP project at State, district & block level, it is proposed to provide the additional hardware support for their smooth functioning of the State, District & Block team including those working under the main ICDS programme.

a) Procurement of Goods:

1)In strengthening the programme systems, e.g., training, monitoring, roll-out of interventions under ISSNIP as well as under the ICDS, it is proposed to procure seven Laptops, six Desktop with UPS & Printer, one LCD Projector with Monitor, oneFax Machine, one photocopier,Colour Printer, scanner-cum-printer, 05 Tablets and Office Furniture whichwouldfacilitate smooth functioning of the state team. Tablets are portable and lighter than most laptops &offer the same functionality as a normal computer. These are handy for note taking. One can connect to the internet from anywhere. Itserves asan organizer to ICDS officials with much less paper on hand and one can continue and finish their work while in transit. It also helps in project presentation having longer battery lifetime. Therefore, it isproposed to procure 5 tablets at State level. We will try to procure these items in the current financial year 2014-15. If there is delayed due to unforeseen reasons, it will be procuredin the next financial year i.e. 2015-16.

Laptops& Digital copier with Printer Given the current priority on e-governance and the increased focus on use of IT for programme monitoring, it is proposed to provide additional support to all ICDS blocks in the State for expansion of computerization of MIS up to the block level and it will support in roll-out of web-based MIS system smoothly. Accordingly, it is proposed to provide 75 Laptops(01 Laptop per district) and 897 Desktops(01 Desktops per project). Itwill be procured during 2014-15 plans for ISSNIP 41 districts. It has been also proposed to procure Laptops for34 districts of UP in the next financial year 2015-16.Desktop computers with UPS and printersare being proposed in 897 blocks (apart from 471 ISSNIP blocks in which three new blocks of district Raibareili has been included) and will be procured during the financial year 2015-16.

One projector, LCD Screen and Office Furniture Given the critical role of the District ICDS Office in strengthening the programme systems, e.g., training, monitoring, roll-out of interventions under ISSNIP as well as under the ICDS, it is proposed to provide to each of the DPO and CDPO Office. These items will facilitate and systematically strengthen regular training/orientation of Supervisors/AWWs, monitoring and review of programme implementation and also support the roll-out of the new interventions under ISSNIP as well as the restructured ICDS.

It will help State Govt. for improving the existing infrastructure of the ICDS District/Block Offices by providing the above essential hardware with software.

It is necessary to provide inverters to every district and blocks to ensure uninterrupted power supply to run the computer. Procurement of Inverters(2 KVA) with battery at district and block level will help in smooth functioning of day to day work of the project during electricity break down. Since maximum data will be computerized and will be reported online, so inverter backup is necessary for smooth functioning of the programme.

The above district level items will be procured during 2014-15 plans. For the blocks, it will be procured in next financial year 2015-16.

The estimated cost –

  • For SPMU= Rs. 28.70 Lakhs(Laptop,Desktop with UPS &Printer,LCD Projector with Monitor,Scanner- cum- printer,Colorprinter,Tablet,Photocopier,FaxMachine,Office Furniture)
  • For District=Rs. 139.30 Lakhs(Laptop,LCD Projector with Screen,Digital copier with Printer,Inverter(2KVA),Office Furniture)
  • For Block = Rs. 1032.75 Lakhs (Desktop computers with UPS and printers, LCD Projector with Screen, Inverter(2KVA), Office Furniture).
  • Details of expenditures are enclosed.

2)To strengthen the cognitive stimulation activities of the children attending the pre-school education at 98656-AWCs in 41-ISSNIP districts, it is proposed to expand project’s support for development and provision of Age-Specific Activity Books for each child in the age group 3-6 years to promote early joyful learning in all AWCs in project as well as non-project districts of the State. The estimated cost is Rs.1973.12 Lakhs.

3)To supplement the Behaviour Change Communication efforts through community events, inter-personal counselling and mid-media initiatives under ISSNIP, it is proposed to provide 20 ‘weaning bowls’ (Katoris of stainless steel/Melmoware with measure/markings) per AWC covering total 98656-AWCs and covering 1973120children of 6 months to 2 years old children during annaprasan events in project districts as an innovative activity. This will improve the appropriate feeding practices of infants and young children at the household level with age-appropriate diets that are adequate in quality and quantity which not only serve as a constant reminder but helps mothers/caregivers to give their young children the recommended amounts and types of food as per the recommended number of times every day. The estimated cost is Rs.493.28 Lakhs.

4)It is proposed to utilize untied funds at Pilibhit, one of the high burden districts of Uttar Pradesh, by undertaking a pilot on Growth Monitoring of Children by Using Advanced Electronic Physio-Growth Monitoring (EPGM) system and Malnutrition Assessment & Analysis (MAA) a web based software with the main objective of the pilot is to use of advanced (EPGM) system and MAA for anthropometric measurements of children of 0-6 years at AWC.

The proposed pilot will cover 1738 AWCs of Pilibhit District; one weighing machine will be used for two AWCs, situated nearby area. Therefore 870 advanced weighing machines will be procured. We further propose to distribute relevant material in order to strengthen the counselling of mothers to promote child growth, estimated cost of which will be Rs. 2.00 lakh and miscellaneous expenditure would be Rs.40 (forty) thousand only.

Estimated cost of one weighing machine is Rs. 13000/- as such estimated expenditure for procurement of 870 advance weighing machine will be Rs.113.10 Lakh.

Although the approved budget for one district is Rs. 25.00 Lakh per year. Keeping in view that the project could actually started late, we propose to utilize Rs. 115.50 lakh in district Pilibhit during the entire period of implementation of the pilot.As per the guidelines of 10 January, 2013,total amount of first phase of the project is Rs. 187.50. The balance amount of Rs. 72.00 lakh will be utilized on various other activities of ISSNIP Project.

5)In 98656 AWCs of 41-ISSNIP districts, printing of flip-chats &home-visit planners is proposed in order to strengthen the periodicity and effectiveness of the home-visits by AWWs. The estimated cost is Rs.197.31 Lakhs.

b) Consulting Services – Outsourcing staff / NGOs/CBOs

  1. Training Needs Assessment–For conducting Training Needs Assessment agency would be hired in the next financial Year 2015-16 and the budget allotted is Rs. 10 Lakhs.
  2. Mid Media Activities – Communication method should necessarily include traditional or local forms of communication. For strengthening inter-personal counselling and implementation of contextually relevant and appealing awareness generation initiatives, it is proposed to use mid-media such as folk media, street plays/kalajathas etc. for bringing behaviour change among community. The budget allotted for this activities is Rs. 60 Lakhs till December, 2015
  3. Social Assessment- With the objective of facilitating universal outreach and addressing any issues of exclusion due to social and cultural difference, state will identify SC/ST/minority/geographically remote area and conduct ethnographic studies to assess socio culture practices among these communities that act as a barrier to communication and access to service delivery. This social assessment will be conducted by an agency and Rs. 10 lakhs is proposed for conducting this assessment in the next financial Year 2015-16.
  4. Assessment of pilot on Growth Monitoring of Children by Using Advanced (EPGM) Electronic Physio-Growth Monitoring system and MAA (Malnutrition Assessment & Analysis) a web based software use of digital weighing machine. After completion of the pilot, assessment of the pilot will be carried out by the external agency for performance of the system in relation to assessment of underweight, stunting and wasted children so that it may be replicated in other districts of UP.

Budget allottedis Rs. 25 Lakhs under untied funds for 'high-burden' districts to implements innovations as per the administrative approval and guidelines of 10th January, 2013 issued by UP Govt.

  1. Hiring of Consultants at State: In order to support effective planning, management, supervision & monitoring of the project implementation; State Project Management Unit (SPMU) has been set-up under the State ICDS Director. To support the SPMU, six-Technical Consultants for six-themes, four-Project Associates and one-Accountant are proposed. Total remuneration required for 10 months is Rs. 50.00 Lakhs.
  2. Hiring of Consultants at District and Blocks: It is proposed to provide additional human resource in the form of contractual staff at 41-districts and 468-blocks of ISSNIP to give support to DPOs/CDPOs and sector supervisors.Atdistrictlevel, one district coordinator supported by one project assistant will facilitate projectimplementationactivities.At block(project level), one block coordinator supported by one project assistant will support at sector and community level by supporting CDPOs and all sector supervisors in the block and directly interacting with AWWs as well as communities and community leaders.Total remuneration required for 10 months is Rs.1120.50 Lakhs.

C)Non- Consulting Services:

Remuneration of one secretarial Assistant and one Data Entry Operator which would be hired at state level from March to Dec.15 is Rs. 3.00 Lakhs.



January - December 2015

Uttar Pradesh


Component / Procurement / Amount in
INR / Amount in
A / Goods / 397,756,200 / 6,629,270
B / Consulting Services / 127,550,000 / 2,125,833
C / Non Consulting Services / 300,000 / 5,000
Grand Total / 525,606,200 / 8,760,103
Summary of Procurement ( GOODS)
Description of Item / Quantity / Unit Cost in INR @ / Estimated Cost in INR / Time Line
Laptop / 7 / 60,000 / 420,000 / Jan.2015
Desktop with UPS & Printer / 6 / 60,000 / 360,000 / Jan.2015
LCD Projector with Monitor / 1 / 100,000 / 100,000 / Jan.2015
Scanner- cum- printer / 1 / 50,000 / 50,000 / Jan.2015
Color printer / 1 / 15,000 / 15,000 / Jan.2015
Tablet / 5 / 60,000 / 300,000 / Feb.2015
Photocopier / 1 / 100,000 / 100,000 / Jan.2015
Fax Machine / 1 / 25,000 / 25,000 / Jan.2015
Office Furniture / Lump sum / 1,500,000 / 1,500,000 / Jan.2015
Activity Books for AWCs for 41 ISSNIP Districts / 98,656 / 2,000 / 197,312,000 / Process start from March.2015
Weaning Bowls for Anprashan Activity(20 Weaning Bowls per AWCs, Total AWCs=1973120) / 1,973,120 / 25 / 49,328,000 / Process start from March.2015
Computerized Weighing scales / 870 / 13,000 / 11,310,000 / Jan.2015
Printing of Flip charts and Home visits planners for AWCs / 98656 / 200 / 19,731,200 / Process start from Feb.2015
Total (SPMU Goods) / 280,551,200
Laptop / 41 / 60,000 / 2,460,000 / Feb.2015
Laptop / 34 / 60,000 / 2,040,000 / Apr-15
LCD Projector with Screen / 41 / 50,000 / 2,050,000 / Feb.2015
Digital copier with Printer / 41 / 50,000 / 2,050,000 / Feb.2015
Inverter(2KVA) / 41 / 30,000 / 1,230,000 / Feb.2015
Office Furniture / 41 / 100,000 / 4,100,000 / Feb.2015
Total (District Goods) / 13,930,000
Desktop computers with UPS and printers(Varanasi and Mirzapur Division) / 897 / 60000 / 53820000 / Apr-15
Inverters / 471 / 30000 / 14130000 / Apr-15
LCD Projector with screen / 471 / 50000 / 23550000 / Apr-15
Office Furniture / 471 / 25000 / 11775000 / Apr-15
Total (Blocks) / 103275000
Grand Total(SPMU+District+Block) / 397,756,200


Reference / Description
of item / Quan
tity / Unit Cost in INR @ / Estimated Cost in INR / Estimated cost (USD equivalent) One USD=Rs.60 / Method of procurement / Review by the bank / Expected date of purchase order (PO) / Expected date of delivery / Remarks / Comment
SPMU. G.1 / Laptop / 7 / 60,000 / 420,000 / 7000 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / March.2015 / Approved in 2013-14 Plan. Not procured so far. Will be procured during 2014-15 plan
SPMU. G.2 / Desktop with UPS & Printer / 6 / 60,000 / 360,000 / 6000 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / March.2015
SPMU. G.3 / LCD Projector with Monitor / 1 / 100,000 / 100000 / 1667 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / March.2015
SPMU. G.4 / Scanner- cum- printer / 1 / 50,000 / 50000 / 820 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / March.2015
SPMU. G.5 / Color printer / 1 / 15,000 / 15,000 / 250 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / March.2015
SPMU. G.6 / Tablet / 5 / 60,000 / 300,000 / 5000 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Feb.2015 / March.2015
SPMU. G.7 / Photocopier / 1 / 100,000 / 100000 / 1667 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / March.2015
SPMU. G.8 / Fax Machine / 1 / 25,000 / 25000 / 417 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / March.2015
SPMU. G.9 / Office Furniture / Lump sum / 1,500,000 / 1500000 / 25000 / Shopping/DGS & D / Post / Jan.2015 / April.2015 / Includes Tables, Chairs, Almeera, Stools etc.
SPMU.G.10 / Activity Books for AWCs for 41 ISSNIP Districts (98656) / 98,656 / 2,000 / 197,312,000 / 3288533 / NCB / Prior / March.2015 / June.2015
SPMU.G.11 / Weaning Bowls) for Anprashan Activity(20 Weaning Bowls per AWCs, (98656*20) / 1973120 / 25 / 49,328,000 / 822133 / NCB / post / March.2015 / June.2015