Application for Modified Papers
This form must only be used by those centres who cannot order modified papers for specific qualifications using Access arrangements online -
Cambridge Nationals, Functional Skills tests, Principal Learning units and ELC qualifications. (GCSE or GCE papers must be requested online using Access arrangements online.) When this form is used, it should be completed for each examination series and sent to each awarding body whose papers are required. It may need to be photocopied. If you do not have enough space on one form, please attach further copies of this form.
Examination seriesCentre No / Centre name
Centre e-mail address
Candidate No / Candidate name
Examination papers for which an application is made. (Please tick which modification is required for each paper)
Awarding body / Specification title / Spec.
code / Component
code / Braille / A4 modified 18 point bold / Tactile diagrams only / A4 modified
24 point bold / Modified language / Transcript of recorded test
Head of centre/Exams officer / Date
Name (Please print) / Signature
Notes on completion of application for modified papers
· This form must only be used by those centres who cannot order modified papers for specific qualifications using Access arrangements online -
Cambridge Nationals, Functional Skills tests, Principal Learning units and ELC qualifications. GCSE and GCE modified papers must be requested online using Access arrangements online.
· When this form is used, it should be to order modified papers for each series for candidates who require modified language or modified print. Centres must tick their preferred choice of format.
· This form should be used to order modified papers for each series for those candidates who cannot access the standard versions of the examination question papers.
· The information given must be accurate and complete.
· Any changes to entries or other requirements must be conveyed immediately to the appropriate department in each awarding body.
· The awarding bodies will not undertake to supply modified papers if requests are received after the deadlines or candidate entries are amended late.
Deadlines for making applications for modified papers to awarding bodies: - at least ten weeks before the date of the assessment.