1.  Preparation of
Ingredients 10 %
(Ingredients like flour, sugar, etc., are placed in bowls or similar containers, eggs in racks, or basket, etc.) / 95 / 90 / 85 / 80
·  All ingredients were systematically and orderly prepared or arranged. / ·  Most of the ingredients were arranged. / ·  Some ingredients used came from original packaging. / ·  Ingredients were pulled/ taken out at a time from its source.
2. Mixing Techniques 10 % / ·  Followed the correct direction and technique in mixing ingredients. / ·  Followed the correct direction and technique in mixing ingredients but with one (1) to two (2) deficiency. / ·  Followed the correct direction and technique in mixing ingredients but with at least three (3) deficiencies. / ·  Followed own direction and technique in mixing ingredients.
3.  Proper Use of tools and Equipment 10 %
( tools and equipment to be used are limited only to those prescribed by the organizers) / ·  Appropriate tools and equipment were laid and used and handled correctly at all times. / ·  Most of the tools and equipment were appropriately laid and handled correctly most of the time. / ·  Some tools and equipment were appropriate/ others were substituted in the preparation of the cake. / ·  Appropriate tools and equipment were available but may have not been used correctly.
4.  ork Habits 10 % / ·  Observed safety standards while working at all times.
·  Cleanliness and orderliness of the area were observed at all times. / ·  Observes safety standards while working most of the time.
·  Cleanliness and orderliness of the area were observed most of the time. / ·  Observed safety standards while working but with at least two (2) deficiencies.
·  Cleanliness and orderliness of the area were observed but with at least two (2) deficiencies. / ·  Did not observe safety standards while working.
·  Cleanliness and orderliness of the area were not observed for the duration of the contest.
1. Design 15% / ·  The design is unique, artistically done, depicts the theme of the occasion. / ·  The design was copied but with major variations and still depicts the theme. / ·  The design was copied but with very little variation and still depicts the theme. / ·  The design is a replica of a known cake shop although it depicts the theme.
2. Color Coordination 10% / ·  Color combination was pleasing and in harmony with the motif. / ·  Color combination was pleasing and in harmony with the motif but with one (1) to two (2) deficiencies. / ·  Color combination was pleasing and in harmony with the motif but with at least three (3) deficiencies. / ·  Color combination was pleasing and in harmony with the motif in some parts only.
3. Texture and
Consistency 10 % / ·  Evenly smooth and fine icing, free from lumps.
·  Stiff, holds its shape, of good spreading consistency and does not crack. / ·  Smooth and fine icing, with a few lumps.
·  Stiff, holds its shape, of good spreading consistency and does not crack but with one (1) to two (2) deficiencies. / ·  Uneven smoothness and fineness icing, with lumps.
·  Almost stiff, holds its shape for some time, of good spreading consistency and with very little cracks. / ·  Icing has a rough feel and watery.
·  Soft, cannot hold its shape, of spreading consistency but with more than four (4) deficiencies.