Oregon Head Start Prekindergarten – State-Only Funded Program

State of Oregon Accountability Review (SOAR)

Self-Assessment Summary: Chart Format

During the year of their formal review, grantees must use one or the other of the following documents to complete a full Self-Assessment as part of the SOAR review process:

  • Federal Office of Head Start Monitoring Protocol Guides
  • Federal Office of Head Start Monitoring Protocol

It is strongly suggested that programs assemble smaller review teams, with appropriate representation, and assign each team a section of the Protocol Guides. In most cases, when the guide refers to Federal paperwork and/or staff, the teams should substitute the relevant Oregon Department of Education (ODE) equivalents. If teams are unsure whether a section of the protocol applies to their program, they should consult with the program director. If the program director is unsure, questions should be directed to the program’s assigned ODE Specialist.

Items in the Monitoring Protocol Guides are cross-referenced with the material in the Monitoring Protocol. The Monitoring Protocol should be consulted to link findings to specific Federal Regulations or Performance Standards.

Once the self-assessment is completed, the grantee must analyze the results and develop a written Self-Assessment Summary. The following sections of this document outline what should be covered in the summary. The language is drawn directly from the new Service Area and Systems Summary Analyses Guides that are now part of the Head Start Monitoring Protocol Guides. The content has been edited by ODE staff to help focus on key aspects needed for monitoring OHS PreK programs.

Send the completed Self-Assessment Summary to the grantee’s assigned specialist at the Oregon Department of Education. Original materials and documentation gathered during the self-assessment process should be kept on file at the grantee in case there are additional questions or information needed regarding the self-assessment.

Please Note: While the primary purpose of preparing a Self-Assessment Summary is to provide ODE staff with a clear picture of program operations and assure compliance with performance standards, the information will also be useful for activities at the program level, such as:

  • Reporting to the governing board and policy council
  • Writing grants or proposals for funds from outside sources
  • Preparing Annual Reports
  • Informing community partners, advocates, legislators, and other members of the public

It is a policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and nondiscrimination should contact the State Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Oregon Department of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310; phone 503-947-5740; or fax 503-378-4722.

Analyzing and Summarizing Self-Assessment Results by Component Area

As teams analyze and summarize self-assessment results within their assigned component areas, they should consider the following points.

Overall: Teams should analyze data collected across the component area and consider…

  • How systems, such as communications, ongoing monitoring record-keeping and human resources support the component area
  • How and why the systems that support the component area work well or need improvement
  • Any patterns that emerged when completing the area’s protocol

Planning: Teams should analyze data collected regarding Planning and consider…

  • Whether written implementation plans and procedures accurately describe services in the component area and inform staff of required activities
  • The effectiveness of the program’s planning process in identifying weaknesses and guiding improvements in the component area
  • How component area goals, plans and improvements reflect findings of ongoing monitoring and the self assessment

Human Resources: Teams should analyze data collected regarding Human Resources and consider…

  • How the organizational structure supports management of the component area services
  • Whether the program’s hiring and training practices support effective staff development and performance
  • Information regarding staff qualifications to oversee and implement component area services
  • Any current vacancies and if (and how) such vacancies are affecting the quality of services provided

Communication with Staff and Parents: Teams should analyze data collected regarding Communication and consider…

  • The formal and informal mechanisms used by staff to keep each other and parents informed (include examples where appropriate)
  • The frequency, timeliness and effectiveness of communication between component area staff and staff in other areas of the program.
  • The frequency, timeliness and effectiveness of communication between component area staff and parents.
  • The extent to which communication is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the children and families being served

Ongoing Monitoring: Teams should analyze data collected regarding Ongoing Monitoring and consider…

  • How ongoing monitoring responsibilities are assigned for component related activities.
  • Measures, tools/instruments, and/or procedures used to regularly and effectively monitor compliance with performance standards related to the component area.
  • How follow-up occurs for findings or problems identified through ongoing monitoring/data collection, and how these issues are corrected and documented.
  • How the program analyzes and documents progress toward achieving program goals in the component area.

Record Keeping: Teams should analyze data collected regarding Record Keeping and consider…

  • Identify whether the program has a process in place for keeping records up-to-date (e.g., regular file audits, checks)
  • Evaluate whether tracking systems used by the program are reflective of actual documentation
  • Discuss the extent to which records
  • reflect accurate and up-to-date information
  • ensure confidentiality and security

Teams may also consult component area Summary Sectionsin the Protocol Guides for additionalideas for analyzing and summarizing data.

  1. Health Services Summary and Analysis

Promoting the well-being of children is a vital component of the OHS PreK program. The goal in this service area is to help ensure that children are getting the health services they need and that programs are working with parents to ensure that they are active participants in the well-being and ongoing health and development of their children. In order to assess whether programs are adequately advocating for children’s health and wellness, reviewers should conduct a thorough analysis of the qualifications and training of staff, tracking and monitoring of screenings/assessments, identification and planning for children’s health/safety needs, and the methods for providing assistance to families in accessing health and dental care for their child. Their analysis should include examining the program’s policies and procedures designed to provide health services.

Health Services / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Human Resources
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring
Record Keeping

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance

Summarizethe program’s action plan and timeline for addressing any health services related challenges and areas of non-compliance that were identified during the self-assessment process.


Summarize program strengths noted in Health Services. Describe any practices that

  • were new or innovative
  • had a positive impact that helped the grantee overcome challenges
  • provided greater/improved service quality or
  • surpassed established performance indicators.

Health Services Self-Assessment Activities Were Conducted by:
Names / Roles
(Staff/Title, Parent, PC or Board Member, etc)
Summary prepared by: / Date:
  1. Nutrition Services

Promoting the nutritional well-being of children is a vital component of the OHS PreK program. The goal in this service area is to help ensure that children are getting the nutritional services they need and that programs are working with parents to ensure they are developing positive attitudes toward their child’s and family’s nutrition. In order to assess compliance in this area, reviewers should conduct a thorough analysis of staff qualifications and training, the process for assessing and planning nutrition services, the implementation of USDA and CACFP requirements, and the methods for providing nutrition education to families. Their analysis should include examining the program’s policies and procedures designed to provide nutrition services.

Nutrition Services / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Human Resources
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring
Record Keeping

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance

Summarizethe program’s action plan and timeline for addressing any Nutrition Services related challenges and areas of non-compliance that were identified during the self-assessment process.


Summarize program strengths noted in Nutrition Services. Describe any practices that

  • were new or innovative
  • had a positive impact that helped the grantee overcome challenges
  • provided greater/improved service quality or
  • surpassed established performance indicators.

Nutrition Services Self-Assessment Activities Were Conducted by:
Names / Roles
(Staff/Title, Parent, PC or Board Member, etc)
Summary prepared by: / Date:
  1. Safe Environments

Safety is a priority in OHS PreK programs. The goal in this area is to ensure that programs are providing safe environments, both inside and outside, for staff, children, and families. In order to assess compliance in this area, reviewers should be prepared to conduct a thorough analysis of the safety of internal and external environments and materials, compliance with State/local certification and licensing requirements, group size and ratios, and sanitation and hygiene practices. Their analysis will also include examining the program’s policies and procedures for safety drills and maintenance of first aid kits, training of staff, accommodating children with disabilities, and food safety and sanitation.

Safe Environments / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance

Summarizethe program’s action plan and timeline for addressing any Safe Environments related challenges and areas of non-compliance that were identified during the self-assessment process.


Summarize program strengths noted in Safe Environments. Describe any practices that

  • were new or innovative
  • had a positive impact that helped the grantee overcome challenges
  • provided greater/improved service quality or
  • surpassed established performance indicators.

Safe Environments Self-Assessment Activities Were Conducted by:
Names / Roles
(Staff/Title, Parent, PC or Board Member, etc)
Summary prepared by: / Date:
  1. Transportation Services

Safety is a priority in OHS PreK programs. The goal in this area is to ensure that programs are providing safe methods of transportation for children. In order to assess compliance in this area, reviewers should conduct a thorough analysis of the program’s transportation systems including staff qualifications, training, and licensure; schedule of bus inspection and maintenance; release of children; use of safety restraints; accommodation for children with disabilities; and emergency planning.

Transportation Services / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Human Resources
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance

Summarizethe program’s action plan and timeline for addressing any Transportation related challenges and areas of non-compliance that were identified during the self-assessment process.


Summarize program strengths noted in Transportation. Describe any practices that

  • were new or innovative
  • had a positive impact that helped the grantee overcome challenges
  • provided greater/improved service quality or
  • surpassed established performance indicators.

Transportation Self-Assessment Activities Were Conducted by:
Names / Roles
(Staff/Title, Parent, PC or Board Member, etc)
Summary prepared by: / Date:
  1. Disabilities Services

OHS PreK’s goal in this area is to ensure the needs of children with disabilities and their families are supported and effectively included in the full range of program activities. In order to assess compliance in this area, reviewers should conduct a thorough analysis of how the program individualizes for children who need special or additional support and how the program partners with children’s families. In addition, reviewers should see evidence that the program provides support and training to teachers and staff so they have the ability to provide the services necessary to meet the needs of the children and families. Their analysis will also include examining the program’s processes and procedures designed to provide disabilities services.

Disabilities Services / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Human Resources
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring
Record Keeping

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance

Summarizethe program’s action plan and timeline for addressing any Disabilities Services related challenges and areas of non-compliance that were identified during the self-assessment process.


Summarize program strengths noted in Disabilities Services. Describe any practices that

  • were new or innovative
  • had a positive impact that helped the grantee overcome challenges
  • provided greater/improved service quality or
  • surpassed established performance indicators.

Disabilities Services Self-Assessment Activities Were Conducted by:
Names / Roles
(Staff/Title, Parent, PC or Board Member, etc)
Summary prepared by: / Date:
  1. Mental Health Services

OHS PreK embraces a vision of mental wellness that includes a collaborative relationship among children, families, staff, mental health professionals, and the community. The goal in this area is to enhance awareness and understanding of mental wellness and the contribution that mental health information and services can make to the wellness of all children and families. In order to assess compliance in this area, reviewers should conduct a thorough analysis of the program’s approach to working collaboratively with parents, securing the services of mental health professionals, and developing a regular schedule of on-site mental health consultation involving mental health professionals, families, and staff. Their analysis will also include examining the program’s policies and procedures designed to provide mental health services.

Mental Health Services / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Human Resources
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring
Record Keeping

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance

Summarizethe program’s action plan and timeline for addressing any Mental Health Services related challenges and areas of non-compliance that were identified during the self-assessment process.


Summarize program strengths noted in Mental Health Services. Describe any practices that Describe any practices that

  • were new or innovative
  • had a positive impact that helped the grantee overcome challenges
  • provided greater/improved service quality or
  • surpassed established performance indicators.

Mental HealthServices Self-Assessment Activities Were Conducted by:
Names / Roles
(Staff/Title, Parent, PC or Board Member, etc)
Summary prepared by: / Date:
  1. Family and Community Partnerships

The success of OHS PreK evolves from nurturing strong partnerships with its families and communities. The goal in this area is to ensure programs understand what constitutes a positive relationship and partnership. In order to assess compliance in this area, reviewers should conduct a thorough analysis of how the program is promoting family engagement for all families in a culturally sensitive manner. They should also see evidence of collaboration with community agencies. In addition, reviewers should examine the program’s policies and procedures designed to facilitate family and community partnerships.

Family Services / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Human Resources
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring
Record Keeping

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance

Summarizethe program’s action plan and timeline for addressing any Family and Community Partnerships related challenges and areas of non-compliance that were identified during the self-assessment process.


Summarize program strengths noted in Family and Community Partnerships. Describe any practices that Describe any practices that

  • were new or innovative
  • had a positive impact that helped the grantee overcome challenges
  • provided greater/improved service quality or
  • surpassed established performance indicators.

Family and Community Partnerships Self-Assessment Activities Were Conducted by:
Names / Roles
(Staff/Title, Parent, PC or Board Member, etc)
Summary prepared by: / Date:
  1. Education and Early Childhood Development Services

OHS PreK is a state leader in Education and Early Childhood Development (ECD). The goal in this area is to ensure all children are provided a safe, nurturing, engaging, and secure learning environment in order to promote school readiness. Program services should incorporate all developmental domains (social-emotional, cognitive, language-literacy, physical, creative) in a culturally relevant manner. In order to assess compliance in this area, reviewers should conduct a thorough analysis of staff qualifications, training plans, and curriculum planning and implementation. Their analysis will also include examining the program’s policies and procedures designed to provide education and early childhood development services.

ECD Services / General level of performance / Concerns/Challenges / Areas of Non-Compliance
Human Resources
Communication with Staff & Parents
Ongoing Monitoring
Record Keeping

Challenges and Areas of Non-Compliance