Name: ______Period: ______



DIRECTIONS: You are to complete this Self-Evaluation and turn this in ALONG with your backboard and research paper– NO EXCEPTIONS.

Research You Were to Include in BOTH your Research Paper and on your Backboard.
Full points only given for THOROUGH information / Where in the paper is it?
and Sentence / On Backboard? / Points
  1. What is the career you researched and WHAT about this career interests you the most.
/ Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 5 pts
  1. Describe the career and tell me what someone does in that career on a day-to-day basis.
/ Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 8 pts
  1. What qualities should a person have that would enable them to be successful in that career?
/ Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 8 pts
  1. What high school courses should one take to prepare him/her for the career?
/ Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 4 pts
  1. What college degree(s) AND field(s) of study would one pursue and what universities (in AND out of Texas) provide good programs for the career?
/ Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 8 pts
  1. What is the estimated cost of education for the college degree (consider tuition, room and board, and estimated books).
/ Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 6 pts
  1. What are the usual salaries for your career?
Beginning, Mid-level, Experienced? / Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 5 pts
  1. Is the job promising in the next five years? The next ten years? EXPLAIN WHY YOU THINK SO!!!
/ Page: ____
Paragraph: ____
Sentence: ____ / Yes No
Incomplete / 5 pts
Total Points (49 points possible)

Presentation and Interview Rubric

Interview / Yes
-0 points / No
- ___ points / Points
Interview is informative and insightful and COMPLIMENTS your research well.
You asked in-depth, INTERESTING questions NOT just background and/or research questions .
10 Points Possible – You be the Judge! / 10 pts
Total Points (10 points possible)
Backboard Presentation / Yes
-0 points / No
-_____ pts / Points
Does your project include MEANINGFUL (not just decorations) pictures WITH CAPTIONS?
**AT LEAST 3 PICTURES REQUIRED/1 MUST be a graph or chart/table.
15 points possible / 15 pts
Does your board include all of the required career information with labels? (2 points per item on front) / 16 pts
Total Points (31 points possible)
Extra Effort
Does your project exhibit a notable ABOVE AVERAGE effort?
Examples: Beyond the minimum or VERY thorough research information; Extra neat, eye-catching display board.
UP TO 10 Points possible!!!! You be the judge. / Justify with examples: Use add’l paper if necessary
Total Points (10 points possible)
Overall Neatness, Formatting and Effort
(Because it is expected that you will produce a project that adheres to the formatting instructions and is moderately neat, you don’t get points for this section but may lose points for messiness, not following formatting directions or an obvious lack of effort.
(Up to 20 points may be deducted) / Points Deducted
Total Points for Interview and Presentation
Above Expectations
(100) / Meets Expectations
(95) / Approaches Expectations (85) / Below Expectations
(75) / Area of Concern
(65 – 50)
Clearly outstanding. Writer has gone above and beyond the requirements for this assignment. / Strong introduction paragraph
Strong conclusion paragraph that ties the paper together appropriately
Appropriate transition words throughout piece
Very few errors in spelling or grammar / My introduction isn’t as strong as it could have been.
I have a conclusion paragraph, but it doesn’t necessarily tie the paper together.
Appropriate transition words in some places.
I have some errors in spelling or grammar, but nothing major. / My introduction paragraph is weak and/or not a paragraph at all!
My conclusion paragraph is weak and/or not a paragraph at all!
My piece has only 1 or 2 transition words.
I have some major errors in spelling or grammar. / My introduction paragraph is weak and/or not a paragraph at all!
My conclusion paragraph is weak and/or not a paragraph at all!
No transition words at all.
No evidence of attention to spelling and grammar.