
Table A: Song (I) and morphological (II) parameters of Chorthippus biguttulus males; N= 31 males from Bielefeld, 52/54 males from Göttingen, 17 males from Freiburg and males 32 from Berlin

Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/pause
Mean / 7,32 / -22,31 / 92,54 / 72,31 / 19,64 / 4,2
Median / 7,16 / -22,7 / 89,9 / 70,34 / 20,14 / 4,21
Minimum / 5,2 / -35,33 / 66,66 / 49,57 / 11,53 / 2,26
Maximum / 10,65 / -8,99 / 121,18 / 97,38 / 26,26 / 9,07
SD / 1,28 / 6,59 / 12,5 / 11,03 / 2,97 / 1,24
SE / 0,23 / 1,18 / 2,25 / 1,98 / 0,53 / 0,22
Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/pause
Mean / 6.24 / -12.80 / 86,9 / 68.8 / 18.2 / 4.21
Median / 6.19 / -10.72 / 85,8 / 68.0 / 18.2 / 4.0
Minimum / 4.35 / -27.93 / 68.4 / 51.3 / 10.2 / 2.7
Maximum / 9.3 / -6.55 / 116.3 / 92.2 / 26.4 / 8.7
SD / 0,93 / 4.95 / 11.5 / 10.3 / 3.8 / 1.3
SE / 0.13 / 0.67 / 1.44 / 1.47 / 0.47 / 0.16
Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/pause
Mean / 7,67 / -12,46 / 81,44 / 64,76 / 16,28 / 4,96
Median / 7,05 / -12,5 / 74,82 / 62,21 / 15,49 / 4,75
Minimum / 5,8 / -17,32 / 59,37 / 44,77 / 9,63 / 2
Maximum / 11,39 / -6,8 / 112,31 / 90,06 / 25,6 / 8,56
SD / 1,75 / 3,24 / 16,16 / 14,88 / 4,19 / 1,74
SE / 0,42 / 0,79 / 3,92 / 3,61 / 1,02 / 0,42
Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/pause
Mean / 5,89 / -13,66 / 91,57 / 73,19 / 18,16 / 4,49
Median / 5,83 / -13,34 / 90,19 / 72,18 / 18,23 / 4,26
Minimum / 3,47 / -21,23 / 72,06 / 51,87 / 11,52 / 2,39
Maximum / 8,55 / -7,89 / 131,37 / 112,56 / 24 / 6,77
SD / 1,08 / 3,17 / 14,51 / 14,85 / 2,98 / 1,24
SE / 0,19 / 0,57 / 2,61 / 2,67 / 0,54 / 0,22
Length femur (mm) / Width femur (mm) / Mass femur (mg) / Width thorax (mm) / Width head capsule (mm) / Number pegs
Mean / 8,93 / 1,89 / 4,7 / 2,29 / 2,05 / 73,6
Median / 9,06 / 1,93 / 5 / 2,4 / 2,01 / 73
Minimum / 7,76 / 1,64 / 3,2 / 1,74 / 1,74 / 61,95
Maximum / 9,65 / 2,07 / 5,98 / 2,62 / 2,62 / 93,5
SD / 0,53 / 0,14 / 0,83 / 0,3 / 0,17 / 6,91
SE / 0,1 / 0,03 / 0,14 / 0,05 / 0,03 / 1,24
Length femur (mm) / Width femur (mm) / Mass femur (mg) / Width thorax (mm) / Width head capsule (mm) / Number pegs
Mean / 8,97 / 1,94 / 7,63 / 2,41 / 2,22 / 72,96
Median / 9,35 / 1,92 / 7,33 / 2,44 / 2,22 / 73
Minimum / 6,87 / 1,45 / 5,87 / 1,85 / 1,74 / 67
Maximum / 10,14 / 2,22 / 10,22 / 2,87 / 2,66 / 80
SD / 0,69 / 0,16 / 1,11 / 0,24 / 0,21 / 3,14
SE / 0,09 / 0,02 / 0,15 / 0,03 / 0,03 / 0,43
Length femur (mm) / Width femur (mm) / Mass femur (mg) / Width thorax (mm) / Width head capsule (mm) / Number pegs
Mean / 8,63 / 1,88 / 5,51 / 2,04 / 1,99 / 78,59
Median / 8,8 / 1,88 / 5,68 / 2,01 / 2,01 / 81
Minimum / 7,89 / 1,61 / 4,33 / 1,78 / 1,87 / 56
Maximum / 9,09 / 2,03 / 6,55 / 2,4 / 2,12 / 92
SD / 0,4 / 0,13 / 0,71 / 0,19 / 0,08 / 10,35
SE / 0,1 / 0,03 / 0,17 / 0,04 / 0,02 / 2,51
Length femur (mm) / Width femur (mm) / Mass femur (mg) / Width thorax (mm) / Width head capsule (mm) / Number pegs
Mean / 10,14 / 2,12 / 7,73 / 2,41 / 2,23 / 71,59
Median / 10,28 / 2,06 / 7,59 / 2,34 / 2,23 / 72
Minimum / 8,31 / 1,83 / 7,13 / 2,05 / 2,04 / 62
Maximum / 12,03 / 2,54 / 8,89 / 2,8 / 2,38 / 83
SD / 0,77 / 0,18 / 0,44 / 0,27 / 0,11 / 5,18
SE / 0,14 / 0,03 / 0,08 / 0,05 / 0,02 / 0,92

Table B: correlation between the song and the morphological characters of the males; N= 31 males from Bielefeld, 54 males from Göttingen, 17 males from Freiburg and males 32 from Berlin

Length Femur / Width Femur / Mass Femur / Head Width / Thorax Width
r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p
Onset / 0.4791 / 0.0064 (S) / -0.7358 / <0.0001 (S) / 0.08364 / 0.6546 (S) / -0.33 / 0.069 (P) / -0.5226 / 0.0026 (S)
Offset / -0.1682 / 0.3656 (S) / 0.07648 / 0.6879 (S) / -0.01012 / 0.9569 (S) / -0.181 / 0.331 (P) / -0.1981 / 0.2855 (S)
Periode / 0.08130 / 0.6637 (S) / -0.07313 / 0.6958 (S) / -0.1478 / 0.4276 (S) / -0.047 / 0.804 (P) / 0.2870 / 0.1175 (S)
Silbe / -0.07323 / 0.6954 (S) / -0.04687 / 0.8023 (S) / -0.1488 / 0.4244 (S) / -0.134 / 0.472 (P) / 0.2549 / 0.1665 (S)
Pause / 0.2788 / 0.1288 (S) / 0.02141 / 0.9090 (S) / -0.001012 / 0.9957 (S) / 0.089 / 0.633 (P) / 0.06346 / 0.7345 (S)
sp / -0.2816 / 0.1248 (S) / 0.08364 / 0.6546 (S) / -0.09332 / 0.6175 (S) / -0.002 / 0.992 (P) / 0.1995 / 0.2820 (S)
Length Femur / Width Femur / Mass Femur / Head Width / Thorax Width
r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p
Onset / 0.3109 / 0.0234 (P) / 0.2321 / 0.0945 (S) / 0.5476 / <0.0001 (S) / -0.001569 / 0.9911 (P) / 0.1765 / 0.2063 (S)
Offset / -0.2408 / 0.0824 (S) / -0.1298 / 0.3543 (S) / -0.04545 / 0.7466 (S) / 0.1721 / 0.2178 (S) / -0.02043 / 0.8846 (S)
Periode / -0.04686 / 0.7390 (S) / 0.06816 / 0.6277 (S) / 0.02767 / 0.8441 (S) / -0.07378 / 0.5995 (S) / -0.2401 / 0.0833 (S)
Silbe / 0.003468 / 0.9803 (S) / 0.07276 / 0.6046 (S) / -0.03897 / 0.7817 (S) / -0.1461 / 0.2966 (S) / -0.2932 / 0.0331 (S)
Pause / -0.03664 / 0.7945 (P) / 0.1106 / 0.4305 (S) / 0.1126 / 0.4219 (S) / -0.02371 / 0.8662 (P) / -0.04606 / 0.7433 (S)
sp / 0.09574 / 0.4953 (S) / -0.04627 / 0.7422 (S) / -0.01772 / 0.8998 (S) / -0.03832 / 0.7853 (S) / 0.004562 / 0.9741 (S)
Length Femur / Width Femur / Mass Femur / Head Width / Thorax Width
r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p
Onset / 0.6344 / 0.0062 (S) / 0.2534 / 0.3264 (S) / -0.5690 / 0.0171 (S) / 0.6344 / 0.0062 (S) / 0.7349 / 0.0008 (P)
Offset / -0.1644 / 0.5283 (S) / 0.08118 / 0.7568 (S) / 0.1214 / 0.6426 (S) / -0.1644 / 0.5283 (S) / -0.3834 / 0.1288 (P)
Periode / 0.1460 / 0.5760 (S) / 0.01845 / 0.9440 (S) / -0.2968 / 0.2474 (S) / 0.1460 / 0.5760 (S) / 0.6900 / 0.0022 (S)
Silbe / 0.2626 / 0.3086 (S) / 0.05412 / 0.8366 (S) / -0.3519 / 0.1660 (S) / 0.2626 / 0.3086 (S) / 0.6762 / 0.0029 (P)
Pause / 0.07362 / 0.7789 (S) / 0.04305 / 0.8697 (S) / -0.1300 / 0.6190 (S) / 0.07362 / 0.7789 (S) / 0.2502 / 0.3328 (P)
sp / 0.01595 / 0.9515 (S) / -0.07011 / 0.7892 (S) / -0.2428 / 0.3477 (S) / 0.01595 / 0.9515 (S) / 0.3417 / 0.1795 (P)
Length Femur / Width Femur / Mass Femur / Head Width / Thorax Width
r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p / r / p
Onset / 0.4286 / 0.0144 (P) / -0.2532 / 0.1621 (S) / -0.4649 / 0.0073 (S) / 0.1929 / 0.2902 (S) / -0.2125 / 0.2430 (S)
Offset / -0.09712 / 0.5969 (P) / -0.1701 / 0.3519 (S) / 0.03157 / 0.8638 (S) / -0.2055 / 0.2591 (S) / -0.009724 / 0.9579 (S)
Periode / -0.1306 / 0.4763 (P) / 0.3079 / 0.0864 (S) / 0.3076 / 0.0868 (S) / 0.2002 / 0.2719 (S) / 0.1303 / 0.4773 (S)
Silbe / -0.04198 / 0.8195 (S) / 0.3261 / 0.0685 (S) / 0.2729 / 0.1307 (S) / 0.2285 / 0.2085 (S) / 0.1369 / 0.4551 (S)
Pause / -0.06936 / 0.7060 (P) / 0.1051 / 0.5670 (S) / 0.1263 / 0.4911 (S) / -0.03065 / 0.8678 (S) / 0.3126 / 0.0815 (S)
sp / -0.06661 / 0.7172 (P) / 0.1038 / 0.5718 (S) / 0.1119 / 0.5419 (S) / 0.1037 / 0.5722 (S) / -0.1875 / 0.3041 (S)

Table C: correlation matrix of the Eigenvalues (PCA) with the song and the morphological parameter of the males; I: song parameters; II: morphological parameters; III: song and morphological parameters; N= 31 from Bielefeld (B), 54 from Göttingen (G), 17 from Freiburg (F) and 32 from Berlin (H)

C I / Components song parameters
1 / 2 / 3
Eigenvalue / 2,193 / 1,707 / 1,218
% of variance / 36,551 / 28,456 / 20,292
Cumulative / 36,551 / 65,007 / 85,3
Onset (dB) / -0,093 / -0,241 / 0,774
Offset (dB) / -0,197 / 0,334 / -0,684
Period (ms) / 0,987 / -0,001 / -0,027
Syllable (ms) / 0,959 / 0,227 / 0,026
Pause (ms) / 0,461 / -0,809 / -0,242
Syllable/pause / 0,218 / 0,917 / 0,233
Comparison of the PCs
PC1 / P=0.018 (B-F *; F-H *)
PC2 / P=0.013 (B-F *)
PC3 / P<0.0001 (B-G ***; B-H ***; F-H **)
C II / Components morphological parameters
1 / 2
Eigenvalue / 2,308 / 1,072
% of variance / 38,459 / 17,871
Cumulative / 38,459 / 56,33
Length femur (mm) / 0,585 / -0,089
Width femur (mm) / 0,692 / 0,108
Mass femur (mg) / 0,776 / -0,2
Width thorax (mm) / 0,661 / 0,346
Width head capsule (mm) / 0,669 / -0,127
Number pegs / -0,012 / 0,936
Comparison of the PCs
PC1 / P<0.0001 (B-G ***; B-F ***; G-F ***, G-H **; F-H ***)
PC2 / P=0.013 (B-F *)
C III / Components song and morphological parameters
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Eigenvalue / 2.852 / 2.1 / 1.696 / 1.416
% of variance / 23.77 / 17.499 / 14.131 / 11.801
Cumulative / 23.77 / 41.268 / 55.399 / 67.2
Onset (dB) / -0.564 / 0.337 / 0.25 / 0.464
Offset (dB) / 0.15 / -0.452 / -0.024 / -0.422
Period (ms) / 0.567 / 0.786 / 0.082 / -0.132
Syllable (ms) / 0.593 / 0.697 / 0.288 / -0.19
Pause (ms) / 0.104 / 0.584 / -0.728 / 0.111
Syllable/pause / 0.226 / -0.031 / 0.89 / -0.31
Length femur (mm) / 0.459 / -0.065 / 0.048 / 0.416
Width femur (mm) / 0.605 / -0.18 / 0.048 / 0.342
Mass femur (mg) / 0.669 / -0.483 / -0.166 / 0.054
Width thorax (mm) / 0.607 / -0.094 / 0.045 / 0.317
Width head capsule (mm) / 0.58 / -0.238 / -0.131 / 0.151
Number pegs / -0.216 / -0.007 / 0.411 / 0.667
Comparison of the PCs
PC1 / P<0.0001 (B-G ***; B-H ***. G-F ***: G-H ***; F-H ***)
PC2 / P<0.0001 (B-G ***; B-F ***. B-H ***)
PC3 / P=0.012 (G-F **)
PC4 / P=0.137

Table D: Song (I) and morphological (II) parameters of Chorthippus biguttulus females; 15 females of each population

Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/Pause
Mean / 6,47 / -9,32 / 85,81 / 74,69 / 16,93 / 4,51
Median / 6,32 / -9,61 / 86,99 / 75,42 / 16,65 / 4,3
Minimum / 5,19 / -11,63 / 72,39 / 56,71 / 12,95 / 3,36
Maximum / 7,83 / -6,77 / 97,72 / 90,71 / 22,95 / 6,03
SD / 0,8 / 1,55 / 8,08 / 10,27 / 2,8 / 0,93
SE / 0,21 / 0,4 / 2,09 / 2,65 / 0,72 / 0,24
Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/Pause
Mean / 6,15 / -10,05 / 89,03 / 72,24 / 16,85 / 4,39
Median / 6,16 / -9,29 / 89,89 / 73,01 / 16,95 / 4,22
Minimum / 5,19 / -17,05 / 71,41 / 55,92 / 12,89 / 3,13
Maximum / 6,83 / -6,52 / 107,14 / 90,35 / 22,86 / 6
SD / 0,44 / 3,12 / 12,01 / 11,63 / 2,69 / 0,99
SE / 0,11 / 0,81 / 3,1 / 3 / 0,69 / 0,26
Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/Pause
Mean / 5,88 / -9,55 / 92,64 / 76,96 / 16,76 / 4,73
Median / 6,05 / -9,61 / 91,1 / 75,72 / 16,65 / 4,87
Minimum / 5,11 / -11,68 / 78,43 / 60,71 / 12,69 / 3,37
Maximum / 6,48 / -6,8 / 108 / 91,07 / 23,04 / 6,05
SD / 0,49 / 1,59 / 7,49 / 7,8 / 3,03 / 0,95
SE / 0,13 / 0,41 / 1,93 / 2,01 / 0,78 / 0,25
Onset (dB) / Offset (dB) / Period (ms) / Syllable (ms) / Pause (ms) / Syllable/Pause
Mean / 6,42 / -9,88 / 93,72 / 76,87 / 16,2 / 4,68
Median / 6,32 / -9,54 / 93,92 / 77,02 / 15,64 / 4,87
Minimum / 5,13 / -15,57 / 76,84 / 59,48 / 12,74 / 3,38
Maximum / 8,19 / -6,83 / 108,43 / 91,43 / 23,03 / 6,07
SD / 0,77 / 2,39 / 9,75 / 9,06 / 2,54 / 1
SE / 0,2 / 0,62 / 2,52 / 2,34 / 0,66 / 0,26
Head capsule (mm) / Thorax (mm) / Femur length (mm)
Mean / 2,35 / 2,55 / 10,06
Median / 2,31 / 2,33 / 10,19
Minimum / 2,04 / 2,15 / 8,62
Maximum / 2,71 / 3,52 / 11,23
SD / 0,2 / 0,46 / 0,78
SE / 0,05 / 0,12 / 0,2
Head capsule (mm) / Thorax (mm) / Femur length (mm)
Mean / 2,48 / 2,37 / 10,06
Median / 2,34 / 2,39 / 10,2
Minimum / 2,23 / 2,03 / 8,69
Maximum / 2,93 / 2,75 / 11,34
SD / 0,22 / 0,22 / 0,82
SE / 0,06 / 0,06 / 0,21
Head capsule (mm) / Thorax (mm) / Femur length (mm)
Mean / 2,23 / 2,1 / 10,02
Median / 2,24 / 2,06 / 10,16
Minimum / 2,06 / 2,03 / 8,59
Maximum / 2,42 / 2,28 / 11,2
SD / 0,14 / 0,08 / 0,78
SE / 0,04 / 0,02 / 0,2
Head capsule (mm) / Thorax (mm) / Femur length (mm)
Mean / 2,23 / 2,1 / 9,86
Median / 2,24 / 2,06 / 10,05
Minimum / 2,06 / 2,03 / 8,5
Maximum / 2,42 / 2,28 / 11,09
SD / 0,14 / 0,08 / 0,86
SE / 0,04 / 0,02 / 0,22

Table E: correlation matrix of the Eigenvalues (PCA) with the song and the morphological parameter of the females; I: song parameters; II: morphological parameters; III: song and morphological parameters; N= 15 from Bielefeld (B). 15 from Göttingen (G). 15 from Freiburg (F) and 15 from Berlin (H)

E I / Components song parameters
1 / 2 / 3
Eigenvalue / 2.603 / 1.554 / 1.062
% of variance / 43.39 / 25.901 / 17.696
Cumulative / 43.39 / 69.291 / 86.987
Onset (dB) / -0.276 / -0.066 / 0.906
Offset (dB) / -0.592 / 0.381 / -0.447
Period (ms) / 0.669 / 0.649 / 0.121
Syllable (ms) / 0.803 / 0.530 / 0.063
Pause (ms) / -0.499 / 0.789 / 0.115
Syllable/Pause / 0.914 / -0.283 / -0.097
Comparison of PCs
PC1 / P=0.466
PC2 / P=0.800
PC3 / P=0.172
E II / Components morphological parameters
1 / 2
Eigenvalue / 1.292 / 0.981
% of variance / 43.076 / 32.698
Cumulative / 43.076 / 75.775
Length femur (mm) / 0.673 / -0.259
Width thorax (mm) / 0.691 / -0.114
Width head capsule (mm) / 0.264 / 0.959
Comparison of PC1
PC1 / P<0.0001 (B-F ***; B-H ***; G-F ***. G-H ***)
E III / Components song & morphological parameters
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Eigenvalue / 2.716 / 1.714 / 1.265 / 1.134
% of variance / 30.178 / 19.04 / 14.057 / 12.595
Cumulative / 30.178 / 49.218 / 63.275 / 75.87
Onset (dB) / -0.272 / 0.093 / 0.333 / -0.753
Offset (dB) / -0.574 / 0.311 / -0.284 / 0.431
Period (ms) / 0.704 / 0.566 / -0.036 / 0.058
Syllable (ms) / 0.818 / 0.453 / 0.093 / 0.141
Pause (ms) / -0.442 / 0.808 / -0.105 / 0.041
Syllable/Pause / 0.878 / -0.351 / 0.134 / 0.091
Width head capsule (mm) / -0.143 / -0.051 / 0.643 / 0.508
Width thorax (mm) / -0.385 / -0.073 / 0.645 / 0.199
Length femur (mm) / 0.117 / 0.546 / 0.452 / -0.223
Comparison of the PCs
PC1 / P=0.140
PC2 / P=0.915
PC3 / P<0.0001 (B-F ***; B-H*; G-F **. G-H *)
PC4 / P=0.176

Table F: comparison of the song and the three morphological characters of the females; N= 15 from Bielefeld (B), 15 from Göttingen (G), 15 from Freiburg (F) and 15 from Berlin (H)