V 1.1
WISE Geographic Metadata Profile
European Commission - Eurostat
Title / WISE Metadata ProfileCreator / Albrecht Wirthmann, J. Nogueras, P.R. Muro-Medrano, J. Zarazaga-Soria
Creation date / 1/3/2005
Subject / WISE implementation
Status / Draft
Publisher / Eurostat
Type / Text
Description / This document defines the metadata profile of ISO19115:2003 for the description of the resources required by the WFD
Contributor / J. Nogueras, P.R. Muro-Medrano, J. Zarazaga-Soria, Albrecht Wirthmann
Format / MS Office Word 2003
Source / SDIGER project wfd_profile.doc
Rights / No restrictions
Identifier / wfd_profile.doc
Language / en
Relation / Not applicable
Coverage / 2007-2010
Version / Date / Modified by / Modified sections0.1 / 1/3/2005 / J. Nogueras, P.R. Muro-Medrano, J. Zarazaga-Soria / All
0.2 / 1/4/2005 / P.R. Muro-Medrano, J. Zarazaga-Soria / All
1.0 / 1/11/2006 / Albrecht Wirthmann / All
1.01 / 3/1/2007 / Albrecht Wirthmann / All
Table of contents i
Table of contents
1. Introduction 2
2. Summary of elements 3
3. Differences with respect to GIS Guidance document 7
4. Encoding of the profile 8
5. Data Dictionary 9
5.1. Introduction 9
5.2. Main elements 11
5.3. Data types 25
5.4. Codelists and enumerations 87
References 108
WISE Geographic Metadata Profile 106
1. Scope
The scope of this document is the definition and description of a metadata profile of ISO19115 [ISO 2003a] for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (Water Information System for Europe). The WISE metadata profile applies to spatial datasets, dataset series and services, and may be applicable to other resource types. It defines the minimum requirements for the functional concepts of discovery and data usage. The proposal is in line with the draft implementing rules for metadata of the INSPIRE initiative.
The profile is mainly based on the guidelines for metadata included within the document “Guidance Document on Implementing the GIS Elements of the Water Framework Directive” [Vogt 2002]. Additionally, other standards and initiatives related with metadata and environmental aspects have come up since the release of [Vogt 2002], which have been into account, too. Among them, we can mention the following:
· The proposal for the INSPIRE (Infrastructure for SPatial Information in Europe) [EC 2004]. Chapter II of the proposal makes explicit references to the information that metadata should contain to describe spatial resources.
· The Dublin Core metadata standard [ISO 2003b]. The elements proposed in [Vogt 2002] do not include some of the basic descriptors included in the Dublin Core for minimal description of generic resources (e.g.: information about contributors and related resources).
· The draft spatial application profile of Dublin Core proposed by the European Standardization Committee (CEN) [ZNF 2003b].
· The core metadata recommendations for the Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure [CSG 2005]. These recommendations have taken into account the guidelines of [Vogt 2002]
· The draft implementing rules for metadata version 1.0 by the INSPIRE drafting team on geographic metadata.
The rest of the document is organized as follows:
· Section 2 presents the summary of the elements that belong to the profile.
· Section 3 details the differences between this profile and the proposal included in the “Guidance Document on Implementing the GIS Elements of the Water Framework Directive” [Vogt 2002]
· Section 4 describes the encoding of the profile.
· Section 5 contains the data dictionary of the profile, defining with full detail the data types of the elements in the profile.
2. Summary of elements
The main elements are presented below in a summary table. This table contains a series of descriptors for each element whose definition can be found in section 5.1 .
It must be remarked that this elements are fully described in section 5.
The obligatory elements are highlighted in red; the conditional elements are marked with yellow. The conditions are described in section 5.1
nameIdentifierPath / NumberIdentifierPath / Name / Short-name / Label / Definition / Obligation / DataType / Domain /
MD_Metadata.characterSet / 1,4 / characterSet / mdChar / Metadata character set / full name of the character coding standard used for the metadata set / C / Class / MD_CharacterSetCode <CodeList> (B.5.10)
MD_Metadata.contact / 1,8 / contact / mdContact / Metadata point of contact / party responsible for the metadata information / M / Class / CI_ResponsibleParty (B.3.2) <DataType>
MD_Metadata.dataQualityInfo / 1,18 / dataQualityInfo / dqInfo / dataQualityInfo / provides overall assessment ofquality of a resource(s) / M / Association / DQ_DataQuality (B.2.4)
MD_Metadata.dateStamp / 1,9 / dateStamp / mdDateSt / Metadata date stamp / date that the metadata was created / M / Class / Date (B.4.2)
MD_Metadata.distributionInfo>MD_Distribution.distributionFormat / 1,17,270,271 / distributionFormat / distFormat / distributionFormat / provides a description of the format of the data to be distributed / M / Association / MD_Format
MD_Metadata.distributionInfo>MD_Distribution.transferOptions>MD_DigitalTransferOption.onLine / 1,17,270,273,274,277 / onLine / onLineSrc / On-line resource / information about online sources from which the resource can be obtained / M / Class / CI_OnlineResource
MD_Metadata.fileIdentifier / 1,2 / fileIdentifier / mdFileID / Metadata file identifier / unique identifier for this metadatafile / O / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel / 1,6 / hierarchyLevel / mdHrLv / hierarchyLevel / scope to which the metadata applies (see Annex H for more information about metadata hierarchy levels) / C / Class / MD_ScopeCode<CodeList> (B.5.25)
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.abstract / 1,15,36,25 / abstract / idAbs / Abstract describing the dataset / brief narrative summary of the content of the resource(s) / M / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.aggregationInfo / 1,15,36,35.1 / aggregationInfo / aggrInfo / aggregationInfo / provides aggregate dataset information / O / Association / MD_AggregateInformation
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.characterSet / 1,15,36,40 / characterSet / dataChar / Dataset character set / full name of the character coding standard used for the dataset / C / Class / MD_CharacterSetCode
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.citation>CI_Citation.date / 1,15,36,24,359,362 / date / resRefDate / Dataset reference date / reference date for the cited resource / M / Class / CI_Date
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.citation>CI_Citation.presentationForm / 1,15,36,24,359,368 / presentationForm / presForm / presentationForm / mode in which the resource is represented / O / Class / CI_PresentationFormCode
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.citation>CI_Citation.title / 1,15,36,24,359,360 / title / resTitle / Dataset title / name by which the cited resource is known / M / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.credit / 1,15,36,27 / credit / idCredit / credit / recognition of those who contributed to the resource(s) / O / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.descriptiveKeywords / 1,15,36,33 / descriptiveKeywords / descKeys / descriptiveKeywords / provides category keywords, their type, and reference source / O / Association / MD_Keywords
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.extent>EX_Extent.verticalElement / 1,15,36,45,334,338 / verticalElement / vertEle / Additional extent information for the dataset (vertical) / provides vertical component of the extent of the referring object / O / Class / EX_VerticalExtent
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.extent>geographicElement / 1,15,36,45,334,336 / extent / geoEle / Geographic location of the dataset / provides geographic component of the extent of the referring object / C / Association / The derived classes of EX_GeographicExtent: EX_GeographicBoundingBox ,EX_GeographicDescription or EX_BoundingPolygon
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.extent>temporalElement / 1,15,36,45,334,337 / temporalElement / tempEle / Additional extent information for the dataset (temporal) / provides temporal component of the extent of the referring object / O / EX_TemporalElement
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.language / 1,15,36,39 / language / dataLang / Dataset Language / language(s) used within the dataset / M / Character-String / The codes specified in ISO639-2, other parts of ISO-639 can be also used.
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact / 1,15,36,29 / pointOfContact / idPoC / Dataset responsible party / identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organization(s) associated with the resource(s) / O / Class / CI_ResponsibleParty
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.purpose / 1,15,36,26 / purpose / idPurp / purpose / summary of the intentions with which the resource(s) was developed / O / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.resourceConstraints / 1,15,36,35 / resourceConstraints / resConst / resourceConstraints / provides information about constraints which apply to the resource(s) / O / Association / MD_Constraints
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.resourceSpecificUsage>MD_Usage.specifUsage / 1,15,36,34,62,63 / specificUsage / SpecUsage / SpecificUsage / Brief description of the resource and/or resource series usage / O / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.spatialRepresentationType / 1,15,36,37 / spatialRepresentationType / spatRpType / Spatial representation type / method used to spatially represent geographic information / C / Class / MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.spatialResolution / 1,15,36,38 / spatialResolution / dataScale / Spatial resolution of the dataset / factor which provides a general understanding of the density of spatial data in the dataset / C / Class / MD_Resolution
MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.topicCategory / 1,15,36,41 / topicCategory / tpCat / Dataset topic category / main theme(s) of the dataset / C / Class / MD_TopicCategoryCode
MD_Metadata.language / 1,3 / language / mdLang / Metadata language / language used for documenting metadata / C / Character-String / ISO 639-2, other parts may be used
MD_Metadata.metadataConstraints / 1,2 / metadataConstraints / mdConst / metadataConstraints / provides restrictions on the accessand use of metadata / O / Association / MD_Constraints (B.2.3)
MD_Metadata.metadataStandardName / 1,1 / metadataStandardName / mdStanName / Metadata standard name / name of the metadata standard (including profile name) used / M / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.metadataStandardVersion / 1,11 / metadataStandardVersion / mdStanVer / Metadata standard version / version (profile) of the metadatastandard used / M / Character-String / Free text
MD_Metadata.referenceSystemInfo / 1,13 / referenceSystemInfo / refSysInfo / Reference System / Description of the spatial andtemporal reference systems usedin the dataset / C / Association / MD_ReferenceSystem (B.2.7)
MD_Metadata.identification.SV_ServiceIdentification. / ISO 19119 / serviceType / Service Type / A service type name from a registry of services / C / Character-String / Free text
WISE Geographic Metadata Profile 106
3. Differences with respect to GIS Guidance
The following modifications with respect to the guidelines for metadata specified in section 3.5, appendix V and appendix VII of [Vogt 2002] have been applied:
· Apart from the attribute description of the class LI_ProcessStep, the subelement dateTime has been added. Although this element is optional, the date of a process step is crucial to understand the creation of the dataset.
· For metadata elements included in ISO19115 Core metadata for geographic datasets whose dataType is complex (Class or Association), a selection of the attributes of these complex dataTypes have been made that should be filled.
· Other elements additionally included in the profile: MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel, MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.aggregationInfo, MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.citation>CI_Citation.presentationForm, MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.credit, MD_Metadata.identificationInfo>MD_DataIdentification.descriptiveKeywords. See justification fort the inclusion of this elements in section 5.2 .
· For describing services in an adequate way the elements service type, operation name and, distributed computing platform have been added following the ISO standard 19119 for geographic services. The elements are taken from the draft implementing rules on metadata version 1 of the INSPIRE directive.
· The documentation of dates follow the ISO 19115 standard. However, the draft INSPIRE implementing rules for metadata define the documention of dates utilisiung the class EX_TempralEelement.
· The elements metadata standard name and metadata standard version are mandatory following the draft INSPIRE implementing rules for metadata
· Distribution information is made mandatory following the draft INSPIRE implementing rules for metadata
· Reference system information is made conditional as it is considered as being a required element in geographic data usage.
4. Encoding of the profile
The Technical Specification 19139 Geographic information – Metadata – XML schema implementation (ISO19139) defines the implementation schema of ISO19115:2003 in XML format.
The ISO 19139 has been finished recdently. The XML schema implementation of a CEN core metadata profile will have to follow the 19139 schema where necessary.
Please note that the 19139 uses the long name for the object classes and elements, and not the short name recommended in ISO 19115.
5. Data Dictionary
5.1. Introduction
The data dictionary describes the features of the metadata elements selected for the WFD metadata profile and their data types.
The following sections show the features of the metadata elements in the following way:
· Description of the main elements that form part of the profile.
· Description of the data types. Description of the data types of the main elements when these data types are complex. This section only shows those subelements of complex data types that are recommended within the WFD metadata profile.
· Description of code lists and enumerations. Description of data types and enumerations used by the main elements of subelements of the WFD metadata profile. This section includes ISO 19115 code lists as well as other lists recommended by the authors of this profile.
The metadata elements are described using the following descriptors:
Descriptor / DefinitionIdentifying name path / Identifying path of the element using the name of classes and entities shown in UML diagrams or equivalent hierarchical divisions of the standard.
Identifying number path / Identifying path of the element using reference number. For ISO19115, the reference numbers are the lines containing the description of the element in the data dictionary.
Name / Name of the element as assigned by the standard.
Short name/code / Abbreviation of the name used in the ISO19115 data dictionary.
If the element to describe is the value of an enumeration or codelist, this descriptor contains the number code used for this value.
Label / A label assigned to a metadata entity or to a metadata element.
Defined By / Standard or organization that defines the element included in the profile.
Term type / Indicates the nature of the element described.
Possible values:
- entity. In ISO19115 UML diagrams this would correspond with a class (class, generalized class, specialized class).
- element. In ISO19115 diagrams this would correspond to an Attribute or an Association.
- enumeration: data type whose instances form a list of named literal values.
- codelist: it is used to describe a more open enumeration. CodeList is a flexible enumeration.
- codelistElement. Element of an enumeration or codelist.
Definition / The metadata entity/element description.
Remark / Additional information about the element or its application.
Obligation / This is a descriptor indicating whether a metadata entity or metadata element shall always be documented in the metadata or sometimes be documented (i.e. contains value(s)). This descriptor may have the following values: M (mandatory), C (conditional), or O (optional).
Condition Definition / Describes the condition under which a conditional element must be supplied.
Maximum occurrence / Specifies the maximum number of instances the metadata entity or the metadata element may have. Single occurrences are shown by “1”; repeating occurrences are represented by “N”. Fixed number occurrences other than one are allowed, and will be represented by the corresponding number (i.e. “2”, “3”…etc).
Data type / Specifies a set of distinct values for representing the metadata elements; for example, integer, real, string, DateTime, and Boolean.
The data type attribute is also used to define metadata entities, stereotypes, and metadata associations. For example: Class
AggregatedClass, SpecifiedClass, CharacterString, Association
NOTE Data types are defined in ISO/TS 19103, 6.5.2.
Domain / For an entity, the domain indicates the line numbers covered by that entity.
For a metadata element, the domain specifies the values allowed or the use of free text. “Free text” indicates that no restrictions are placed on the content of the field. Integer-based codes shall be used to represent values for domains containing codelists.
Example / Example of a value.
Changes over the original definition / Remark about the changes in the element with respect to the original definition in the standard (if necessary).
Similar To / Mapping to other standards, e.g., Dublin Core.
Justification for inclusion / Brief justification for the inclusion of the element in the profile.
5.2. Main elements