Educational History

a. Education (Academic Preparation)

Year / Country / City / University / Degree / Minor / Major
To / From
1984-1988 / Iran / Shiraz / Shiraz University / B.A. / Clinical Psychology / Psychology
1997-2001 / Iran
Iran / Tehran
Tehran / Tarbiyat-Moddares
Allam-Tabatabie University / M.A
Ph.D / Psychology
Health Psychology / Psychology


Supervisor(s) / Degree / Title of thesis
Prof. Amir Hoshang Mehryar
Prof. Kianoush Hashemian / B.A
M.A / The basic study of Obssesive Compulsive Disorder
An Experimental Investigation of Attributional Style in Learned Helplessness model
Prof. Ali Dalaver / Ph.D. / Relationship between individual differences in type 'A' behavior and cardiovascular responses to stress

Professional History

a) Teaching history

Year / Title of lesson / **Type of lesson (theory or practical) / *Level / School
2002-2011 / Clinical psychology,developmental psy,abnormal psy,motivation&emotion / theory / undergraduate / Semnan university
2009-2011 / Cognitive-behavior therapy, abnormal psychology, prevention strategy in addiction,neuropsychology / Theory-Practical / postgraduate / Semnan university

*Level: Undergraduate, Resident, Postgraduate, Graduate

**Type of lessons: Theory or Practical (Classroom, Laboratory, Clinic, Operating Room, Community, etc.)

b. Professional Service

Year / Place / Type of Service
1988-1990 / Police Hospital / Clinical psychologist
1995-2008 / Semnan university,Counseling center / ‍Clinical psychologist

c. Academic Administrative Appointments

Year / Supervisor / Institution/Location / Position
2002-2005 / president / Semnan university / Vice chancellor of student affairs
2001-2002 / president
president / Semnan university
Semnan university / Dean of faculty psychology&educational sciences
Dean of faculty of teacher training

Honors and Awards

Year / Awarding body / Place / Award
2005-2008-2010 / Vice chancellor of researh / Semnan university / Top scholar award
2010 / president / Semnan university / Dean honored as outstanding

Membership Professional Associations and societies (Professional Memberships)

Year / For / Site of association / Name of Association
2010 / 2008 / / Iranian association of psychology(board member)
2011 / 2004 / / Psychology&counseling organization of I.R.Iran

Committees and councils Membership

Year / Place / Member/officer / Name of Committee or council
To / From
2007 2011 / Semnan university / member / University council
2008 2011
/ Semnan university
/ member / University research council
2010 2011 / Semnan university / member / Audit board
2001 2010 / Tehran,Shiraz,Tarbyat modaress,Sahed,Science&Technology
Universities / Member of scientific committe / First,2th,3th,4th,5th conference of student mental health
2004 / Semnan university / Scientific committee secretariat / Addiction&Aids Alarm congress
2005 / Semnan university / Academic secretary / Workshop on prevention of suicide
2005,2006 / Semnan university
Tarbyat modaress university / Academic secretary / Workshop on primary prevention of addiction in campus
2008 / Semnan university / Scientific committee secretariat / The virtual spaces,injuries
And consequences
2005,2006 / Semnan university
Iranian association of psychology / Academic secretary / Workshop on research methodology for academic staff
2006 / Semnan university / Academic secretary / Workshop on psychological testing

Approved Projects and Proposals

Year / Current condition of project/proposal / Place / Hours of activity / Role (PI,Co-Investigator, Consultant, etc.) / Title of Project/proposal
2009 / finished / Fathemihe
city / 400 / Investigator / Effectiveness of group contracting
&behavioral activation therapy
On depression,anxiety&marital
Stress reduction in CHD
2002 / finished / Semnan university / 350 / Investigator / Factor affecting academic achievement of student
2001 / finished / Semnan university / 360 / Investigator / investigation on the reabilities of the students evaluation of academic staff questionnare

Grants Received

Period / Role (PI,Co-Investigator, Consultant, etc.) / Budget of Grant (total Costs) / Title / Grant No. / Source
2008-2009 / Investigator / 15000$ / The study of causes and risk factors in drug abuse pattern in semnan province / 1/24686 / welfare organization

Theses directed, supervised or consulted

Year / Role / Place / Degree/Level / Title of thesis
2009 / supervised / Semnan university / Ms.c Thesis / Prospective memory in schizophrenic patients
2010 / supervised / Semnan university / Ms.c Thesis / Facial affet recognition in schizophrenia subtyps
2010 / supervised / Semnan university / Ms.c Thesis / Relationship between Obsessive-compulsive symptoms with negative&positive symptoms in schizophrenia
2010 / supervised / Semnan university / Ms.c Thesis / The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy on the increase of general health of women with husbands affected by substance dependency disorder


Year / Place / Seminar / Title of Lecture
2008 / Semnan university
With collaboration of St Gorge university / International Workshop on substance disorders / Relapse prevention


Year / Duties and Responsibilities / Place of Publishing / Journal
To / From
2011 now / Editor in chief / Semnan university / Clinical psychology


a. Books

Year of Publication / ‍Publisher / Title / Author(s)
2010 / Semnan University / Group Theraphy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder / Imanollah Bigdeli, and Morteza Nazifi
2009 / Semnan University / Clinical Health Psychology / Imanollah Bigdeli, Eshagh Rahimian, and Mohmoud Najafi

b. Articles

Year / Page No. / Issue No. / Vol. No. / Journal / Title / Author(s)
2009 / 309-311 / 5 / 14 / Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (ISI) / Brain activity and affect: overall and asymmetric activity of the brain lobes under affective states / Shahrouk Makvan Hosseini, Sivoush Taleh-Pasand, and Imanollah Bigdeli
2009 / 133-151 / 15 / 4 / Journal of Psychology University of Tabriz (ISC) / Psychometric properties of the students evaluations of educational quality questionnaire / Siavoush Taleh-Pasand, Imanollah Bigdeli, and Mehran Jokar
2009 / 15-18 / 1 / 3 / Journal of Behavioral Sciences
(ISC) / Short-term memory acitivity in schizopernic patients / Imanollah Bigeli, and Hoda Nazem
2008 / 13-24 / 1 / 2 / Journal of Behavioral Sciences
(ISC) / The relationship between personality factors and test anxiety among university students / Masoumeh Khosravi, and Imanollah Bigdelli
2006 / 21-25 / 2 / 8 / Koumesh (ISC) / The study of relationship between the tension-making factors and mental health of semnan nurses / Imanollah Bigdeli, and Saeedeh Karimzadeh
2000 / 405-416 / 4 / 4 / Journal of Psychology (ISC) / An investigation on the reabilities of the students evaluation of academic staff questionnare / Imanollah Bigdeli
1998 / 60-71 / 3 and 4 / 4 / Psychological Research
(ISC) / An experimental Investigation of attributional style in learned helpessness / Imanollah Bigdeli, and Kianoush Hashemian
2001 / 163-186 / 2 / 5 / Journal of Psychology (ISC) / Relationship between individual differences in typ "A" behavior and cardiovascular responses to stress / Imanollah Bigdeli, and Ali Delavar
2008 / 16-25 / 4 / 9 / Cognitive Sciences (ISC) / The activity of brain/behavioral systems in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder in comparison with normal individuals / Imanollah Bigdeli, Jafar Hasani, and Samaneh Ghoshchian
2009 / 71-79 / 2 / 1 / Clinical Psychology Journal (ISC) / Codependency and mental health in wives of opioid Drug abusers / Shahrouk Makvand Hosseini, Imanollah Bigdeli, and Atousa Agha beigi
2009 / 127-134 / 2 / 13 / Journal of Behavioral Sciences (ISC) / Validation of the Iranian version of students evaluation of education quality questionnaire / Siavoush Taleh-Pasand, Morteza Nazifi, and Imanollah Bigdeli
2009 / 85-102 / 15 / 4 / Jouranl of Psychology, University of Tabriz (ISC) / The relationship between emotional-behavioral problems and drawing manikin among preschool children / Masoumeh Khosravi, Imanollah Bigdeli, and Leila Khodadadi
2010 / 222 207- / 40 / 10 / Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (ISI) / Validation of the social achievement goal orientation scale in Iranian students / Siavoush Taleh-Pasand, Fatemeh Alijani, and Imanollah Bigdeli
1995 / 11-17 / 2 / 1 / Forugh-e. Danesh / The role of Scientific research in national Development / Imanollah Bigdeli
1998 / 22-27 / 1 / 1 / Forugh-e. Danesh / Description, Classification and Mechanism of the effect of opiate / Imanollah Bigdeli
2008 / 42-4 / 3 / 4 / Tabib Shargh / Personality characteristic of individual with drug dependency / Imanollah Bigdeli, Mahsa Rahmanian

c. Papers Presented

Year / Type of Presentation (Oral or Poster) / Place / Congress / Title of Article / Author(s)
2008 / Oral / Bangalor / The Richmond Fellowship Asia Pacific Forum / The study of the relationship between child anxiety and mother s occupation among a group of pre-school children in Semnan City(Iran) / Imanollah Bigdeli, Mahnaz Ghiasi
2010 / Oral / Indian / 5th Inernationl Conference of World Council for Psychotheraphy / Congnitive behavior theraphy and severe anorexia nervosa: a case study / Imanollah Bigdeli, Shahroukh Makvand Hosseini, Farank Razaghian
2010 / Oral / Indian / 5th Inernationl Conference of World Council for Psychotheraphy / Treatment of Specific Phobio using systematic desensitization and reciprocal inhabition: a case report / , Imanollah Bigdeli, Shahroukh
1998 / Poster / Iran / ,Shahid Beheshti University / Essay test and appropriate methods for objectivity of essay question scoring / Imanollah Bigdeli
1998 / Poster / Iran / 4th Iranian Internationl Statistics Conference / The application of McNamar statistical test for Questions relating to two sets of Paired measures categorical data through one behavioral research / Imanollah Bigdeli, and Parviz Malek zadeh
2010 / Oral / Iran / The fits International Conference on Iran s Desert Area Dialects / Linguistic and Psychology: the importance of the role of metaphoric language / Imanollah Bigdeli, Mohammad Ali Mohammadi far, and Mahmoud Najafi
2010 / Oral / Iran / The fits International Conference on Iran s Desert Area Dialects / Bilingualis, Bidialectalism and their effects on cognitive abilities / Imanollah Bigdeli, Mohammad Ali Mohammadi far, and Mahmoud Najafi
2000 / Oral / Iran / National congress on Adolescent&Addiction / Basic strategies in relapse prevention / Imanollah Bigdeli
2010 / Oral / Austrulia / International Congress of Applied Psychology 2010 (ICAP 2010) / Animal model fo PTSD: behavioral changes following underwater trauma, situational reminders and diazepam treatment / Shahroukh Makvand Hosseini, Iman bigdeli, and Mohammad Hassen Yousefi
2009 / Oral / Iran / The23rdAnnual conf of Asian association of open universities / A modern educational factor:The virual environment / Imanollah Bigdeli,Azin Farzin,Zarin Eshagi
1996 / Oral / Iran / Congnitive Development Congress, Tarbiyat Moddares University, Collaboration with Genev University / The Piagest s view about spatial development / Imanollah Bigdeli
2009 / Oral / Iran / 5th National Congress of the Islamic Counseling, Tehran University / The effective factors in the construction of gender Indentity / Imanollah Bigdeli, Maryam Bathaie, and Farank Razaghian
2008 / Oral / Iran / The first national conference on Higher education&Entrepreneurship
Semnan university / The relationship between achievement motivation and entrepreneurship / Imanollah Bigdeli
2001 / Oral / Iran / The first conference of Student Mental Health
Tehran university / Relationship between Individual differences in type A behavior and Cardiovascular responses to stress / Imanollah Bigdeli, Ali Dalavar
2009 / Oral / Iran / The first National Conference on Family Student Universtiy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad / The role of family in autonomy &creating adjustment in campus / Imanollah Bigdeli, Solmaz Eskandri
2008 / Oral / Iran / Fourth conference of Student Mental Health
Shiraz university / The role of sport on social deviance / Mohamadali Soltanian,
Imanollah Bigdeli
2011 / Oral / َAntalya
Turkey / 2nd World conference on psychology,counseling&guidance / Evaluation of general health in women with husbands affected by substance dependency disorder / Maryam Salehyan,