8th Grade IPA: Presentational Task

Task Checklist

This is the last phase of trying to persuade your parents. It is time to convince your parents to allow you to go to the Spanish-speaking country that you chose. Use the research that you have done and plan a 3-day itinerary. To help convince your parents, you have decided to present your 3-day itinerary in a form of your choice. Let’s not forget about la comida! Include where and what you plan to eat for each day. Use the checklist below and the rubric to help you as you create your trip of a lifetime.

What are some major spots to check out?What are some dishes to try in the country?

_____ locate at least 6 major landmarks_____ at least 3 dishes (one per day)

_____ pictures of each landmark_____ main ingredients of each dish

_____ picture of each dish mentioned

What are these major spots like?Grammar to include:

_____ describe at least 6 major landmarksThe verb Estar

The verb SER

Conjugation of Regular ar, er, ir verbs

8th Grade Integrated Performance Assessment


Interpretive Task
Do I understand the menus?
(Comprehension) / I can identify words in an authentic menu by answering all of the questions correctly. / I can identify words in an authentic menu by answering most of the questions correctly. / I can identify some words in an authentic menu by answering some of the questions correctly. / I can identify few words in an authentic menu by answering few of the questions correctly.
Did I compare and contrast the authentic menus?
(Comparisons) / I can identify cultural perspectives and norms by providing details of 1 difference and 1 similarity between the menus. / I can identify cultural perspectives and norms of 1difference and 1similarity between the menus, but did not provide details / I can identify cultural perspectives and norms by providing details of either 1 difference or 1 similarity between the menus. / I struggle to identify cultural perspectives and norms with details from the text.
Did I offer my opinion and back it up with detail from the text?
(Supporting detail detection) / I can identify 3 supporting details in the text and explain in depth how they support my opinion. / I can identify 2-3 supporting details in the text and explain how they support my opinion. / I can identify 2 supporting details in the text and briefly explain how they support my opinion. / I can identify 1 supporting detail in the text and briefly explain how it supports my opinion.
Interpersonal Task
Does my teacher understand me?
(Comprehensibility) / My teacher understands me without difficulty. I don’t often have to repeat or rephrase. / My teacher understands me with occasional difficulty. I may need to repeat or rephrase. / My teacher understands me, although with a degree of difficulty. I often repeat or rephrase. / My teacher has a very hard time understanding me.
Do I understand my partner?
(Comprehension) / I understand my partner without difficulty. I may ask a few appropriate questions, but I am having a continuous dialogue. / I understand my partner with little difficulty. I may ask a few appropriate questions, but I am having a somewhat continuous dialogue. / I understand my partner with some difficulty. I ask questions, and I am having a somewhat continuous dialogue. / I find it difficult to understand my partner. I am unable to participate in a continuous dialogue.
How do I use the Spanish language?
(Vocabulary Use & Language Control) / I can recognize and use vocabulary with ease.
I am mostly accurate when I produce simple sentences. / I can often recognize and use vocabulary with ease.
I am mostly accurate with memorized sentences and phrases. / I can somewhat recognize and use vocabulary
My accuracy is limited to memorized words. / I can recognize a limited amount of words and phrases
I produce little accuracy even with memorized words.
Do I keep the conversation going?
(Communication Strategies) / I can respond to direct questions and request for information.
I attempt to create sentences that are not memorized and I am correct when doing so. / I can respond to basic direct questions and request for information.
I attempt to create sentences that are not memorized and I am often correct. / I can respond to a limited number of basic direct questions. I may use repetition or resort to English.
I attempt to create sentences, but they are not often correct. / I am unable to participate in a true conversation.
I do not attempt to create sentences.
Presentational Task
Do we understand you?
(Comprehensibility) / My audience understands me with very little effort. / My audience understands me with some effort. / My audience understands me with some difficulty. / My audience does not understand me, even with additional effort.
How well do I use the Spanish language?
(Language Control and Vocabulary Use) / I am mostly accurate when I produce simple sentences.
My presentation is rich in appropriate vocabulary. / I am mostly accurate with memorized sentences and phrases.
My presentation often includes appropriate vocabulary. / My accuracy is limited to memorized words.
My presentation sometimes includes appropriate vocabulary. / I produce little accuracy even with memorized words.
My presentation lacks the presence of appropriate vocabulary.
How well do I capture and maintain the interest of my audience?
(Impact) / My presentation is clear and organized.
My visuals capture the attention of the audience.
My presentation is engaging and shows effort to the interest of the audience. / My presentation is mostly clear and organized.
Some of my visuals capture the attention of the audience.
My presentation is mostly engaging and shows effort to the interest of the audience. / My presentation is somewhat clear and organized.
Few of my visuals capture the attention of the audience.
My presentation is somewhat engaging and shows some effort to the interest of the audience. / My presentation is limited in clarity and organization
My visuals do not capture the attention of the audience.
My presentation makes no effort engage and show effort to the interest of the audience.
How well do I organize the presentation?
(Communication Strategies) / My presentation includes all of the necessary information. / My presentation includes most of the necessary information. / My presentation includes some of the necessary information. / My presentation lacks several of items of the necessary information.

Total Points: ______/ 150

Major Assessment IPA Grade ______%