Napier Park Junior Ranger Guide

Tick off the plants and animals that you find

I look like this / My name is / You might find me / Something I do
A bird with green, yellow, blue and red feathers sitting on a leafy tree branch / Rainbow lorikeet
I am green, yellow, blue and red / In the trees / I eat the nectar from gum tree flowers
Tiny red lady bug with black dots, sitting on a leaf / Lady bug
I am small and red or yellow with black dots / On gum leaves / I am carnivorous (I eat smaller insects)
Large purple flower with a yellow centre / Flowers
I come in many shapes and colours / On most plants / I make sweet nectar to attract insects and birds
10cm long cocoon made of little brown twigs and soil tightly stuck together / Moth cocoon
I am made of twigs and silk and am well camouflaged / On the trunks of trees or hanging from shrubs / I will turn into a moth
Black and white bird standing on a garden bed / Magpie
I am black and white / On the ground or in trees / I look for grubs and insects under bark, leaves and in grass
Light brown and white spider suspended in a spider web / Spider
There are lots of different kinds of me / In trees, grasses, on the ground or in the ground / I spin a silky web which I use to catch my prey
Brown box with round opening attached to a tree trunk, camouflaged by leaves / Possum Box
I am an alternative to nature hollows / Up in a tree / I also provide shelter for birds, bats and insects
Large white bird with a yellow crest sitting on a tree hollow / Cockatoo
I am white with a yellow crest / In the trees / I show off my yellow crest when talking to my mates
Crystalised,sticky, sugar-rich liquid in a fan shape on a leaf / Lerp on Eucalyptus
I am very small / On the leaves of Eucalyptus trees / I am a sap sucking insect
Red, black, yellow, green and blue winged butterfly resting on green leaves / Butterfly
I have big delicate wings and come in many colours / Flying in the air or resting on plants / I was a caterpillar when I was young
White and yellow feather laying on a rock / Feathers
I can come in many different colours, shapes and sizes / On the ground / I help keep birds warm and control their flight
Very tall tree with smooth grey to brown bark and dense, light blue-green leaves / River Red Gum
I can grow 45 meters tall and live to 500 years / All around the park / I provide important habitat, even after I have died