Appendix 2 - Clerk’s Report

Ettington Parish Council

Report to Council

Date: 9 December 2015

12 / Clerk's Report

1 Land Registry Title (Ref 15/09/09 – 17)

Confirmation has been received that the records have been updated.

Action: Can now be closed.

2 S106 agreement in respect of Planning Application 15/10035/0UT (Ref 15/10/14 -14)

SDC have confirmed they now have all the relevant information and this matter can be closed until nearer the time the funds are available.

3 Planters (Ref 15/10/15 – 15)


4 Community Asset – Registration of Village Clock (Ref: 15/10/15 - 17)


5 Repairs to Football Fence (Ref 15/10/15 – 18)

Mark Taylor has confirmed he will commence repairs.

6 Footpath Number SD67 :

Warwickshire County Council have been notified of the ploughed over footpath and a response is awaited.

7 White Horse Inn

The application to have the White Horse Inn registered as an Asset of Community Value with Stratford District Council was successful and the owner has been notified as has the relevant Planning Officer.

The application to have the property registered as a Listed Building with English Heritage has commenced.

8 Mowing of Unadopted Land at Hillman Way

The Clerk has made no progress in identifying who is responsible for this land and will continue to investigate.

9 Pedestrian Entrance to Playing Field

The Clerk has contacted Wicksteed and is awaiting confirmation of when a site visit can be undertaken in order to provide a quote for replacement.

10 Trees at Playing Field

The Clerk has contacted a number of Arboriculture Firms to establish hourly rates.

11 Sandbags

These have been obtained.

12 Grounds Maintenance Contract

The applicants have been informed of the outcome of the tender process.

Aide Memoire(s)

1  HR Policies

2  Retention of Documents

3  Erection of “no through road” sign at Ivy Lane