
Attachment 3

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School / Barack Obama Charter School
Los Angeles, CA 90059
CDS 19-76547-0118760
Charter Number: 1062
Charter Term / July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2014
Approved Grade Span / Grades Served / K-6 / K-6
Enrollment Cap / 432
Numerically Significant Subgroups / Black, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
Title I Funded/ PI Status / Yes/ Year 2 PI for 2013–14
School Data and Demographics
2010–11 / 2011–12 / 2012–13
Percent Free and Reduced Lunch / 79 / 89 / 91
Percent English Learner / 4 / 5 / 6
Percent Student with Disabilities / 7 / 7 / 13
Fall Enrollment / 287 / 340 / 333
Number of Suspensions / -- / 40 / 74
Number of Expulsions / -- / 40 / 74
Growth API / 581 / 750 / 755
Growth from Prior Year / -33 / 175 / 4
Grade 10 CAHSEE ELA Pass Rate / na / na / na
Grade 10 CAHSEE MATH Pass Rate / na / na / na
Statewide Rank / 1 / 2 / NA
Similar Schools Rank / 1 / 5 / NA
Cohort Drop Out Rate (High School Only) / -- / -- / na
Cohort Graduation Rate (High School Only) / -- / -- / na

Data suppressed by CDE or not provided by school is indicated by a ‘--‘

Data that is not currently available at this time is indicated by ‘NA’

Data that is not applicable is indicated by ’na’

A school that did not have a valid 2012 Base API and will not have any growth or target information is indicated by ‘B’

2012–13 SBE Actions and Official Correspondence


2012–13 Key Actions by the Governing Board (as reported in SBE-Authorized Charter School - GeneralInformation Form)

Barack Obama reports that during the past school year, the Board approved annual academic and other performance goals for the school. The Board also evaluated the President on attainment of these goals. The Board oversaw the academic and social performance of the school and took necessary action to ensure that the school remains true to its mission and charter. The board also approved the annual school budget and monitored the financial well-being of the school. Lastly, it developed itself through new trustee orientation, ongoing education, and leadership succession planning.

Fiscal Management

Based on the April SBE Authorized Schools Fiscal Memo, BOCS demonstrates an ability to operate with a balanced budget, maintain stable enrollment and attendance ratios, managecash liquidity and maintain low debt levels, maintain positive fund balances, and the school has met the recommended reserve levels specified in the MOU. The CDE continues to monitor BOCS as they report during the fiscal year.

September 2013 SBE-Authorized Charter School Self-Reporting Update on the 2012–13 Measureable Pupil Outcomes

Name of School: Barack Obama Charter School (BOCS)

Target Population (including outreach efforts made this year):Barack Obama Charter School’s target population is elementary school age students in Compton Unified School District (CUSD) and it is intended to reflect the ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity of CUSD. The primary outreach efforts are through word of mouth of BOCS parents, but additional outreach efforts have included PR events such as a School Kick-Off Event on August 22 in partnership with the Molina Foundationwhere students were provided with donated back packs, books,and free haircuts and could meet Los Angeles Clipper player Jamal Crawford, who signed autographs.

Measurable Pupil Outcome
(Yes/No) / List of Evidence or Narrative on Progress Made Towards Meeting Outcome
(To Be Completed by
Charter School)
English Language Arts: 60 percent of students will achieve at the basic level and above on the CST the first year (Roosevelt Elementary48 percent) and 75 percent the third, then continue to increase each year. / Yes / In English Language Arts, 77 percent of the students achieved at the basic level and above on the CST.
English Language Development: Percentage of students re-designated will increase by 5 percent each year. / Yes / In 2012–2013, 7 out of 37 students were re-designated (18 percent).
Mathematics 60 percent of students will achieve at the basic level and above on the CST the first year
(Roosevelt 37 percent) and 75 percent the third, then
continue to increase each year. / Yes / In mathematics, 83 percent of the students achieved at the basic level and above on the CST.
Science: 50 percent of students will achieve at the basic level and above on the CST the first year (Roosevelt 24 percent) and 65 percent the third, then continue to increase each year. / Yes / In science, 68 percent of the student achieved at the basic level and above on the CST.
History/Social Science: The percentage of students achieving at the proficient and advanced level on the CST will increase by 5 percent each year. / N/A / Our students do not test on the History/Social Science component of the CST.
Visual and Performing Arts: All continuously enrolled students will participate fully in the Visual and Performing Arts programs. / Yes / All our students participated in a Visual Arts program. They received weekly instruction in Art.
Physical Education: 90 percent of students continuously enrolled will participate successfully in the Fitnessgram test. / Yes / In physical education, 96 percent of students enrolled participated in the Fitnessgram test.
Student Conduct:
  • Average daily attendance rate of at least 94 percent.
  • Tardies decrease each quarter by at least 5 percent.
  • Suspensions/expulsions decrease each quarter by at least 5 percent.
  • Mediation referrals decrease each quarter by at least 5 percent
Parental Involvement:
  • At minimum, 80 percent of parents attend student-led conferences or open house events.
  • At minimum, 80 percent of parents attend school-wide events.
Professional Development:
  • At minimum, 80 percent participation rate in annual one-week program held prior to opening of school each year.
  • At minimum, 90 percent rate in professional development workshops held during the academic year.
Teacher Performance:
  • Ninety percent of teachers achieve 100 percent of their professional goals each year.
  • One hundred percent of teachers ensure that their students achieve academic goals.
/ No
Yes / Average daily attendance goal was 96 percent and we ended with 93.3 percent.Our referrals decreased from 351 to 154.
Our parent conference participation rate was 40 percent.Our overall parent participation at festivals/events was 52 percent.
All staff participated in our back to school summer training which consists of instructional, operational, and culture/management training.
All teachers are NCLB Highly Qualified.

Additional Areas of Student Success:

In the space below, describe any additional ways students are excelling and/or showing improvement. These areas should be unique to the charter school and go beyond standardized test results.

Barack Obama Charter School (BOCS) has become an important demonstration campus for the Re-Inventing Schools Coalition, hosting multiple visits from around the country to show RISC’s standards-based learning system in action. Using this learning system, BOCS students set their own learning goals; develop action plans for meeting these goals; and monitor their learning progress.

Content submitted by school, formatted by the California Department of Education, Charter Schools Division

October 2013.

11/3/2018 2:38 AM