Professional Engineering and Consultant Services RFP (#17-04)

Questions/Answers for Clarification

  1. On page 4 of the RFP, under item B, number 2 indicates to include “Specific items or data requested in RFP”. Can you please clarify what you are looking for in this section?

Answer: That statement is just reiterating that we need all the items that are listed out/required in RFP submitted in order to be a complete proposal. We need 1 original, 3 copies, all the items listed in Section B Specific Proposal Instructions (including attachments).

  1. Does the Town of Smithfield have existing conceptual site plans showing the proposed route for "Segment 3 of Smithfield to Nike Park Trail" that was developed by Kimley-Horn available to the public?

Answer: The Town of Smithfield does not have conceptual site plans for Segment 3 of the Smithfield to Nike Park Trail. Segment 1 (Battery Park Road) and Segment 2 (South Church Street) were designed in full; however, Segment 3 is just the expectation that a multi-use path would connect the southeastern corner of the Battery Park Road/South Church Street intersection with the Cypress Creek Bridge (Opposite the Smithfield Station).

The plans for Segments 1 & 2 can be found at the Isle of Wight County website here:

  1. Public records show that Kimley-Horn was developing three (3) alternate routes for Segement 3. Has the Town selected a route at this time?

Answer: The route was originally intended to be on the east side of South Church Street; however, a route alternatives assessment is currently being undertaken to determine what might be the best way to connect the southeastern corner of the Battery Park/South Church Street intersection with the Cypress Creek Bridge.

In regard to the Segment 3 of the Smithfield to Nike Park Trail and Pinewood Heights Redevelopment Projects, these are just exercises to illustrate what type of methodology you might use to facilitate these types of projects.

Further information regarding the Pinewood Heights Redevelopment Project: Currently the relocation project is taking place for the town’s acquisition of the blighted, residential homes in the subdivision, with the anticipation of creating a light industrial park in its place. The exercise is what methodology you might use to redevelop this +/-18 acre subdivision into a light industrial park. This subdivision includes Pinewood Drive, Jamestown Avenue, Carver Avenue and Pagan Avenue in Smithfield, VA.