WestHighIndividualSchool Endowment Fund

Grant Applications for 2011-12

September 2011

To WestHigh Teachers, Staff, Students and Parents:

The West High Endowment Fund has generated income which will be available to use to make grants for projects at West in the

2011 -12 school year. We have established a West Endowment Fund Grants Committee which will review all grant proposals. The deadline for submitting grant applications is Wednesday, October 12, 2011. Grants will be awarded in mid-November and funds become available the second week of December and must be used by the end of June, 2012.

The amount of endowment income available is $1,433, which is based on our average endowment balance the previous 12 quarters. Our endowment balance continues to grow, thanks in large part to the generosity of so many West employees during the 2011 MMSD Employee Giving Campaign. Thank you!

The endowment income can be used to help fund several small projects, or one larger one. The grants must be awardedfor creative and innovative projects which are not funded within the core school budget. Applications are available in the school office.

We have attached a sheet with frequently asked questions and a list of the members of the grants committee. Any teacher, staff member, student or parent associated with West is encouraged to apply for a grant.

Please feel free to contact any member of the grants committee with questions or comments. Good luck! We look forward to seeing the proposals.


The West HighEndowment Fund Grants Committee

West High Endowment Fund Grant Applications for 2011-12

Frequently Asked Questions

September 2011

Q.What is the West Endowment Fund?

A.The West High Individual School Endowment Fund was established in August, 2004. The West community raised money to establish the endowment primarily through the annual MMSD Employee Giving campaigns. The first $5,000 raised was matched by the Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools (FMPS) and is managed by FMPS. The West Endowment Fund Grants Committee receives annual interest distributions from the fund which will be available for grants.

Q.Who can apply for a grant?

A.West teachers, staff, students and parents.

Q.What types of projects can be submitted for a grant?

A.Any creative and innovative project which is not currently funded within the core school budget. Individual School Endowment Grants that have been made at West and other schools are listed on the FMPS website at

Q.When are grant requests due?

A.October 12, 2011. Please turn them in to Jenni Vondrak’s mailbox.

Q.How much money is available for grants?

A.Up to $1,433 is available, which can be used for one or more grants.

Q.When will grants be approved? When will grant money be available?

A.The committee will decide on grant requests following the October 12 deadline. The FMPS board of directors will vote on all Individual School Endowment Initiative (ISEI) grants in early November and funds become available in mid-December. All ISEI grant monies must be used by June, 2011.

Q.Who reviews and approves the grant requests?

A.The West Endowment Fund Grants Committee composed of a combination of parents, teachers, students and Principal Holmes (or his designee). The names are listed below.

Q.Will there be a form for making grant requests?

A.Forms are available now. If you need one, you may pick one up in the main office at West, on the S (Shared Drive), through the link on the school website, or contact Mary Bartzen at FMPS at 232-7820 or .

Q.Are projects evaluated?

A.Successful grant applicants will be asked to submit post-project evaluation forms after the projects have been implemented.

Q.Who can answer questions about the grant process?

A.Any member of the grants committee can be contacted. Don’t hesitate to contact Mary Bartzen at the Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools.

West High Endowment FundGrants Committee

Ed Holmes,

Jenni Vondrak,

Kirk Mefford,

Aisha Robertson, Staff

Max Heidt, Student

Janet Niewold, Parent Please visit for more information.

West High Endowment Fund Grant Criteria


Thanks to the generosity and fundraising efforts of many, West High has established an endowment through the Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools Individual School Endowment Initiative. The West Endowment generates income that is available on an annual basis to fund grants which support creative and innovative projects that are not currently funded through the core school budget.


Grant applications will be made available to West teachers, staff and students in early September each year. The ISEI Grants Committee will review and award grants in time to observe the FMPS grant decision deadline.

Grant Criteria

The following criteria will be used by members of the West Individual School Endowment Initiative Grants Committee when ranking individual grant applications. This list of criteria is a guide, and no item is to be considered more or less important than any other. Please keep in mind that all proposals must be in support of creative and innovative programs and projects which are not currently funded through the core school budget and may not other wise be possible.

  • Impact on students and student achievement
  • Overall feasibility of the proposal
  • Alternative funding sources available
  • Long-term viability of the proposal
  • Level of school need

When voting to award grants, the committee shall follow these general rules:

  • Work to consensus
  • Committee members who have submitted grants may not vote on any grant
  • Grants presented will have names of applicants omitted
  • Applications will be shared with the committee prior to the meeting to award the grants
  • The ISEI Grants Committee reserves the right to roll funds over to the following year if none of the proposed grants meet minimum grant criteria
  • The attached rubric may be used to evaluate each grant

Please visit for more information.

Evaluation Rubric

The following rubric will be used by the West High ISEI Grants Committee to evaluate each grant application.

Criteria / 3 / 2 / 1
Impact on Students / The proposal will impact an entire grade level or an entire group of students with special needs. / The proposal will impact a group of students school-wide / The proposal will impact a small group of students.
Overall Feasibility / The proposal appears feasible on all levels. / The proposal seems generally feasible, but may depend on other supports. / The proposal has serious roadblocks to overall feasibility.
Alternative Funding Sources / Absent grant support, this proposal is not likely to be funded. In addition, some level of matching funds will occur. / Absent grant support, this proposal is not likely to be funded. / There are other funding sources generally available to fund this proposal.
Long-Term Viability / The proposal results in a permanent addition to school programs and/or supporting materials. / The proposal serves the school for a period of one school year. / The proposal is for a program of short duration.
Level of School Need / The proposal provides students with access to services/materials that otherwise would not be available. / The proposal adds to services/materials already in place. / The proposal duplicates services/materials already in place.

Please visit for more information.

IndividualSchool Endowment Initiative Grant Proposal and Request

WestHigh School

Endowment Fund Grant Application

The West Grants Committee will review all grant proposals and make selections for the purposes of funding creative and innovative projects which are not currently funded through the core school budget.

Grant is Submitted by:




Project Leader:




Title and Description of the Project:

Please describe and provide project overview, focusing on creative and innovative aspects:

Budget (Please provide a specific budget):

Total request:______

Total cost of the project:______

Specific use of the ISEI funds:______


Sources and amounts of additional funding:______

Will you use this grant to leverage additional funding? Yes______No______

Please provide details______



Who will participate in this project? Please consider faculty, staff, students, community partners and others.


Is this program a model from another school or could it be used as a model for other schools in the district? Please explain.


The Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools will ask each grantee to complete a brief evaluation, which will be included with the grant award.

For Grants Committee Use

Committee Approval:______

Yes No Amount