Minutes, Board Meeting

February 6, 2007

Page 3


Carvel State Office Building

820 N French Street

Wilmington, Delaware 19801


Members Present: Mr. Steele Mr. Austin

Mr. Brady Mr. Kuhrt

Mrs. Dudlek Mr. Lanouette

Mr. Krzyzanowski Mr. Sterling

Mrs. Whittington

Mrs. Manlove, Administrative Director

Mr. Sholl, Deputy Administrative Director

Mrs. Rodgers, Election Office Manager

1. Mr. Steele called the meeting to order. Mr. Sterling made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 9, 2007, meeting. Mr. Krzyzanowski seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

2. Mr. Steele then turned the meeting over the Mr. Austin for the election of President. Mr. Kuhrt nominated Mr. Steele to serve as President. Mr. Krzyzanowski seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Mr. Austin then turned the meeting over to Mr. Steele for the election of the Secretary. Mr. Austin nominated Mr. Kuhrt to serve as Secretary. Mr. Sterling seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Mrs. Manlove reviewed the Financial Report for the previous month as well as the anticipated shortfall in energy costs. She also informed the board of other possible upcoming expenses: DSL or cable internet for the warehouse, leasing a new printer to replace the HP8100, and additional school election funds to be transferred from the Commissioner’s budget.

5. Corrections to voter records:

·  Mr. Sterling moved that the 72 names on the “Moved from State” list dated February 6, 2007, be removed from the voter rolls. Mr. Brady seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Mr. Sterling moved that the 505 names on the “Address Verification” list dated February 6, 2007, be removed from the voter rolls. Mr. Brady seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Mr. Brady moved that the 16 names identified by the Commissioner’s Program be removed from the voter rolls. Mrs. Whittington seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.

·  Mr. Austin moved that the 2 names be removed from the voter records as personally requested. Mrs. Dudlek seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Mr. Brady moved that the 8 requested birthdate changes be made. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Mrs. Manlove reviewed the decrease in the voter registration rolls due to the removal programs as well as the number of voters removed following receipt of the December Deceased List from Vital Statistics. In addition, 2,877 voters were removed through the NVRA Program and 5 due to non-citizen status. Processing and filing are reasonably current.

7. Mrs. Manlove informed the Board of the following upcoming elections and voting machine demonstrations:

·  March 3 – Trustees of New Castle Common

·  March 5 – Middletown

·  April 2 – Odessa

·  April 3 – Delaware City

·  April 10 – Newark

·  April 11 – UAW Local 1183

·  April 14 – City of New Castle

·  April 18 – UAW Local 1183 Runoff

·  April 28 – Elsmere

·  May 5 – Townsend

·  May 8 – School Board Members

There is also the possibility of a Brandywine School District referendum in late April. This would necessitate a change in the board meeting date. Once we have a definite date from the school district, we will bring this to the Board.

8. Mr. Sholl discussed the activity on the Department’s website.

9. Mrs. Manlove shared staff training sessions with the Board.

·  February 6 – Felon and Voter Registration follow-up meeting

·  April – State training for entire statewide staff by Election Center in Dover

·  Election Center CERA program – Barbara should complete this fiscal year

10. The Department has retained two Casual/Seasonal employees to process the returned polling place cards from the Commissioner’s September mailing. The additional staffing enabled the Department to mail 5,167 address verification cards in January resulting in 505 people removed and 233 changes of address.

11. Mrs. Manlove updated the Board on upcoming staff travel:

·  February 14-16 – Mrs. Manlove, Mr. Sholl – Savannah – Election Center Workshop

·  February 14-18 – Barbara Lippincott – Savannah – Election Center Workshop as well as training session

·  February 20-23 – Mr. Sholl – Atlanta – EAC Standards Board

·  April 18-22 – Kansas City – Mrs. Manlove and Mr. Sholl - Election Center Workshop and Class

·  August 7-11 – New Orleans – Mrs. Manlove, Mr. Sholl and Barbara Lippincott – Election Center Convention

12. The Board was informed of potential upcoming federal election legislation:

·  Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail

·  No-Excuse Absentee Voting

·  Early Voting

·  Election Day Registration

13. Mr. Sterling moved the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Lanouette seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Noel H. Kuhrt


Next Meeting: March 6, 2007