New Student Faculty Award


  • To providefaculty with an opportunity to offer limited awards to new studentswho have never attended UALR previously.
  • To encourage faculty to participate in the recruitment and retention of students.
  • To encourage faculty to mentor and support students that they select for these awards.

Guidelines / Limits:

  • Nominated student has never attended UALR previously.
  • Nominated student must be full-time (12 semester credit hours per semester) in order to be eligible for the award.
  • The award is $200 for Fall and $200 for Spring semesters ($400 total); awards are not available for summer or interim sessions.
  • The new student must maintain continuous enrollment in Spring and Fall semesters;limit of eight semesters of eligibility.
  • No stacking beyond the normal allowed up to the cost of attendance.
  • Student must remain in good standing to continue to receive the scholarship (i.e., making satisfactory academic progress as per the UALR Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy).
  • No member of the nominating faculty’s immediate family is eligible for the awardas defined by the UA Board Nepotism policy (410.1).
  • Nominating faculty must be part of the definedUniversity Assembly membership or be Emeritus faculty.
  • Each faculty member is allowed one new award nomination per academic year. (Note: It is not necessary to re-nominate a student each semester as long as the student remains in good standing and maintains continuous enrollment).


  • The nominating faculty member completes the attached form and sends it to the Provost’s Office, Administration South 311,

by August 1 for the Fall semester or by December 1 for the Spring semester.

  • Nominated student applies for admission to UALR online at .
  • Nominated student will accept / decline the award through BOSS (Banner Online Student Services) after being fully admitted to UALR.
  • The nominated student will receive an award letter outlining the Guidelines / Limits cited on this brochure


New StudentFaculty Award Nomination Form

(Send completed form to Provost’s Office, ADS 311)

Due by: August 1 for Fall and December 1 for Spring / Date:
1. Faculty Name (Print):
2. Name of New Student:
First Name / Middle Name / Last Name
3. Address of New Student:
Street / City, State / Zip

I certify that the following are true:

  • Nominated student has never attended UALR previously.
  • Nominated student is not a member of my immediate family (UA Board Nepotism policy (410.1).

Faculty SignatureDate

Approved, Chair of Honors and Awards CommitteeDate