Scholarship Application
Brita-Stina Nordenstedts donation
Received by scholarship committee
Date / Decision by scholarship committee
Application appropriated with SKr
Application rejected


Last name / First name / Personal identity number
Street address / Postal address
E-mail / Phone
Enrolled in education at:
Dept. of Food and nutrition / Umeå Institute of Design / Umeå Institute of Technology (engineering or architecture)
Level of education
Basic level / Advanced level / Doctoral studies

Popular scientific summary

Amount requested
SEK / Disposal period / Total cost for the project/activity


Travel grants / Grants to promising research
Specific purpose (study trip, conference, project title, project direction etc.) (max 250 characters incl blanks)
Specific aims with the project/activity(max 250 characters incl blanks)
How does the scholarship contribute to achieve the specific aims (max 500 characters incl blanks)
How does the scholarship contribute to interdisciplinarity/interaction between departments, and/or with the surrounding community(max 500 characters incl blanks)

Cooperation partners

Company/Authority/Name etc. / Contact details
Company/Authority/Name etc. / Contact details

Cost specification (of requested amount)

Description / Cost
Attach conference/course program (if applicable) / Sum

Other funding

To the project/activity funds has been applied/granted from / Amount requested / Amount received

Planned outcomes of the project/activity

Results / Date

Appropriated scholarship will be transferred to the following account

Account holder / Bank
Bank code/Bank account / Personal account/Giro account

Date and signature

Date / Signature


The call opens annually on October 15. Applications must be received latest 30 November and the decision will be made by the Scholarship Committee inJanuary the following year and cannot be appealed. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Disposal period for granted scholarship is one year from the decision date. Accounting of funds and a short report must be received no later than 30 November for disposition year. Failure to fully report and account for the project might result in a demand for repayment of the scholarship to the donation.

Project description (max 4000 characters incl blanks).

Use the following headings: 1) Specific aims, 2) Overview of the research area, 3) Theory, method and implementation, 4) Benefits to society andinterdisciplinarity, 5) Cooperation within the project/activity 6) Time plan