02/02/15 - Consultation 6

Duration: 11:59

P - patient

D - doctor

(u.c.) - unclear speech


D: come in (1.0) [hiya come in come and have a seat I’m so sorry to have kept

P: [hiya

D: you [waiting

P: [it’s okay


D: I’m not sure whether we’ve met I’m Doctor XXX [anyway

P: [no I don’t think we have (.) [don’t think we have

D: [nice to meet you

P: hiya

D: what [can I do for you

P: [hi it was just a follow up I had an appointment last week I saw- is it Becky [the nurse yeah

D: [yes I saw that as you were coming in

P: yeah [erm-

D: [how are you doing


P: a lot better than I was (.) errrm the anxiety has sort of dropped I think that week off work has been quite-

D: mm

P: nice actually

D: good

P: err (.) so yeah a lot better (.) but the headaches (.) are just ridiculous [erm

D: [really

P: yeah [erm

D: [I don’t know if she’s mentioned much about [that

P: [no I haven’t really ah- (.) do you know what (.) because I know it’s part and parcel of pregnancy I’ve just sort of like uh (.) [put up with it

D: [mm (.) [mmhm

P: [but it’s just getting worse and worse [and it’s-

D: [right

P: (.) so much so it’s just like oh (.) I need to take more paracetamol or- (.) I’ve been using (the other) forehead thing as well

D: okay yeah

P: but it’s just- (1.0) constantly I’ve got a headache or (.) feels like pretty much constantly I’ve got a headache

D: mmkay


P: so


D: so (.) we’ve got this background thing about headaches that [we perhaps

P: [yeah

D: ought to talk about a little bit (.) and of course (.) I’m reading what Becky said last time [that- so you were about fourteen weeks then [weren’t you- (.) so we-

P: [mmhm [yeah (.) yeah I’ll

D: [sixteen weeks

P: [be sixteen weeks on Wednesday [yeah

D: [so it’s coming on isn’t [it

P: [yesss

D: erm (.) and you’d had this little bleed and been-

P: yeah

D: to- they’ve scanned you they’ve said [everything was okay good

P: [everything was fine but yeah

D: have you got your date for your twenty weeks scan [and stuff

P: [yes I have


D: how are you feeling about the whole thing


P: a lot better than I was erm (.) I’ve stopped googling things ha

D: isn’t it dangerous

P: oh well the first time I had my two twenty years ago (.) it didn’t [exist so it was

D: [yeah yeah

P: just like you read a book and that was it

D: mm

P: and there’s all this information that’s just there and it’s just- (.) I’ll have a quick look and ah-

D: yeah

P: so I’ve just stopped (.) googling and I’ve thought whatever’s [gonna happen-

D: [sounds quite wise [haha yeah

P: [yeah it is just it’s- (.) I got meself in such a state and reading this and I was like I’ve never heard of this and-

D: yeah (.) [yeah

P: [that’s what I’ve got then but you know that- it was- (.) it was daft [erm- (1.0) I’m feeling a lot better (.) errm-

D: [okay any more bleeding

P: no [none at all it was like- it was brown up until- probably- what day are we

D: [okay which is good

P: on now Monday (.) probably till about (.) Friday Thursday or Friday so (.) it was over a week that I was [like bleeding brown but it’s completely cleared

D: [yeah

P: [now

D: [good okay [and no pain anywhere or any[thing

P: [so- [no I didn’t have any pain at all

D: good [okay (.) well it’s- it’s always (.) really reassuring isn’t it to have that scan

P: [so- yeah

D: a- and you know I’m so glad you did that (.) but it’s a big thing in your head anyway

P: [yeah

D: [I mean your anxiety levels are up here [aren’t they when you’re pregnant

P: [mmhm

D: [anyway I think and [then for things to happen it- it’s [tough

P: [yeah [yeah [I think as well because (.) the first two pregnan- it never had- I didn’t (.) know that it was quite as common as- [to have a bleed as it is

D: [yeah mm


P: and just to be faced with that and it’s like- (.) and cos I’m getting older as well it’s like (.) you know


D: well there’s all sorts of things [in your head aren’t there always

P: [yeah yeah yeah mmmm

D: and so you’ve had a week off work [are you back in work [now or

P: [yeah [back in work I’m due back today

D: how [are you feeling about that

P: [yeah (.) fii- fii- (.) oh I’d love to stay off ha (.) [hahaha I’d love to stay off (.) can’t afford it

D: [haha [yeah

P: [errm (.) yeah I- I think I do need to get (.) [back

D: [what do you do

P: I just work in a call centre it sh- (.) but it is- (.) very (.) stressful-

D: from [what I hear for- call centres are probably the most full on [thing you can

P: [it- [ah

D: do actually

P: yeah (.) people are just like oh it’s just a call centre but it’s [not and it’s sales

D: [oh no

P: and it’s cold calling

D: yeah [okay

P: [erm (.) which is fine but (.) if you’re not feeling a hundred percent (.) and so you’re not selling- you gotta get so many sales a day and if you’re not selling (.) then you get pressure

D: [okay

P: [that you’re- why you’re not doing it and it’s like- (.) so it is a bit of a-

D: tough stuff


P: work’s been okay with me me manager’s really good but it’s- it’s still not- (.) [the easiest thing

D: [mm and [you say (.) you can’t afford not to be off [for longer

P: [and- [can’t afford it (.) [yeah

D: [cos you wouldn’t get paid if you [were- right okay (.) cos I- you know (.) I

P: [no (.) no

D: was gonna say i- i- if you’re not ready we’ll sign you off for longer [but it

P: [yeah

D: sounds like there’s other pressures there [so

P: [yeah I’d- I’d- (.) I’d love to [but (.)

D: [yeah

P: yeah [it’s- (.) it’s just not feasible I mean- (.) get like some like statutory sick

D: [okay

P: pay

D: mm

P: and it’s just I can’t afford-

D: mm (.) fair enough

P: just to be on that

D: okay (.) erm (1.0) tell me about the headaches

P: the headaches (1.0) I’ve always suffered from like hormonal headaches so when it- when I’m due on I get headaches [and it’s- (1.0) it’s part of parcel it’s

D: [mm

P: (.) something that I’ve always had errm (.) if paracetamol doesn’t (.) sort it I’ll take ibuprofen [as well so- (.) because I’m not (.) able to take ibuprofen am I I

D: [mm (.) mmhm

P: just- paracetamol it’s just isn’t (.) [touching it

D: [it’s not doing it mmhm

P: errm (.) got one Friday evening (.) and it’s still (.) there now it’s [not-

D: [okay

P: s- as good as gone but it’s still there

D: so do they feel like the headaches that you’ve had [before

P: [yeah [yeah (.) they feel

D: [yeah

P: very much (.) hormonally headaches errm (1.0) I mean I suffer from migraine I’ve not had a migraine but I’m- I wasn’t sure whether this may have been a migraine cos I sort of had a sleep and so-


D: mm


P: because I get the aura with my migraines

D: okay

P: so if I’m asleep obviously I don’t know that I’m getting [the aura do I (.) erm (.)

D: [yeah okay

P: but it’s just (.) they’re there all the time

D: yeah [and-

P: [erm (.) working in the call centre doesn’t help [either

D: [I was gonna say do you notice anything that’s making it worse [or

P: [yeah I think (.) working in there (.) doesn’t help I do wear glasses (.) erm I do make sure I wear my glasses in

[work (.) it’s very noisy in there as well and stuffy and-

D: [mm mm

P: erm (.) that doesn’t- (.) but it’s just- (.) it’s- (.) say (.) I’ve almost always got- (.) I know me head’s there [if you know what I mean

D: [yeah yeah

P: yeah


D: and [that’s definitely been worse since the pregnancy

P: [so- yeah

D: [yeah

P: [yeah or even- (.) I’ve always taken (.) paraceta- I’ve always had headaches say (1.0) work brings headaches on erm (.) I’ve always got paracetamol in me bag (.) you know [and- (.) and I know that- (.) say when I’m due I always-

D: [mm

D: mm

P: before I come on as soon as I get a headache I know right I’m- I’m due on you know I’m [gonna come on (.) erm (.) and I think it’s just that I can’t take

D: [mm

P: anything stronger and-

D: mm mmhm

P: the [paracetamol

D: [it’s tricky that [situation isn’t it

P: [yeah mmhm

D: erm I suppose I’m thinking about other things that might help as well there’s- there’s been some new (.) headache guidelines [recently about things like

P: [mmhm

D: migraine stuff specifically (.) but also about wider headaches and w- interestingly one of the things that they mention a lot is erm acupuncture


P: [right

D: [in that (.) now it was interesting- I haven’t looked at the evidence-

P: [mmhm

D: [for that myself but (.) when you’re in a situation where you haven’t got much choice about medicines [you start to think about the alternatives

P: [yeah [yeah

D: [don’t you (.) I don’t know much about it [but it’s maybe a thought you [know erm I heard

P: [mm [yeah

D: another patient telling me that erm (.) one of the physios is interested in doing acupuncture for people who are pregnant

P: mmhm

D: for things like this

P: [yeah

D: [for nausea and headache and [things

P: [mmhm

D: might be worth just if you’re interested [maybe speaking at the XXX Centre

P: [yeah

D: cos they’re- (.) you know they’re o- obviously interested in that kind of [stuff

P: [right yeah

D: erm-


P: cos I’ve done the (.) drink lots of water [to (u.cs.) I’ve done everything sat in a

D: [haha yeah

P: da- dark room so I sort of know a- all the [tricks and-

D: [yeah I know I- you know it’s certainly not for everybody-

P: [mmhm

D: [that but it’s just something that I (.) was interested to see that- that they’re wri- writing [about more in this kind of context (.) I suppose the other thing is

P: [yeah (.) mmhm

D: yeah like you say you know (.) relaxa[tion and all that [kind of stuff so easy for

P: [yeah [yeah

D: me to say isn’t it sitting here (.) yoga that kind of thing are you doing any nice things for being pregnant

P: no I- (.) do you know what I mean it’s time- [it’s- it is really-

D: [mm yeah [(I know)

P: [ti- and

D: [haha don’t worry

P: [then (.) so it’s tight and then finances I-

D: yeah

P: was off work for a week so- well I was off work over a week [so

D: [yes [it’s- it’s

P: [you know

D: [really tricky isn’t it

P: [it’s gonna be a tough month this month so-

D: yeah

P: yeah (.) so (.) not really (.) I was like [oh I’ll go swimming and I’ll do th- but no

D: [mm

P: ha

D: do you think there’s anything else we can be doing to help with all this

P: erm (.) no (.) I- I mean at the moment I think just-

D: mm

P: plod on and-

D: the only other thing that pops to mind is that i- you know short of signing you off work you [can do these fit notes to say (.) you’re fit for work so long as

P: [mm

D: you have (.) different hours or different [duties or whatever now (.) a- of

P: [mm

D: course it’s always a balance and I’m- I’m all- really happy to [write you

P: [yeah

D: something like that saying I think you should be doing shorter hours or- or-

P: mmhm

D: you know less intense work or whatever but (.) people then say to me well actually that just means that I’m gonna be sacked or- or whatever [you know

P: [mmhm

D: so I just wanna know what your feelings are about that kind of thing

P: do you know that could be an idea actually erm even just to break me [back

D: [shall

P: [enough to having-

D: [we do that [yeah

P: [that time off [just

D: [well let’s talk about [what we could put on it

P: [mmhm

D: so (.) when- when did your current sick note run out was it [today (.) yeah

P: [today yeah

D: okay so if we do (.) maybe fit for work- ooh gosh I (u.cs.) there we go (.) right (.) erm (.) so if we do one of these and you see you can tick off these [boxes

P: [mmhm

D: and it says- (.) we’ll say you’re maybe fit for r- for return from today

P: mmhm

D: erm (.) and we- (.) perhaps say shall we do this over the next (.) two weeks

P: yeah [okay

D: [yeah (1.0) erm (.) and if you feel like it’s useful and you need longer (.) tell [us you know (.) erm (.) so we can tick any of these off or just write

P: [yeah

D: something here (.) what do you think would be useful I mean do you feel up to going straight back to the full thing do you want to do different hours or [different-

P: [I think yeah reduced- (.) if you do reduced hours or something [like that

D: [so shall we do a phase [return

P: [mmhm [yeah

D: [yeah (.) erm (.) and do you think long term you need different hours is there-

P: I don’t I- (1.0) I don’t know- I mean I don’t know how- (.) except for being absolutely exhausted and [achey bones and not sleeping cos me hips are

D: [mmhm

P: so bad and everything like that (.) I just don’t know I mean (.) I’m looking back on me last pregnancies and I’m- (.) breezed through them but I was twenty years younger (.) you know so-

D: yeah

P: I don’t know how- (.) and work it- I mean it is hard I don’t finish till eight o clock at night I don’t get in till [nine