Executive Meeting Agenda (11/30/2016)

Prepared by Chriss Sneed, President

Meeting Description


GSS Office

3:30 PM

Call to order 3:48p.m.

President’s Report (Chriss Sneed)

ISSS/International Student Leadership Updates – Dr. Holsinger emailed Chrissabout an update meeting. Chriss was disappointed in the email because it seems to indicate the issue has not been resolved in a way we are comfortable with. Combined with an email received by KMM, leads us to believe the university ispursuing the leadership-as-employment issue. If this is the case, Chriss will be resigning and sending notification of hours worked to-date to the university for money.

At the upcoming GSS meeting Chriss will give a bulleted, chronological list of events regarding the ISSS issue.

Thank yous for Thanksgiving and Moving Office furniture –The executive board would like to thank Saman and Ben for helping with moving office furniture and the Thanksgiving event. We would like to thank Alexis for helping with Thanksgiving but also meeting catering each week for our working group happy hours.

At the next GSS meeting we will propose giving honorariums for their efforts and the efforts of a few others.

Fiscal Matters (given by Chriss)

Quarterly Bills (3 + 4) – Still due in the absence of a treasurer.

Outstanding Checks – These must be turned in by end of semester. Ross thinks we are caught up on these.

Old reimbursements

Chriss (summer event) – Chriss has not been reimbursed for their event over the summer.

Avery point (September) – Avery Point is still awaiting a reimbursement from September.

Diwali Celebration – Jordan will email points of contact about turning in paperwork.

NEW BUDGETS for 2017-2018 – This needs to be done but we do not have a treasurer.

Vice President (Matthew Parent)

  • Matthew is looking forward to the meeting with Dr. Holsinger.

Communications Director (Jordan Rees)

Jordan is planning to sign GSS up for the involvement fair.

Activities Director (BaharehDeljoo)

Activities Report


  • Event went very well; good food, great turn out, everything went very smoothly, no crazy lines
  • GSS ex oficio Steve Mollman was in attendance

Other – bingo ice cream night before finals happy hour

  • Giving away kindles and other prizes
  • Don motions to approve a $1200 budget for a year-end happy hour bingo
  • Matthew seconded; passed unanimously

Parliamentarian (Don Hoy)

Attendance report – a couple of groups in jeopardy of losing budget if they do not make the last meeting, one group that definitely will

One person cannot is a representative for two constituencies, and one person is. However, this is due to the fact the bylaw was only passed last year, and the by-laws were never updated, so the person in question had no way of knowing.

other Bylaw Amendments

officer awards

  • vote on everyones awards at the next meeting
  • chriss has not received it

Other Business

Happy Hour “Co-Working Group” Next Week? - no

Summer AD Awardneed to be processed (still)

Ross – can we rent storage space

Chriss motions to take ross’s recommendations that we take a motion to the senate to rent storage space for GSS. We all approve.

GSS Loan Form Corrections (due to Kim Miller by 10/30)

Possible meeting with Bursar and SABO (GSS Loan/Credit Line)

Budget Review – Pending meeting with Kent

New Business

End 4:55