St.Petersburg, Russia
Geography faculty
Geology and geoecology department
191186, St.Petersburg, river Moyka emb, 48/12,
HerzenStatePedagogicalUniversity, Geography faculty, Geology and geoecology department
Tel/fax: (812)314-47-96
Informationletter № 2
WearegladtoinviteyoutakingpartatInternationalConferenceandSummerschool “GeoscienceandCivilization”.EventsoftheConferenceandSummerschoolaredesignedforstudentsofhighschoolsanduniversities, post-graduatestudents, school teachers.TheConferenceandSummerschooloccurfrom the 25 of June to the 2 of July 2013 at Geology and geoecology department of Geography faculty (HerzenStatePedagogicalUniversity, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Suggested session topics:
- Environmental impact onto man’s evolution and society formation and development.Technogenesis and Anthropogenesis
- GeodynamicfactorsofNatureandSocietyevolution.
- GeochemicalfactorsofNatureandSocietyevolution.
- GeoecologicalfactorsofNatureandSocietyevolution.
- FactorsofGeosciencedevelopment.
- World-widenaturalandculturalheritage.
Conference proceedings will be printed.
Famous scientists’ lectures devoted to essential Geoscienceproblems.
Practical lessons of mineralogy, paleontology, hydrology, meteorology, geoecology will be organized by professors, teachersandpost-graduatestudentsofHerzenUniversity.
Excursions, field practical lessons and competitions are planed.
Authors of best reports and presentations and competition winners will be awarded. Eachparticipantwillget Summer school Certification.
FinalstageofformationoftheIESO-teamisincludedinSummerschoolprogram. ThisteamofschoolstudentswillparticipateinInternational Earthscience Olympiad, 2013г.
Important dates:
1stof June, 2013 / Registrationformsandaccommodation booking.5thof June, 2013 / Endofgettingabstractsandregistrationfees.
Please, send registrationformsandabstracts
1. TheConference:
1000 rub.(25 euro) forparticipantsfromRussiaandCIS,
3000 rub. (75 euro) forforeign participants
2.Summer school
5500 руб.(140 euro) for participant oftheSummer school.
Registrationfeewillbeusedfor arrangementoflectures, practical trainings, excursions to Geological museum, “Staraya Ladoga – the ancient capital of Russia”,fieldlessons “Ordovician plateau – trilobite hunting”, competitions, and printingof Conferenceproceedings.
- Karelia (2 days) – Kivachwaterfall, Balaam archipelago. 9500 руб.(240 euro)
Riversandcanals ofSt-Petersburg1000 руб.(40 euro)
(This Bank accepts Russian rubles only)
1000 rub.(25 euro) forparticipantsfromRussiaandCIS, includinga tax 152 rub.54 kop.
3000 rub.(75 euro) forforeignerparticipants, includinga tax 457 rub.63 kop.
5500 руб. (140 euro)– for participants of the Summer school, including a tax
Получатель: УФК по Санкт-Петербургу (РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, л/с 20726U76910)
ИНН получателя платежа: 7808027849КПП 784001001, ОКАТО 40298562000
Расчетный счет (№ счета получателя платежа): 40501810300002000001
Наименование банка: ГРКЦ ГУ Банка России по г. Санкт-Петербургу г. Санкт-Петербург
БИК: 044030001, № кор.счета: нет
Назначение платежа (указывать обязательно): 00000000000000000130 – Платные доп. образоват. Услуги(оргвзнос, «Геология»).
Last (family) name ______
I’m going to participate in the Conference. ______
I’m going toparticipate in the Summer school: ______
I’m going to participate in theexcursion to Karelian: ______
Organization (place of employment/education):______
Post address: ______
Telephone, fax:______
Title of the report (if it is planed): ______
Booking of Herzen University Hotel (date, numberofgests)______
Sumer school Program 2013:
24 June– arrival
25 June–Sumer schoolOpening Ceremony. Lecturesandpracticallessons.
26 June – fieldlessons “Ordovicianplateau – trilobitehunting”,
27 June – ConferenceOpeningCeremony. Reports. “Brain-ring” withtopic “Earthplanet”.
28 June– Lecturesandpracticallessons.ExcursionaroundSt.Petesburg.
29 June – Lecturesandpracticallessons, Competition«GeoQuest» with topic ‘Stones in St.Petesburg’. 30 June– 1July – Excursionto Karelia– Kivach waterfall, Balaam archipelago.
2 July – ClosingCeremony, rewordings. RiversandchannelsofSt-Petersburg.
Rules for arrangement thesis:
Size – to3pagesA4.Text: format –MSWord (*.doc); margins– topandbottom3 sm, left and right 2,5 sm; type – TimesNewRoman, 14 pt; interval – 1.
(capitalletters, bold, central position)
Empty line
Author’sname,organization,city, е-mail (Italic, right position)
Empty line
Text(adjustmenttopagewidth, paragraph 0,6 sm).