Of the Board of Education of School District No. 61R, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools, in the County of Dixon, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a Dixon County School District No. 561, convened in open and public session at 6:00 o'clock P.M. on the 10th day of April, 2017, at Emerson-Hubbard’s Elementary School Library in said district. Board members present: Kip Ahlers, Cherie Conley, Tarry Daum, Joani Franzluebbers, Mary Ann Lussier, Cindi Stolze. Also present: Superintendent Lindsey Burback, Board Secretary Linda Rohde and 4 visitors. Absent: High School Principal Dustin Nielsen.
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof, according to law, by proper publication in the Nebraska Journal Leader, a designated method for giving notice of the School District. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. Availability of the Agenda and purpose of the meeting was communicated in the advance notice of the meeting and in the notice to the members of this meeting. All proceedings of the Board of Education were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Board President Cherie Conley called the meeting to order.
Member Ahlers moved to approve the Agenda. Member Stolze seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Ahlers, Conley, Daum, Franzluebbers, Lussier, Stolze. Absent: None. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Stolze moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Member Ahlers seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Conley, Daum, Franzluebbers, Lussier, Stolze and Ahlers. Absent: None. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Dustin Krusemark, Coach of the Pender/Emerson-Hubbard Raptors Track Team, spoke to the board regarding the Coop between Pender and Emerson-Hubbard for Track. The Students interact great together. They have more options as a team to compete. There will be 3 JV Meets this year along with the Varsity Track Meets that are scheduled. He would also like to have the opportunity to look into Cooping Cross Country with Emerson-Hubbard.
Member Ahlers moved to approve the resignation from Nancy Moate at the end of the school year. Member Lussier seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Daum, Franzluebbers, Lussier, Stolze, Ahlers, and Conley. Absent: None. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Franzluebbers moved to approve the Catastrophic Accident Insurance Policy for 2017-2018 school year. Member Lussier seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Franzluebbers, Lussier, Stolze, Ahlers, Conley and Daum. Absent: None. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Stolze moved to approve the Classified Staff Wage Increase of 2.75% for 2017-2018 school year. Member Ahlers seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Lussier, Stolze, Ahlers, Conley, Daum and Franzluebbers. Absent: None. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Member Ahlers moved to approve the resignation from Hollie Jacobsen for 2017-2018 school year. Member Stolze seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Stolze, Ahlers, Conley, Daum, Franzluebbers and Lussier. Absent: None. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
Administrative Reports:
Principal Burback: Attended the GRIT Conference in Lincoln last week with our State Senators on all of the Legislative Bills that are currently being discussed and voted on in Lincoln. We met with Rasmussen on putting a bid together on air conditioning for our High School gym. This is just a starting point to get an idea of the cost. Building and Grounds committee walk-thru tonight following the meeting for Summer Projects. Elementary Enrollment is 172 students. Karen Haase presented on March 30th. The 5th -6th grade students attended. We had a good turnout that evening for the parents presentation – Karen said it was one of the highest attended presentations she has seen for parents. April 5th Professional Development made plans for this summer, finalized our standards-based grading and report cards for grades K – 3rd, social skills curriculum for next year and discussed the updating of our social studies curriculum. NeSA Testing is in Progress. Chuck Chinn has partnered with some local businesses and came to speak with all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students about Drug Safety. Upcoming dates: Preschool/New Kindergarten Round up is April 27th at 10:00 a.m. We will be finishing our NeSA Testing for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades. We will be completing our Spring MAPS Testing for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.High School Enrollment – 108. NeSA Testing for Grades 7 and 8 is about complete. Juniors Nebraska ACT test date is April 19th. April 5th In-Service was spent looking at Technology Data. Mr. Swanson and Dustin are attending the state AQuESTT Conference in Kearney as members of the School Improvement Team. Upcoming Dates: April 13th – 1:30 dismissal; April 14th and 17th – No School; May 3rd – 1:30 pm Dismissal – Staff Development; May12th – Seniors last day of school – done by mid-morning after graduation rehearsal. May 13th – Graduation – 2 pm. May 18th & 19th – Semester Exams; May 19th – 1:30 Dismissal – Last Day of School.
Discussed how the board wants to go over Policies - monthly by sections of the policies, all in the summer, or having a board retreat to go over the policies. Board Retreat was the unanimous decision.
Member Stolze moved to adjourn the meeting. Member Ahlers seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, the following members voted in favor of passage of the same: Ahlers, Conley, Daum, Franzluebbers, Lussier and Stolze. Absent: None. The following voted against passage of the same: None. The above motion, having been consented to by more than a majority of the board members of this School District, was declared as passed by the President.
The meeting was duly adjourned at 6:42 o’clock p.m. on the 10th day of April, 2017.
BY: ______
Cherie Conley
President of the Board of Education
Of This School District
ATTEST: ______
Linda Rohde
Secretary of the Board of Education
Of This School District