Post Office Box 780064

San Antonio, Texas78278

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual organization meeting of

The West Point Society of South Texas

On Wednesday, 23January2013

At the Ft.SamHouston Golf Course Club House (Loma & Salado Rooms)

1050 Harry Wurzbach Road, San Antonio, TX78209

Cocktail hour begins at 1730 hours with drinks and hors d’oeuvres

(Pay-as-you-go bar available on site)

Hors D’oeuvres include Assorted Meat Tray and Rolls,

Cheese, Veggies, Fruit, Chips, Dip

Iced Tea, Coffee and Cookies

Cost per member is $10.

Cost per non-member is $12.

The brief, but important and required, business meeting will begin at 1815 hours.

The Board welcomes your input and ideas on what you, the Members, would like to do in the New Year.

More importantly, gather and enjoy each other’s company and fellowship in the New Year.


Call Ed Clukey (C) 210-669-1852


Ed Clukey

President, WPSST

Cut below and return

General Membership Meeting Reservation Form

Enclosed is $______at $10.00 per member or guest of member

$______at $12.00 per non-memberor guest of non-member.

$______at $20.00 per member for dues for the year 2013,

payable with this form, at the door, or online


Member name:______

Spouse name: ______

Names of Guest(s)attending ______

Please RSVP with payment NLT Wed, 16 January2013. Clip abovereservation form and mail to

WPSST, PO Box 780064, San Antonio, TX 78278. Make checks payable to “WPSST”.

For the very last minute mail-ins, please call me.

The West Point Society of South Texas will conduct its Annual General Membership Meeting at the Fort Sam Golf Club at 5:30 pm, Wednesday, January 23, 2013. During the meeting, votes will be cast by regular members in good standing only (2013 dues paid) to elect/reelect board members and to accept/reject changes to the by-laws of the Society.

The Board of Directors will recommend the following to serve three year terms, (through March 2016), as Directors:

Harry Adams ‘94 / Marshall Best ‘74


(To be used only if unable to attend membership meeting.)

I am unable to attend the Annual General Membership Meeting; therefore, I cast my vote for the nominated slate of new board members as follows:

______Board Members______

For all recommended Board Members

Against all recommended Board Members

If you are unable to attend, please submit this form with your proxy marked below.

Please print WPSST Member’s Name:______Class Year:______

Signature ______Date ______

Please mail, fax, or scan and email your vote information if you are unable to attend to:

West Point Society of South Texas toll free fax: 1-888-857-6467 email:

POBOX 780064

San Antonio, TX78278