Yarwell Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on 1st December 2016

16/142 Attendance and to receive and approve any apologies for absence

Councillors Present:

Cllr. A. Whittaker – Chairman, Cllr. M. McHugh, Cllr. A. Matthews, Cllr J. Pike

and Cllr. G. Shields.

Mrs J. Sardeson – Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer


Cllr D. Sidgwick – Unwell, Cllr R. Berry – Work commitments

Members of the Public present:

5 Parishioners in attendance.

16/143 Question or Address from Members of the Public

A Parishioner asked why the white van is still parked in the bus stop as it had been there since 22nd November, Cllr Whittaker said that he had reported it and the Police attended and they carried out house to house enquiries but no one knows who it belongs to. The Clerk had already chased the Police and was waiting for a response. The Clerk to chase again if they do not respond.

It was asked if the Precept was going to go up again this year and what will we see in the future. She said that over the past 3 years there had been an increase of 11% 12.5% and 13%. The Clerk said that she had not started work on it yet as it is on the January agenda. Part of the reason was the electricity costs for street lighting which had seen a 50% increase and has since gone up again recently. Staff costs also contributed as Clerks had finally been put onto the Local Clerks pay scale.

A Parishioner said that it was a waste of money purchasing dog bins as there were already a number in the village which people could deposit their dog waste in. It was noted that the Clerk was just asked at the last meeting to investigate the costs in case Council wished to go down this route.

A Parishioner asked when did Council start discussing questions from anonymous Parishioners, he said that this policy had been in place for over 10 years, Councillors said that they were not aware of this policy and believed it not to be in the Standing Orders.

The Parishioner said that the email was incorrect as the island is not covered in dog excrement and he was offended by it, he said it was slander. He said that the Charities monies had generated 25k to date for the village and it would be a shame to end the fishing rights to the island. He said that it was not just campers leaving rubbish, it was also walkers, boat owners, and dog walkers.

Chairman’s initial’s ……..…


It was stated that Council had been discussing the playing field at the time and the Councillor mentioned that he had received an email which he read out, it was never intended to be a complaint against the Charities.

If the Councillor involved had been at this meeting he could have shed more light on the email. it was unanimously agreed that the Councillor would show the Clerk as proper officer to the Council the email but the Parishioner would remain anonymous. It was also agreed to make this an agenda item for next month.

After discussion, it was unanimously agreed that going forward anyone who wishes to bring a point to the attention of the Council either a Parishioner or a Councillor, they must forward the request to the Clerk who is the proper officer of the Council before the next meeting so that it could be an agenda item for the following month. If any request is received from an anonymous person then Council would not discuss it at all.

The Parishioner then asked when did Council decided not to provide minutes for the members of the public to read at the meeting and why did you stop. Council agreed back in June not to provide draft minutes before they had been approved, this was due to the Transparency Code.

16/144 To adopt the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 2016

The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd November 2016 were passed as a true record.

Proposed Cllr Matthews seconded Cllr Shields. Unanimously agreed.

16/145 To receive any declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda.

None to note.

16/146 To note any matters arising from the previous meeting

The Public Space Order (Dog Control Orders) – The documents were completed by the

Clerk and sent to ENC.

Minutes – The Clerk had spoken to NCALC and they had responded in writing as to their interpretation of the 30 day rule, they believe that our procedures are being carried out correctly, they pointed out that Sharn Matthews from ENC had indeed stated that it was her personal view that draft minutes should appear on the website as soon as they are prepared. Council discussed this and have now decided that draft minutes would go onto the website 3 clear days before the next meeting and that a limited amount would be available at the meetings.

OFI – A review of procedures has now been carried out by the Chairman and the Clerk.

Chairman’s initial’s ………..


16/147 To approve invoices / accounts for payments, to advice of any payments made since the last meeting and any other accounting business

100985 Seagrave Inspection SVS Playing Field Inspec £102.00

100986 Curtis Website Design Maint & Tech Support £135.00

100987 Anglin Water Allotment Water £45.46

100988 ACRE Subscription £35.00

Proposed by Cllr. Whittaker and 2nd by Cllr. McHugh

16/0148 To receive and note planning applications

A letter had been received from the applicants regarding the Quarry. Councillor’s had seen the letter before the meeting and felt that there was nothing they could further comment on.

16/149 Allotments

Half an allotment had been taken up since the last meeting. Just one allotment remains. This to be put into the newsletter again.

16/150 Playing Field

The Playing Field inspection has been carried out, very similar to last year’s stating that some of the equipment is near end of life.

Cllr. Pike and Cllr Matthews said that they would look into grants.

The Clerk to check the Council’s insurance to see if Councillors are covered to carry out playing field repairs.

16/151 To receive and note any correspondence received

None to note.

16/152 To note any items for the next newsletter

To ask people to pick up after their dogs and not to hang filled dog bags on public footpaths.

There is currently one allotment available.

Chairman’s initial’s …………


16/153 Councillors opportunity to update Council on any other business

Cllr Whittaker said that there were a number of potholes on the road near and around the crossroads, the Clerk to report.

It had also been reported that there was a raised manhole cover in the footpath close to the Yarwell sign coming into the village from Wansford, the Clerk said that she had already been out to take a look but could not find it. The Clerk to go and have another look so that it can be reported immediately.

Cllr Matthews asked if anyone had received the pamphlet from Elton and Stibbington Parish Council regarding the Sibson Garden Village, she asked whether or not it was worth writing to the local MP.

The next meeting with be on the 5th January 2017

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

Chairman’s initial’s …………


Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summonsed to attend a meeting of the Yarwell Parish Council for an Ordinary Parish Council meeting to be held in Yarwell Village Hall, Main Street, Yarwell, PE8 6PR on Thursday 5th January 2016 at 7.30pm when the under mentioned business will be transacted.

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

A one minute silence will be carried out at the start of the meeting for Cllr. David Sidgwick, Vice Chairman of the Council who sadly passed away in December.

16/154 To receive and approve apologies for absence

16/155 Questions or Address from Members of the Public

16/156 To adopt the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st December 2016

16/157 To receive any declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda

16/158 To note any matters arising from the previous meeting.

16/159 Financial

a.  To approve invoices / accounts for payments, to advice of any payments made since the last meeting and any other accounting business

b.  To approve the Precept

c.  Additional Signature holder for bank account

16/160 To receive and note any Planning Applications

a.  Sibson Garden Village

16/161 To accept the new Standing Orders

16/162 Allotments

a.  Co-option of new committee member

16/163 Playing Field

a.  Ramp up to the slide

16/164 Burial Committee

a.  Co-option of new committee member

16/165 To receive and note any correspondence received

a.  Email regarding Simsey Island.

16/166 To note any items for the next newsletter

16/167 Councillors opportunity to update Council on any other business

Mrs J. Sardeson

Parish Clerk & RFO

15 Main Street
